preparing for your sfsp desk review

Preparing for Your SFSP Desk Review Hannah Powell, MS, RD School - PDF document

Preparing for Your SFSP Desk Review Hannah Powell, MS, RD School Meals and Summer Program Specialist Child Nutrition Services Hello everyone. This webinar is to help you to understand and prepare for your SFSP desk administrative review. We will

  1. Preparing for Your SFSP Desk Review Hannah Powell, MS, RD School Meals and Summer Program Specialist Child Nutrition Services Hello everyone. This webinar is to help you to understand and prepare for your SFSP desk administrative review. We will quickly go through the process from beginning to end, starting when you receive first contact from your program specialist regarding a review. 1

  2. We Will Discuss: What a desk review is Documents needed How to submit the and why we’re for your review documents for your implementing them review Read Slide. 2

  3. SFSP Desk Review: Background  COVID-19: Child Nutrition Response #31  Accommodating public health guidelines  Administrative Reviews = desk reviews  Provides social distancing by not visiting sponsors or sites in person Due to the COVID ‐ 19 Pandemic, the USDA issued Child Nutrition Response #31: Nationwide Waiver of Onsite Monitoring Requirements to allow State Agencies administering SFSP and other child nutrition programs to complete desk reviews in lieu of conducting onsite reviews. Through out this recording, we will reference USDA guidance that has modified additional components of conducting administrative reviews during the pandemic. SLIDE: COVID ‐ 19 has required that we make changes to our administrative review process to accommodate public health guidelines. This includes conducting desk reviews to provide necessary social distancing by not visiting sponsors or sites in person. 3

  4. Steps of the Review 1. Review Notification 4

  5. Desk Review Notification 1. CNS Support Staff will email you a formal notice of review  Establishes 2 due dates for all required documents  Provides the Documentation Checklist 2. Your Reviewer will follow up via email to establish:  Week of Review (WOR) for Meal Pattern Assessment  Site(s) Selected for Review The Desk Review Notification comes in two parts. The first is the CNS Support Staff will email you a formal notice of review. This notification establishes 2 due dates for all required documents and provides the documentation checklist. The second piece is the Program Specialist conducting your review will follow up via email to establish the WOR for the Meal Pattern Assessment and the site(s) selected for review. It is important to discuss with your specialist any barriers you have in your particular situation in meeting the requirements of the desk review. One of the main challenges can be proper technology to scan and upload documentation into WINS or if you are a multi site sponsor, the amount of documentation required to upload. Your specialist will work with you to figure out the best course of action. 5

  6. Steps of the Review 2. Preparing and Organizing Your Documents 6

  7. SFSP Documentation Checklist The screen displays the Documentation Checklist that will be emailed out with the AR Notification Letter. The checklist is a comprehensive list of records that must be submitted as part of the review. The checklist is broken into two sections with each section having it’s own corresponding due date. All records must be uploaded into WINS and must be notified once this is complete. We will go through each section of the checklist in the following slides. 7

  8. Eligibility Documentation  Meal Distribution Plan Updates Survey submission (if applicable)  Documentation of Parental Consent for Home Deliveries  Parent Meal Pick-Up Waiver Procedures  Housing Data and/or Income applications (if applicable) The first section is Eligibility Documentation. ‐ LIST FORMS ON SLIDE Some of these forms may not be applicable depending on how your organization operates. We will go into further detail on each of these forms in the coming slides. 8

  9. Meal Distribution Plan Updates The Meal Distribution Plan Updates Survey provides us with the most accurate picture of how your SFSP is operating – detailing which waivers are being implemented and how meals are being distributed. The survey should be submitted if the organization updates their meal distribution plan and/or waiver implementation after submission of the Electronic Application Checklist. If the plan submitted with application is accurate, the survey does not need to be submitted. 9

  10. Home Deliveries: Parental Consent  Written Consent must be obtained and retained for home deliveries  Emails, Text Messages, Written Signature Per USDA guidance, sponsors are required to obtain written, parental consent and verify a household’s address prior to implementing home deliveries. Sponsors must retain this documentation according to record retention requirements. If your organization is doing home deliveries, documentation of parental consent must be submitted as part of the review. Documentation of parental consent may be an email, text message, or handwritten signature from the parent/guardian. 10

  11. Parent Meal Pick-Up Waiver Sponsors are required to develop a written procedure that meets the following criteria:  Ensures meals are distributed to parents/guardians of eligible children  Prevents the service of duplicate meals With implementation of the Parent/Guardian Meal Pick ‐ Up Waiver, Read slide. If your organization is implementing the Parent Meal Pick ‐ up Waiver, your procedure must be submitted. 11

  12. Housing Data or Applications Required only if housing data or income information was used to establish site eligibility. If any of your sites used housing data, income applications, or a school ‐ validated roster to establish eligibility, this documentation must be submitted as part of the AR. On the screen are examples of the (CLICK) housing data template and (CLICK) income application. If applications were collected, all applications should be scanned into a single PDF then uploaded into WINS. 12

  13. Training & Marketing  Training Documentation for all staff members and volunteers  Promotional/Marketing Materials The next section of the review is Training & Marketing. The required materials to be uploaded are: READ SLIDE 13

  14. Training Documentation  Training agendas and attendance sheets pertinent to SFSP  Civil Rights Training documentation for all SFSP staff Anywhere Town Parks & Rec 6/15/2020 Anywhere Town Hall Mickey Mouse Donald Duck Goofy Daisy Duck Minnie Mouse Pluto SFSP regulations requires all staff, including volunteers, who have a role within the program to be trained on their specific role and Civil Rights annually. If you are a NSLP/CACFP sponsor and staff were trained earlier in the school year on Civil Rights, that training documentation should be submitted. If your organization operated during the school closure and all staff were trained when emergency SFSP began, training documentation from the school closure should be submitted. On the screen is OSPI’s sample training record and attendance sheet and may be an example of what the training documentation your organization has may be. Please note that training documentation must be submitted for all staff at all sites, not just staff at the sites selected for review. 14

  15. Promotional/Marketing Materials  May be links to where those can be found, screenshots, or samples The Promotional/Marketing materials used to advertise to the community should be submitted. A link to the advertisement on the webiste, a screenshot, or sample of the advertisements are all acceptable forms of documentation. On the screen is one of the free banners that OSPI offered this year to help sponsors promote their program. 15

  16. Food Safety  Health Department Notification if implementing multiple days’ distribution and/or home deliveries  Food safety instructions provided with meals (if applicable) The Food Safety section includes the Health Dept. Notification for multiple days' distribution and home deliveries and Food Safety Instructions for meals provided. If your organization is handing out multiple days’ worth of meals at one time and/or doing home deliveries, it was required that the Health Dept be notified of the food safety plan in order to ensure the plan complied with all guidance and addressed all potential food safety concerns. The notification could be an email (like shown on the screen) or a formal letter. In the Electronic Application Checklist, each sponsor certified that they would notify the Health Dept in these circumstances. If you provide food safety instructions with the meals, please submit a sample of the handout. 16


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