Chad Voegele
Selective Search for Object Recognition
Outline 1. Individual contribution of region similarity measures 2. Importance of good base segmentation 3. Box overlap correspondence to recognition 3
Outline 1. Individual contribution of region similarity measures 2. Importance of good base segmentation 3. Box overlap correspondence to recognition 4
Similarity Measures Color Texture Size Fill 5
Color Similarity 6
Color Similarity 7
Color Similarity 8
Color Similarity 9
Texture Similarity 10
Texture Similarity 11
Texture Similarity 12
Texture Similarity 13
Size Similarity 14
Size Similarity 15
Size Similarity 16
Size Similarity 17
Fill Similarity 18
Fill Similarity 19
Fill Similarity 20
Outline 1. Individual contribution of region similarity measures 2. Importance of good base segmentation 3. Box overlap correspondence to recognition 21
Success Case 22
Success Case 23
Failure Cases 24
Failure Cases 25
Failure Cases 26
Failure Cases 27
Outline 1. Individual contribution of region similarity measures 2. Importance of good base segmentation 3. Box overlap correspondence to recognition 28
Box Overlaps 29
Box Overlaps 1. chime, gong 2. plate rack 3. snake fence 4. organ 1. zebra 2. tiger 3. triceratops 4. tiger cat 1. ostrich 2. Arabian camel 3. black stork 30 4. llama
Box Overlaps Score: 0.95 1. chime, gong 2. snake fence 3. organ 4. thatched roof Score: 0.89 1. zebra 2. tiger 3. trcieratops Score: 0.85 4. tiger cat 1. ostrich 2. black stork 3. vulture 31 4. Arabian camel
Box Overlaps Score: 0.50 1. snake fence 2. plate rack 3. bannister 4. picket fence Score: 0.50 1. zebra 2. tiger 3. gazelle Score: 0.50 4. impala 1. ostrich 2. llama 3. Arabian camel 32 4. vulture
Box Overlaps Score: 0.50 1. plate rack 2. chime, gong 3. shoji (Japanese door) 4. window shade Score: 0.51 1. zebra 2. fire screen 3. gazelle Score: 0.50 4. patas (monkey) 1. borzoi (dog) 2. timber wolf 3. red wolf 33 4. badger
Issues Author released half p-code, half m-code. ● Optimal segmentation coloring problem. ● AlexNet output very sensitive to image patch size. ● 34
Sources Code - - Pictures - PASCAL Visual Object Class Challenge 2007: - - - - - - - - 35 -
Initial Segmentations 37
Initial Segmentations 38
Initial Segmentations 39
Initial Segmentations 40
Box Overlap 1. oxcart 2. ox 3. horse cart 4. zebra 5. llama 6. bighorn sheep 7. ram 8. water buffalo 9. warthog 10. dogsled 41
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