May 21, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Newark Unified School District Newark, CA (Alameda County)
Required due to QUALIFIED certification of the 2 nd Interim Report---ACOE required: budget report, list of reductions, update on SCAC Covers the period of July 1 through April 30 Snapshot of the budget as of April 30, 2020 Review revenues and expenditures forecasted for the current year as compared to the Adopted Budget and 2 nd Interim. Includes a multi-year projection (MYP) for the two subsequent years 2020-21 and 2021-22 No Certification Required----FHRA Submit to ACOE, CDE and State Controller by June 1, 2020
Increase in fund balance $566,723 Additional revenues from prior years federal MAA (Medi-Cal Administrative Activities) reimbursements $428K—offset SpEd contribution Reduced expenditures in utilities and substitute costs Change in Fund Balance- Unrestricted 3rd Interim 2nd Interim Change Revenues 46,810,662 46,289,029 521,633 Expenditures 47,076,989 47,122,079 (45,090) Net Surplus/(Deficit) (266,327) (833,050) 566,723 Beginning Fund Balance 4,471,801 4,471,801 0 Net Surplus/(Deficit) (266,327) (833,050) 566,723 Ending Fund Balance 4,205,474 3,638,751 566,723
Any potential savings in unspent dollars will be needed to backfill against next year’s anticipated reduction in State funding Additional costs due to COVID-19 pandemic ◦ Extra time compensation for “essential” classified employees ◦ Cleaning, disinfecting schools ◦ Virtual graduations ◦ Food service costs ◦ Distance learning services, materials, supplies and resources ◦ Masks, gloves, disinfectants, hand sanitizers ◦ Facilities modifications
ASSUMPTIONS COLA (LCFF) 3.26% 0.00% 0.00% STRS 17.10% 18.40% 18.10% Change in STRS rate from PY 1.30% -0.30% PERS 19.721% 22.80% 24.90% Change in PERS rate from PY 3.08% 2.10% Lottery per ADA - Unrestricted $153 $153 $153 Restricted $54 $54 $54 Step & Column - Certificated 1.69% 1.69% 1.69% Step & Column- Classified 1.19% 1.19% 1.19% Total Benefits - Certificated 23.51% 24.81% 24.51% Total Benefits- Classified 32.331% 35.41% 37.51% H&W increase 2.00% 2.00% Salary increase- Certificated 1.50% 1.00% 1.75% Salary increase - Classified 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Budget Reductions- Resolution 2158 700,000 1,520,000 1,620,000 Budget Reductions- Resolution 2061 700,000 2,431,000 - Enrollment 5,631 5,600 5,574 P-2 ADA 5,477 5,426 5,401 Funded ADA (LCFF) 5,556 5,477 5,426
Total Change MYP General Fund in Fund 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Unrestricted Balance & Reserves Revenues 46,810,662 44,692,558 44,347,274 Expenditures 47,076,989 45,840,776 46,438,534 Net Surplus/(Deficit) (266,327) (1,148,218) (2,091,259) (3,505,805) Fund Balance Beginning Fund Balance 4,471,801 4,205,474 3,057,256 Net Surplus/(Deficit) (266,327) (1,148,218) (2,091,259) Ending Fund Balance- Unrestricted 4,205,474 3,057,256 965,996 (3,505,805) Reserves Reserve for NTA increase-retro 466,000 0 0 Reserve for Economic Uncertainty 3,739,474 3,057,256 965,996 Fund 17 Special Reserves 2,261,198 2,261,198 2,261,198 Total Reserves Available 6,000,672 5,318,454 3,227,194 (3,505,805) Minimum Required-3% of Total 2,036,690 1,967,671 1,992,966 Expenditures (Unrestricted & Restricted) Minimum Met Yes Yes Yes
0% COLA 10% cut to LCFF STRS and PERS Rates decrease Cash Deferrals June 2020 to July 2020 $5M ◦ ◦ April, May, June 2021 to July 2021-$15M The CARES Act/Federal Funding Special Ed Funding Flexibility/Local Relief Measures Changes to LCAP- due 12/15/20 More info at June 4 Board Meeting
Current year deficit in unrestricted funds is $266K (an improvement of $566K since 2 nd Interim). Total deficit this year and next two years estimated at $3.5 Million in unrestricted funds. Assumptions in the MYP include over $5.5 Million in budget reductions over the next two years. With 0% COLA and declining enrollment, LCFF revenues projected to decrease $3.7 Million over the next two years compared to 2 nd Interim estimates. School consolidation and closures included in budget balancing plan. (If not done, then other reductions will be needed.) Next year’s budget to be presented to Board in June. ◦ Anticipate more reductions ◦ More details to come from May Revise
1st Interim (December) Year End Unaudited 2nd Interim Actuals (March) (September) Proposed 3rd Interim Budget (May) (If Qualified) (June)
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