Pr Protocol Design Challeng l Design Challenge
Zebranet Monitor zebras: • Vitals • Loca2on • Movement pa6erns Challenges: • Large living area • Ba6ery has to last long 2me
Collar • Stores the zebra’s own data (1 KB each 15 minutes) of the last month • Can store last month’s data of 99 other zebras (will overwrite the oldest data)
Some possible a5ack vector Hunter shoots a zebra and opens up the collar: • Gets all data stored on the collar including cryptographic keys Hunter pushes false data to collar to mislead the rangers
Challenge • Assump2ons • A6acker model/what should the protocols protect against • Z2Z protocol • Z2R protocol • Mo2vate your design choices
Bonus points APer the ranger has read out the collar of a zebra, the data on it are no longer relevant and hence wiped from the collar. Bonus: extend the Z2R protocol to authorize this wipe Bonus: a protocol to propagate the removal of these data to other zebras.
Bonus points (2) Bonus: Draw the nicest zebra.
Bonus points (3) Bonus: if you manage to incorporate a digital encoding of the zebra’s pa6ern.
Rules • Teams up to 3 people (maybe team up with someone from another university) • Handwri6en, please do an effort to ensure readability J • Maximum 2 pages (4 sides) A4 (+1 if going for one of the bonuses) • Give some intui2on, no excessive formalism • S2ck with the nota2on on the next slide and introduce any addi2onal nota2on
NotaCon Subscipt zebra: i,j,k,l … subscript ranger: r Symmetric key: K_i Private key: priv_i public key: Pub_i Message to encrypt/authen2cate/sign/… : M Encryp2on: C = E(K, M) or E(Pub,M) Decryp2on: D(K,C) or D(priv,C) Authen2cated encryp2on: AC = AE(K,M) and AD(K,AC) Hash: H(M) Key deriva2on func2on: KDF(M) MAC: MAC(K,M) Signature: S = SIGN(priv,M) and VER(Pub,S) Ellip2c curves: A = aP with P the generator aB = bA = abP A+B = (a+b)P
Next steps • Form teams and sit together • We are here for addi2onal general ques2ons • Deadline: Thursday 18:59:59 (before the dinner) • Feedback + prizes: Friday • Write down your names together with a RANDOM 6 digit number (one for each name)
And the winners are … 3e64f08887e11b69cea5ee29e7bf8c1 5944b04cd86b08c401eb4c299d60e7 919ad1b8ada945e754e82f34ceb839 a3232374a4f4fd78c7422b70afdcc73 9a776f
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