Port Newark 101 Understanding the Hidden Cost of the Moving Goods in Newark Nicole Scott-Harris, Newark Organizer NJEJA - "Take Back Port Newark"
The Port Authority of NY & NJ Established in 1921, as a bi-state quasi-governmental agency, covering over 1500 square miles in New York and New Jersey In 2012, earned nearly $60 billion ($80 billion before wages) Employees: nearly 600,000 agency-wide New Jersey & New York Ports Generate $15 Billion (Newark gets $78 Million out of $569 Million PANYNJ make in Rent Newark Residents Make Up Less than 8% of Port Newark Employees
Port Pollution and People Newark Residents are Affected by Diesel Pollution Resulting from the Goods Movement Industry from the Nation’s Third Largest Seaport Port Emissions from Multiple Sources, Including Port Trucking, Cargo Equipment, Ships and Locomotives are a Serious Public Health Threat Long-term Exposure to Diesel Particulate Causes Cancer, Coronary Disease, Asthma and Other Respiratory Diseases Newark’s Asthma Rate is 27%, Compared to the NJ Statewide Average of 12%
Cumulative Impacts: The problem of the interaction of multiple pollutants with each other and with social vulnerabilities is often referred to as “cumulative impacts”.
Raising the Bayonne Bridge: What’s at stake??? For Port Communities... PANYNJ Talking Points… Significant, Long-term Investment in Our Region Larger, More Efficient Ships and Cleaner Air for “Our” Neighbors Wider Lanes, Shoulders and Median Dividers Will Make the Bridge Safer for Drivers Installation of A Bikeway, Pedestrian Walkway, and Access Ramps 2014-1018 Will Support Nearly 2800 Jobs and $240 Million in Wages throughout the Construction Industry
Community Benefits Agreement (CBA): A contract signed by community groups and a real estate developer that requires the developer to provide specific amenities and/or mitigations to the local community or neighborhood. First Source Hiring & Job Training Enforcement of Labor Standards, such as Ban the Box, Minimum Wage, and Paid Sick Leave Advocate for More Contracting with Local Small Businesses (WBE/MBE) in PANYNJ Development Projects Establish an Environmental Mitigation Fund to Implement Local Community-Based Projects to Reduce, Buffer, or Minimize the Impacts of Air Pollution on Port Adjacent Communities
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