
CCP CCP sch schedul eduling ing In F In FOUR eas OUR easy St y - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CCP CCP sch schedul eduling ing In F In FOUR eas OUR easy St y Steps eps Concord Little Theatre Monday, March 4, 2019 1 st Step: Return the Parent/Student Acknowledgement Form to the Guidance Department by the deadline of April 1 st

  1. CCP CCP sch schedul eduling ing In F In FOUR eas OUR easy St y Steps eps Concord Little Theatre Monday, March 4, 2019

  2. 1 st Step: ✓ Return the Parent/Student Acknowledgement Form to the Guidance Department by the deadline of April 1 st ✓ Complete Transcript Release Form. ✓ Pay $5.00 for Transcript to be sent.

  3. Class asses es avail ailable e at BHS and taught ght by BHS teacher hers. Classe ses s availa lable le on Tri-C C campuses puses or online line. Most t common mmon campus pus is Brun unswi wick, , Western ern campus pus in Parma rma Classe ses s availa lable le on the U of Akron on campuses puses or online line. Most t comm mmon on campu pus s is Medin ina a Uni niver ersity sity Center er or Main n Campu pus s in Akron on. If you choose ose to appl ply to a colle lege not t listed ted above you will ll need d to speak k to your ur coun unselor elor.

  4. 2nd Step: ✓ Apply to college that you are interested in attending. LCCC – Paper Application Available in the Guidance Office and Guidance Website Tri-C – Online Application Akron – Online Application

  5. 2nd Step: p: Apply plying ing to the e colle lege e of your r choice oice TRI-C, , Cuyaho ahoga Community unity Colle lege 1. Tri-C Online Application is 4.Get Started Students and available at: Parents, Apply to Tri-C, Apply Online 2. Click on “Getting Started” on the top of the screen. 3. Click on the “High School Students” button.

  6. 2nd Step: p: Apply plying ing to the e colle lege e of your r choice oice TRI-C C - Cuyahog hoga a Community unity College Once you have completed your application you will receive an email thanking you for your application. This will occur almost immediately. In a week to ten days you will receive an e-mail with your newly assigned Tri-C student number. This Tri-C ID# will allow you to access “My Tri - C Space”. A communication tool that Tri -C uses to send messages, check grades, etc. You will need this number prior to taking your placement test. This is where you will receive an acceptance letter as well as in the US mail.

  7. 3 rd Step: ✓ Complete required Placement Test/SAT/ACT

  8. 3 rd Step: ✓ Complete required Placement Test/SAT/ACT LCCC will be at BHS administering the test on: Wednesday, March 20 th @ 2:30 in the Student Center and Wednesday, April, 24 th @ 2:30 in the Students Center You must register for the test at: Bring a fully charged computer – Allow 2 hours to complete the test.

  9. 3 rd Step: ✓ Complete required Placement Test/SAT/ACT Before you can take Tri-C placement test you must have an assigned a Tri-C ID# (S#) Prior to taking the test you can attend a Placement Test Preparation Session or Complete the Test Preparation Guide. Complete the guide located at:

  10. 3 rd Step: ✓ Complete required Placement Test/SAT/ACT Junior applying to CCP can request to have their March 6 th SAT scores sent to the college of your choice by indicating on the answer sheet to have your scores sent directly to the institution. Tri-C Code # is: 1985 LCCC Code # is: 1417

  11. 4 th Step: ✓ Once accepted, you will meet with your counselor to adjust your schedule for 2019-2020 school year .

  12. LCCC classes being offered at Brunswick High School and taught by BHS teachers: ENGL 161/162 College Composition I & II MTHM 171 College Algebra BIOG 165 Introduction to Ecology HSTR 161 United States I PLSC 156 American National Government CGSD 120 Introduction to Computer Games & Simulations BADM 165 Legal Environment of Business ENTR 200 Entrepreneurship

  13. 4 th Step: Once accepted, you will meet with your counselor to adjust your schedule for 2019-2020 school year . ✓ Courses taken at BHS – Meet with Counselor and verify that you have the courses that you would like to take next school year.

  14. REC ECOMMEN ENDE DED D CC CCP C P COURSE SES: S: OR ENG 1010 - English Composition I Courses in the Transfer Module ENG 1020 - English Composition II SPCH 1010 - Speech – Oral Communication Go Go to the e BHS Gu Guidance ance Webs bsite ite for r a list t of cour urses ses: PSYCH 1010 - Psychology SOC 1010 – Sociology BHS/Gu /Guida idance nce/C /CCP/ CP/TriC riCTransf ansferMo erModule dule POL 1010 – American National Government ECON 1210 – Survey of Economics Any History or World History class

  15. 4 th Step: Once accepted, you will meet with your counselor to adjust your schedule for 2019-2020 school year . ✓ Students will receive an acceptance letter in the mail. 1. Meet with your BHS school counselor to discuss the courses you will take at Tri-C to fulfill high school graduation requirements 2. Submit the online Authorization to Attend form with help from your BHS school counselor 3. Within five business days, you will receive an email to your Tri-C email confirming your form is processed. 4. After you receive the confirmation email, call Tri-C Counseling office at 216-987-6000 ext. 4 to set up an appointment. 5. Meet with a Tri-C counselor to pick courses. 6. You will receive an email to your Tri-C email with registration directions.

  16. 4 th Step: Once accepted, you will meet with your counselor to adjust your schedule for 2019-2020 school year . ✓ Also in your acceptance letter you will receive a form “Putting Together a Class Schedule” Use this Form to help build your schedule.

  17. 4 th Step: Once accepted, you will meet with your counselor to adjust your schedule for 2019-2020 school year . ✓ Research Classes Online Prior to Meeting with your Counselor.

  18. 4 th Step: Once accepted, you will meet with your counselor to adjust your schedule for 2019-2020 school year . ✓ Research Classes Online Prior to Meeting with your Counselor. Registration for Tri-C courses Begin on March 18

  19. 4 th Step: Once accepted, you will meet with your counselor to adjust your schedule for 2019-2020 school year . ✓ Research Classes Online Prior to Meeting with your Counselor. Fill in the fields: Subject Course Number Campus Click Search

  20. 4 th Step: Once accepted, you will meet with your counselor to adjust your schedule for 2019-2020 school year . ✓ On your “Putting Together a Class Schedule” Build yourself a schedule Selected is a class offered on Monday and Wednesday 7:30-8:55

  21. 4 th Step Once accepted, you will meet with your counselor to adjust your schedule for 2019-2020 school year . ✓ When building your schedule find courses on alternate days at the same time to maximize your course potential Selected is a class offered on Tuesday and Thursdays 7:30-8:50

  22. 4 th Step Once accepted, you will meet with your counselor to adjust your schedule for 2019-2020 school year . ✓ All NEW CCP students are required to schedule an appointment with a Tri-C counselor. After you have completed your first semester of CCP and IF you schedule only ONE or TWO classes you will not be required to have an appointment with a Tri-C counselor, just turn your form into Tri-C.

  23. 4 th Step Once accepted, you will meet with your counselor to adjust your schedule for 2019-2020 school year . ✓ Once meeting with your Tri-C Counselor if if an any cha hang nges es wer ere e ma made e wit ith h you our r Tri ri-C C schedul hedule, , inform your Brunswick High School Counselor so that adjustments can be made to your BHS schedule.

  24. 4 th Step BHS Counselors recommend when selecting classes to refer to the “Associates of Arts” or “Associates of Science” Requirements.

  25. Once you are scheduled with the college, you will be required to attend an orientation. Registration is available online. Lorain will come to BHS, Guidance will inform you of when this date is scheduled.

  26. RSVP online at:
