port newark 101

Port Newark 101 Understanding the Hidden Cost of the Moving Goods in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Port Newark 101 Understanding the Hidden Cost of the Moving Goods in Newark Nicole Scott-Harris, Newark Organizer NJEJA - "Take Back Port Newark" The Port Authority of NY & NJ Established in 1921, as a bi-state

  1. Port Newark 101 Understanding the Hidden Cost of the Moving Goods in Newark Nicole Scott-Harris, Newark Organizer NJEJA - "Take Back Port Newark"

  2. The Port Authority of NY & NJ  Established in 1921, as a bi-state quasi-governmental agency, covering over 1500 square miles in New York and New Jersey  In 2012, earned nearly $60 billion ($80 billion before wages)  Employees: nearly 600,000 agency-wide  New Jersey & New York Ports Generate $15 Billion (Newark gets $78 Million out of $569 Million PANYNJ make in Rent  Newark Residents Make Up Less than 8% of Port Newark Employees

  3. Port Pollution and People  Newark Residents are Affected by Diesel Pollution Resulting from the Goods Movement Industry from the Nation’s Third Largest Seaport  Port Emissions from Multiple Sources, Including Port Trucking, Cargo Equipment, Ships and Locomotives are a Serious Public Health Threat  Long-term Exposure to Diesel Particulate Causes Cancer, Coronary Disease, Asthma and Other Respiratory Diseases  Newark’s Asthma Rate is 27%, Compared to the NJ Statewide Average of 12%

  4. Cumulative Impacts: The problem of the interaction of multiple pollutants with each other and with social vulnerabilities is often referred to as “cumulative impacts”.

  5. Raising the Bayonne Bridge: What’s at stake??? For Port Communities... PANYNJ Talking Points…  Significant, Long-term Investment in Our Region  Larger, More Efficient Ships and Cleaner Air for “Our” Neighbors  Wider Lanes, Shoulders and Median Dividers Will Make the Bridge Safer for Drivers  Installation of A Bikeway, Pedestrian Walkway, and Access Ramps  2014-1018 Will Support Nearly 2800 Jobs and $240 Million in Wages throughout the Construction Industry

  6. Community Benefits Agreement (CBA): A contract signed by community groups and a real estate developer that requires the developer to provide specific amenities and/or mitigations to the local community or neighborhood.  First Source Hiring & Job Training  Enforcement of Labor Standards, such as Ban the Box, Minimum Wage, and Paid Sick Leave  Advocate for More Contracting with Local Small Businesses (WBE/MBE) in PANYNJ Development Projects  Establish an Environmental Mitigation Fund to Implement Local Community-Based Projects to Reduce, Buffer, or Minimize the Impacts of Air Pollution on Port Adjacent Communities

  7. Newark Mayoral Candidates Forum

  8. My Contact Information


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