port of vancouver local election candidates briefing

Port of Vancouver Local election candidates briefing Robyn Crisanti - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Port of Vancouver Local election candidates briefing Robyn Crisanti Director, Public Affairs Vancouver Fraser Port Authority September 5, 2018 Aerial tour: Port of Vancouver 2 Port authority stewards federal lands and waters 2 .3 m illion

  1. Port of Vancouver Local election candidates briefing Robyn Crisanti Director, Public Affairs Vancouver Fraser Port Authority September 5, 2018

  2. Aerial tour: Port of Vancouver 2

  3. Port authority stewards federal lands and waters 2 .3 m illion people 1 6 m unicipalities 4

  4. Vision: To be the world’s most sustainable port 5

  5. The Port of Vancouver: Canada’s largest port • Size of next five Canadian ports combined • Handles trade with 170 economies • Supports 115,000 Canadian jobs (90,000 in Metro Vancouver) • $129 million in municipal taxes • $67,900 average wage for direct jobs 6

  6. Canada Port Authority 2017 cargo volumes 160.0 140.0 120.0 Million metric tonnes 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 Canada Port Authorities 7

  7. Major foreign trading partners China Other 29% 33% Japan 14% United States Korea India 5% (South) 6% 13% 8

  8. Port cargo projected to grow at 3.6% 9

  9. Maintaining a healthy environment Habitat ECHO Enhancement Emissions Eco Action management 10

  10. Federal regulator for port projects 11

  11. Enabling thriving communities Corridor Project infrastructure consultation Aboriginal Outreach and partnerships investment 12

  12. Municipal engagement • Dedicated team • Regular presentations to council • Liaison meetings with senior staff in several municipalities • Annual meeting with mayors and VFP A board of directors • Roundtable meetings with mayors and executive • Three community liaison committees • Community office in Delta • P articipation in LMLGA, UBCM and FCM 13

  13. Thank you www.portvancouver.com # myportcity 14

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