co coun untr try y pr proje oject ct ke8 ke87 7

Co Coun untr try y pr proje oject ct: : KE8 KE87 7 Hos - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Volun Volunte teer er Name Name: : Ste Steve ven n Sch Schne neider ider Cou Count ntry ry:Keny :Kenya Co Coun untr try y pr proje oject ct: : KE8 KE87 7 Hos Host: t: Kinda Kinda CBO CBO Venue Ven ue: : Kinda

  1. Volun Volunte teer er Name Name: : Ste Steve ven n Sch Schne neider ider Cou Count ntry ry:Keny :Kenya Co Coun untr try y pr proje oject ct: : KE8 KE87 7 Hos Host: t: Kinda Kinda CBO CBO Venue Ven ue: : Kinda Kinda CBO CBO Offi Office ce Audie Au dienc nce: e: Mem Membe bers rs of of Kinda Kinda CBO CBO Numb Number er of peo of people ple :10 :10 Dat Date: e: Mar March ch 20 20 – 30 30, , 20 2017 17

  2. 1. Assign 1. Assignment Objectives ment Objectives as in SOW as in SOW 1. Evaluate Kinda CBO Business including SWOT analysis and state of business and Fundraising. 2. Create a Business Plan 3. Create a Fundraising Plan 4. Sales Training 5. Create Action Plan for implementation

  3. 2. Achievement of the assignment objectives 1. Evaluated the Kinda CBO Business. 2. Performed detailed analysis including SWOT. 3. Created a Business Plan document. 4. Created a Fundraising Plan Document 5. Created a One Page Marketing Tear Sheet 6. Created a Marketing Brochure 7. Created an Action plan with 19 To Do action items

  4. 3. Reco 3. Recommen mmenda dation tions s to to th the ho e host st with with re rega gard rds s to to the the as assign signmen ment • Provide all available documents ahead of time for review. – For example the company charter had useful information that would have been valuable to know ahead of time.

  5. 4. Anticipat 4. Anticipated ed Impact Impact • Fundraising Growth • Reach 30% more children in 1-3 years • Improve and broaden the services provided.

  6. 5. Reco 5. Recommen mmende ded d futu future re vo volunt luntee eer r Ass Assista istanc nce • Teach the Teachers Project • Financial Accounting Implementation once the Organization grows and requires a system

  7. 6. 6. Recomm Recommenda endations tions to other to other non non-host s host stakeholders takeholders • Promote the Kinda CBO.

  8. Action plan for host recommendations Recommendation Specific Action Responsible person By when Use Brochures and Inserts in 1 Leverage Bakery Maurice/Carol Ongoing products to promote donations Collect list of donors, businesses 2 Increase Donor base Maurice/Carol Ongoing and Agencies to market to. 3 Leverage Technology M Pesa account and FaceBook Maurice Ongoing Develop a formal tracking 4 Track Progress of Children mechanism to show success and Maurice Ongoing impact Reach out to Alumni and ask for 5 Use Alumni for promotion them to promote CBO and raise Lazaros Ongoing money 6 New Storage Facility to Work through the plan to build Lazaros Ongoing generate profits and sell storage space to farmers

  9. 7. How 7. How can can CRS CRS improv improve e futur future e volunt vo luntee eer r ex expe perien rience ce • Solicit feedback from Host and communicate back to volunteer

  10. Thank You!


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