powered two wheelers safety policy in france

Powered two-wheelers safety policy in France Jol Valmain Adviser - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Powered two-wheelers safety policy in France

  1. ��������������������������������������������� ��������������������� Powered two-wheelers safety policy in France Joël Valmain Adviser for European and International Affairs to the 1 Interministerial Delegate for Road Safety

  2. �� ������������ !����������" PTW users represent 24% of the total of fatalities and 35% of the motorised users killed, while they count for less than 2% ,of the trafic. Autres 197 6% 14% 147 57 4% 2% 159 5% 1612 50% 631 19%

  3. Fatalities* Training and DL Mopeds 159 DL AM Motorcycles up to 125cc 97 DL A1 or B + 7h Motorcycles more than 125cc 534 DL A *ONISR 2013

  4. Follow-up of the objective: halving the number of PTW users killed by 2020 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014* 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 PTW 952 980 843 790 792 708 476 Mopeds 248 220 179 159 124 PTW <125 113 109 113 97 57 PTW >125 591 651 551 534 295 *non consolidated figures

  5. Sales evolution of PTW and Powered three-wheels vehicles since 2002 Year Mopeds-50 Motorcycles-125 Motorcycles+125 Tricycles Total s 2002 167 411 59 657 109 097 336 165 2007 209 451 117 858 121 108 448 417 2012 127 243 56604 101502 10095 295 444 2013 106 136 44279 91865 11268 253 548 2014 98 384 42 453 94 976 15067 250 880

  6. NB : Données BAAC définitives Total La catégorie "autres " Piétons Vélos Cyclos Motos VT PL Autres regroupe pour 70% les VUL, 15% 848 273 461 947 5351 124 166 Rappel 8 170 les voiturettes ou tricycles, 5% les 2000 10% 3% 6% 12% 66% 2% 2% 100% quads et 10% les TC ou engins 485 147 248 704 2117 65 226 spéciaux. 3 992 2010 12% 4% 6% 18% 53% 2% 6% 100% 489 164 179 664 1882 56 219 3 653 2012 13% 4% 5% 18% 52% 2% 6% 100% 465 147 159 631 1612 57 197 3 268 2013 14% 4% 5% 19% 49% 2% 6% 100% Progression -5% -10% -14% -5% -14% 2% -10% -11% 2012-2013 Progression -4% 0% -36% -10% -24% -12% -13% -18% 2010-2013 Progression -45% -46% -65% -33% -70% -54% 19% -60% 2000-2013

  7. ��������������������������� � At the end of 2008: 2.6 millions PTW in France (motorcycles + mopeds) � Important increase of the motorcycles fleet, but a significant reduction of the mopeds fleet (divided by five) � PTW fleet is diversified: motorcycles, mopeds, scooters, customs, “tricycles”, etc.. � PTW use evolved: from “pleasure” to “functionality” (urban mobility) 7

  8. ��������������������������� The risk to be killed on a PTW is 23 times higher than in a car � 60% of PTW users deaths occur on the rural roads network � Training and DL: staged-access to the most powerful motorcycles � At national level a person in the administration to make the link � between the users and the public authority One of the four Committees of the French National Council for � Road Safety is dedicated to PTW safety 8

  9. ������������ � Among the 26 measures announced in January 2015 by the Minister of Interior to improve road safety, some are dealing with PTW safety � Mandatory reflective jacket in case of urgency � New number plate design (210 mm x 130 mm): more readable by speed cameras � Better sharing the road: experiment on “filing” (specific devices to count the number of PTW, to measure the speed and the distance between PTW as well) � Promotion of wearing protective clothes 9

  10. ����������������� ������������������������������������� ���� ���������������������������������� ���������������������������� 10

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