“Predicting and suggesting in the job market” EIT Summer School 2016, Bosön, June 27, 2016 GreatPeople™ Applications 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
Overview • What we do • A problem we would like to solve 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
Overview • What we do • A problem we would like to solve 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
“Thank God it’s Friday because the weekend has landed and I can forget about work…” 70% of the working population… 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
WTF? 80% of all people are not happy about their jobs! All managers need to hire! 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
The Talent Market 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
Demand Supply Oversupply --> Unemployment! 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
Lack of resources in HIGH SKILLS MARKET Demand Supply 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
“It’s all about matching” 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
“It’s all about matching” Generation 2 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 1 Generation 3 “ crowd-matching ” “ “ general AI & ’all’ data ” “ pay a professional ” “ Today Yesterday Future 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
The job market Person Job “Has/ “Has/ knowledge, experience, salary, development, offers” offers” network etc. colleagues, network etc. “Needs/ “Needs/ salary, development, knowledge, experience, wants” wants” colleagues, network etc. network etc. 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
It’s all about “matching” Person Job ! “Has/ “Has/ knowledge, experience, salary, development, offers” offers” network etc. colleagues, network etc. Matching “Needs/ “Needs/ salary, development, knowledge, experience, wants” wants” colleagues, network etc. network etc. 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
BECAUSE GREAT PEOPLE KNOW GREAT PEOPLE An individual’s network A typical head- hunters network The combined network of you and your colleagues 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
1 Because Great People know Great People! You employees already know who should be working for you - help them make the introduction! 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
What we do! What 1. 2. 3. Recruiter posts job in Employee is notified about Recruiter gets candidate the GreatPeople possible match and makes info from referrer and platform referral through app makes a call / sends email Employee Recruiter Recruiter Candidate “Hi! I got your number from “ Do you guys happen to “ Yes, I have a guy who I studied “ Interesting, a colleague. I hear you are a know a programmer who with, he would be perfect for the yes I would like great programmer, how would fit in here? ” job, here is his number! ” to know more! ” about lunch?” 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
“Google recruitment in a box” 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
How do we make money? “B2B SAAS“ # positions / # recruiter month Price # users accounts GP RD Notifications Free 1 1 FREE Unbranded limited access 50 Generic Small 2 3 € 499 Branded limited access 500 Generic Growth 5 10 € 999 Branded Full access 1000 Customised Enterprise >5 >10 Contact us Branded Customised STN Customised 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
What our customer buy GreatPeople app Referral Desk 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
Overview • What we do • A problem we would like to solve 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
“It’s all about matching” 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
It’s all about “matching” • how should the jobs be ranked in the app? • which jobs should be suggested to the referrer as “matching” her talent pool? • which people of a referrers talent pool should be suggested to a job? • what jobs to notify a referrer about? • how to rank incoming candidates? • …. 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
Some ideas… • “dumb tagging” of jobs and people • behavioural data from recommenders • data collected directly from potential candidates • data collected from potential candidates’ networks • behavioural data from candidates • harvested data from social media etc. • ….. 20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
20160627 - proprietary and confidential - not to be shared or distributed without the prior written consent from Great People Applications AB.
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