IPD: Project Management Pr Proje oject Managemen ct Management and so and softwar are e Fall Semester University of Illinois At Chicago Innovation Center Interdisciplinary Product Development
IPD: Project Management Who does what, and when? Proje Pr oject Managemen ct Management t is concerned with the allocation of resources to complete a project. _Project management determines who does what, and when. _Usually, this is the responsibility of the project manager , who _has considerable authority. _We have no such person! Still, we need to decide who does what, and when. _Our solution: the team decides (and documents!) Fall Semester University of Illinois At Chicago Innovation Center Interdisciplinary Product Development
IPD: Project Management Goals Our Goals: Our G als: _Deliver the deliverables. _Let all team members have meaningful, interesting tasks. _Divide the onerous tasks equitably. _Let the team govern itself. _Give fair credit for the contributions of individual team members. _Learn something about project management. Fall Semester University of Illinois At Chicago Innovation Center Interdisciplinary Product Development
IPD: Project Management The Basics _Never call a meeting without an agenda. _One early agenda item should be the status of tasks in progress. _Never end a meeting without action items. _You want your tasks to be formally recognized as action items. _The team needs to make consensus decisions about all tasks. (The need to vote to settle issues in such a small group is an early sign of dysfunction. Fall Semester University of Illinois At Chicago Innovation Center Interdisciplinary Product Development
IPD: Project Management Task Decisions Task D ask Decisions: cisions: When a task is considered at a meeting, there are four possible determinations: 1) The task is assigned to a person or people and given a due date. 2) The task is declared complete. 3) The due date or person responsible is changed. 4) The task is declared incomplete and late. The t The team mak am makes consensus de s consensus decisions. cisions. All parties sign o ff on the decisions; dissenters register their dissent in writing. Fall Semester University of Illinois At Chicago Innovation Center Interdisciplinary Product Development
IPD: Project Management Software Software: _We strongly suggest a spreadsheet program (e.g., Excel) _Each row is a task; each task is a row; the fi le grows and grows _Each column is a date a decision was made _Each cell is a decision: 1) The task is assigned to someone and given a due date. 2) The task is declared complete. 3) The due date or responsible person is changed. 4) The task is declared incomplete and late. Fall Semester University of Illinois At Chicago Innovation Center Interdisciplinary Product Development
IPD: Project Management What to do Sugge uggested Pr d Proce cedur dure: e: _Pick a responsible person (scribe)—this job can rotate. _Pick at least one meeting each week for project management: de fi ne tasks, assign new end dates, or declare complete, as needed. _The scribe enters the group decisions and prints a copy. _The team reads ads and signs the printed copy agreeing or perhaps contesting a point. _No cell is ever deleted from the spreadsheet. The complete fi le should be kept in dropbox. Fall Semester University of Illinois At Chicago Innovation Center Interdisciplinary Product Development
IPD: Project Management end Fall Semester University of Illinois At Chicago Innovation Center Interdisciplinary Product Development
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