preparing for your transfer summer orientation experience

Preparing for Your Transfer Summer Orientation Experience Welcome - PDF document

Preparing for TSO 4/16/2015 Preparing for Your Transfer Summer Orientation Experience Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day 2015 April 11 th , 2015 Ashley Mendoza Assistant Coordinator, New Student Programs Ove rvie w o f T ra nsfe r Orie nta

  1. Preparing for TSO 4/16/2015 Preparing for Your Transfer Summer Orientation Experience Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day 2015 April 11 th , 2015 Ashley Mendoza Assistant Coordinator, New Student Programs Ove rvie w o f T ra nsfe r Orie nta tio n Optio ns • T ransfe r Stude nt Orie ntatio n  I n-pe rso n  $60.00  Ac a de mic Advise me nt  Re so urc e F air • Online T ra nsfe r Ove rvie w  Stude nt Po rta l Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day 2015 ( 1

  2. Preparing for TSO 4/16/2015 Ho w Do I Ac c e pt Admissio n? Transfer Orientation Registration Website Ste p 1: L og in with your CWID (Use rna me ) a nd PIN (Pa ssword) T he first time yo u lo g in, use yo ur CWI D and the PI N pro vide d. Yo u will be able to c hang e and c re ate yo ur o wn use rname and passwo rd. Ste p 2: Clic k on T ita n Online T he n c lic k o n Stude nt Ce nte r . Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day 2015 ( 2

  3. Preparing for TSO 4/16/2015 Transfer Orientation Registration Website Ste p 3: Che c k your Holds, T o- Do list, E nrollme nt Da te s Ste p 4: On Stude nt Ce nte r c lic k o n Applic a tion Sta tus link a t bo tto m o f pa g e . Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day 2015 ( 3

  4. Preparing for TSO 4/16/2015 Ste p 5: Ac c e pt o r De c line yo ur a dmissio ns o ffe r Pa y $250 do lla r de po sit (this de po sit is applie d to yo ur tuitio n) All CSUF a dmitte d stude nts a re re quire d to a c c e pt the ir a dmissio n a nd pa y the e nro llme nt de po sit b y June 1, 2015 Ste p 6: Clic k o n the ORIE NT AT ION butto n. Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day 2015 ( 4

  5. Preparing for TSO 4/16/2015 Stude nts will b e g ive n info rma tio n o n BOT H T ra nsfe r Stude nt Orie nta tio n (T SO) a nd Online T ra nsfe r Ove rvie w (OT O) o nc e the y lo g in. Priority re g istra tion fo r a n I n-Pe rso n T ra nsfe r Stude nt Orie nta tio n is We dne sda y, July 1 st , 2015 * Base d o n availability Stude nts will be re quire d to c o mple te a MANDAT ORY T itle I X T ra ining , whic h will a lso be a c c e ssible thro ug h the NSO Re g istra tio n Site Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day 2015 ( 5

  6. Preparing for TSO 4/16/2015 Pre pa ring fo r I n-Pe rso n T ra nsfe r Stude nt Orie nta tio n • Visit for a “Before Orientation Checklist” • Take placement tests (if needed depending on major) • Print your TSO Confirmation Page! Wha t to E xpe c t a t T SO • Me e t c urre nt a nd inc o ming stude nts • Campus T o urs • CSUF Re so urc e s • Co nne c t with yo ur a c a de mic c o lle g e and fac ulty • Ac a de mic a nd Ma jo r Advising Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day 2015 ( 6

  7. Preparing for TSO 4/16/2015 Ac ade mic Advising Advising at CSUF General General Academic Academic Major Major Education Education Advising Advising Advisor Advisor Advisor Advisor at CSUF at CSUF Visit both advisors for success in academic planning! Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day 2015 ( 7

  8. Preparing for TSO 4/16/2015 T ita n De g re e Audit (T DA) • Offic ia l a dvising do c ume nt • Sta ys with stude nt fro m a dmissio n to g ra dua tio n • I nstantly ac c e ssible & c o nstantly updating to sho w c urre nt de g re e pro g re ss • Co nta ins Ge ne ra l E duc a tio n, Ma jo r re quire me nts, & Gra dua tio n Re quire me nts Que stio ns? CONT ACT : Ne w Stude nt Pro g ra ms hursda y: 8 a m – 7pm Monda y – T rida y: 8 a m – 5pm F Phone : (657)278-2501 - ma il: nspro g ra ms@ fulle rto n.e du E www.fulle rto n.e du/ o rie nta tio n CONT ACT : Ac a de mic Advising Ce nte r (657) 278-3606 www.fulle rto n.e du/ a a c Welcome to Cal State Fullerton Day 2015 ( 8


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