Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation M A T T E O B R U C A T O U N I V E R S I T Y O F M A S S A C H U S E T T S , A M H E R S T , U S A A Z Z A A B O U Z I E D N E W Y O R K U N I V E R S I T Y , A B U D H A B I , U A E A L E X A N D R A M E L I O U U N I V E R S I T Y O F M A S S A C H U S E T T S , A M H E R S T , U S A P R E S E N T E D B Y : MATTEO BRUCATO m a t t e o @ c s . u m a s s . e d u
Recommendation Systems Recommendation systems aim to identify items of interest to users Recommended to me by Amazon before traveling to Hangzhou: 1 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
“Package” Recommendations But sometimes items are actually bundled together in packages of items Example 1 — Amazon bundles 2 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
“Package” Recommendations But sometimes items are actually bundled together in packages of items Example 2 — A flight package: * 3 * Recommended by Google Flights Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
“Package” Recommendations But sometimes items are actually bundled together in packages of items Example 3 — A meal plan: 4 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
A “Package” Query All recipes should have less than 25 g of fat The entire meal plan should have: ¡ At least 1700 kcal in total ¡ Between 3 and 5 meals per day The meal plan should minimize the total preparation time 5 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Many Feasible Solutions… 6 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Too Many Feasible Solutions… 1704 feasible meal plans, with only 15 recipes 7 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
A New “Big Data” Challenge Usually we talk about: ¡ Lots of data ¡ Lots of features But what about: ¡ More combinations! Practical challenges of “more combinations”: ¡ Computational complexity ¡ Usability 8 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
What Could Systems Do? Query • ≥ 1700 kcal in total • Minimal prep. time Top-1 meal plan 30 30 571 571 25 25 298 298 417 417 50 50 424 424 80 80 1,710 kcal 3 hrs 5 min The dietitian might be willing to accept lower calories for lower preparation time 9 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
What Could Systems Do? Top-1 meal plan 30 30 571 571 298 298 25 25 50 50 417 417 Out 424 424 80 80 1,710 kcal 3 hrs 5 min Infeasible, but perhaps better than top-1 1 hr less! 571 571 30 30 298 298 25 25 417 417 50 50 60 60 In 364 364 16.2 16.2 21 21 10.7 10.7 20 20 1,650 < 1,700 kcal 2 hrs 5 min 10 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Our Approach We propose a new use of query relaxation: Usually we relax when: ¡ The query does not produce any result ¡ The query does not produce enough results Here, we relax to: ¡ Improve upon some aspect of the query result 11 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Package Query Relaxations What is a relaxation of a package query? Package Query • Base Constraints – Each meal: Fine-grained • ≤ 25 g of fat in each meal 30 Relaxation • Global Constraints – The meal plan: Constraints • ≥ 1700 kcal in total • Cardinality Constraints : Coarse-grained • 3 to 5 meals Relaxation Objective • Minimal preparation time 12 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Criteria for Relaxations Relaxations modify the query and thus produce a different result than the original query How do we pick a good relaxation? ¡ Relaxations should improve the result ÷ In some aspects specified by the query ÷ As much as possible ¡ But they may cause some error ÷ The total error should be as low as possible 13 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Impact of Coarse Relaxations How much should we relax? 10 5 Diminishing returns 10 4 % change Relaxing only a 10 3 few constraints provides the 10 2 highest impact 10 1 Improvement Error 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 % relaxation More relaxed 14 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Review Summary so far: ¡ Package recommendations ¡ Package query relaxations ¡ Relaxation trade-off Rest of the talk: ¡ How do users react to relaxations? user study ¡ Lessons and future work 15 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
How do users react to relaxations? Two Research Questions: ① Are users willing to accept relaxations? ② Do they have preferences regarding the type of constraints to be removed? Let’s ask the crowd! 16 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Dataset Description Dataset ¡ 7,955 (arguably) tasty recipes extracted from 17 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Task Instructions We automatically generated 50 unique task configurations: Cardinality Constraint Objective 2 Base Constraints We varied these 4 constraints 2 Global Constraints 18 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Task Choices For each of the 50 configurations, we showed 5 different meal plans, each removing one constraint only: 1. O RIGINAL No Relaxation Removing the 2. C ARDINALITY R ELAX cardinality constraint Removing one base 3. B ASE R ELAX constraint Removing one 4. G LOBAL R ELAX global constraint 5. R ANDOM A random package We used colors to indicate constraints adherence or violation Results were presented sorted by preparation time 19 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Task Screenshots G LOBAL R ELAX Objective is highlighted Global constraint violation and amount of violation 20 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Task Screenshots C ARDINALITY R ELAX Objective got worse 21 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Task Screenshots B ASE R ELAX 22 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Task Screenshots O RIGINAL Objective got even worse! 23 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Collected Data Run on Each configuration completed by 10 unique workers No worker allowed to complete more than 5 configurations We removed obvious spammers a posteriori: ¡ Same explanations in every task ¡ Random explanations ¡ Inconsistent explanations Resulting in 115 unique workers and 306 unique task instances 24 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Evaluation ① Are users willing to accept relaxations? ① Are users willing to accept relaxations? ② Do they have preferences regarding the ② Do they have preferences regarding the type of constraints to be removed? type of constraints to be removed? The O RIGINAL plan was rejected 30% of the time We need to provide users with alternatives! 25 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Evaluation ① Are users willing to accept relaxations? ① Are users willing to accept relaxations? ② Do they have preferences regarding the ② Do they have preferences regarding the type of constraints to be removed? type of constraints to be removed? Relaxed plans were chosen 76% of the time More likely to choose a relaxed plan than the original! ■ When O RIGINAL is recommended ■ When O RIGINAL is not recommended 70% 91% 26 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Evaluation ① Are users willing to accept relaxations? ① Are users willing to accept relaxations? ② Do they have preferences regarding the ② Do they have preferences regarding the type of constraints to be removed? type of constraints to be removed? ■ Overall ■ When O RIGINAL is recommended ■ When O RIGINAL is not recommended B ASE R ELAX G LOBAL R ELAX C ARDINALITY R ELAX 27 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Why Relaxations? Lower preparation time was often the reason: 28 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Additional Lessons Good explanations for the bias toward B ASE R ELAX : (The plans had to contain 4 meals) The workers relaxed base constraints by transforming them into global constraints! 29 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Future Work What dictates user’s sensitivity toward different kinds of constraints? Impact of fine-grained relaxations Reverse relaxations ¡ Tightening the constraints Additional relaxation methods ¡ Including the type of relaxation workers spontaneously applied 30 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
Summary of Contributions Novel application of query relaxation 10 5 10 4 % change 10 3 10 2 Impact of coarse relaxations 10 1 Improvement Error 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 % relaxation User reaction to package relaxations Thank you! 31 Improving Package Recommendations through Query Relaxation
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