port angeles school district

Port Angeles School District Capital Projects Levy Planning 12 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Port Angeles School District Capital Projects Levy Planning 12 October 2017 Introductions Michael McGavock, Stephen Black, Principal in Charge Project Manager Process Overview Refine Scope & Cost - October Report/Refine with the

  1. Port Angeles School District Capital Projects Levy Planning 12 October 2017

  2. Introductions Michael McGavock, Stephen Black, Principal in Charge Project Manager

  3. Process Overview Refine Scope & Cost - October ▪ Report/Refine with the School Board - November ▪ First/Second Reading/Filing - November/December ▪ Informational Material - December ▪ Campaign/Vote - January/February ▪

  4. Strategic Facilities Committee Tuesday October 10th ▪ Prior rior Plannin ing fr from om 2014 ▪ Cos ost 101 ▪ Edu ducatio ional l Vis Visio ion / / Com omponents of of the the Lea earnin ing En Envir ironment ▪ Tuesday October 17th ▪ Revi view ea early ly sc scope an and cos ost op optio ions. ▪ Determ rmin ine pri priori ritie ies ▪ Tuesday October 24th ▪ Refin fine sc scope and and cost t op opti tions. ▪ Fin Finali lize the the levy vy pa package and and rec ecommend for or pr pres esentatio ion to o the the Sch chool Boa oard ▪

  5. Strategic Facilities Committee Jarred Blauser Tech Director Amity Butler Franklin Principal Jeff Clark PAHS Principal Nolan Duce Maintenance and Facilities - Chair Shawne Johnson PAHS Teacher Josh Jones School Board David Knechtel Business Director Chuck Lisk Asst. Superintendent Sandy Long School Board Jennifer Richards Community Member Danetta Rutten Community Member Ryan Stevens Stevens Principal Roger Wheeler Community Member

  6. School Board Meetings Thursday October 12th ▪ Sch chool Boa oard Stud tudy Ses essio ion ▪ Thursday October 19th ▪ Sch chool Boa oard Stud tudy Ses essio ion ▪ Thursday November 2nd ▪ SFC pr pres esent rec ecommendatio ion for or levy vy pa package to o the the Sch chool l Boa oard ▪ Boa oard to o sug suggest refin finements ▪ Thursday November 9th ▪ Boa oard Stud tudy Ses essio ion – Fin Finali lize Cap apit ital Levy vy Pac ackage ▪

  7. Resolution / File / Vote Thursday November 30th ▪ Fir First t rea eading of of levy vy reso esolutio ion at t Sch chool l Boa oard Mee eetin ing ▪ Thursday December 7th ▪ Sec econd Rea eading and and Pot otentia ial l Ado doptio ion of of Levy vy Reso esolutio ion ▪ Friday December 15th ▪ File Fi le Res esolu lutio ion with th Cou ounty ▪ Tuesday February 13th ▪ Levy vy Ele lectio ion ▪

  8. Agenda for Today Prior Planning from 2014 Cost 101 Educational Vision Components of the Learning Environment / Highlights of Committee Exercise Priorities and Parameters

  9. Prior Planning

  10. Stevens Middle School

  11. Stevens Middle School Increase Capacity to 900 Students (Currently 600) ▪ Net 12 Learning Setting Addition, Replace Portables Enlarge Kitchen and Multi-Purpose Room Expand to Accommodate 6 th Grade Modernization of Existing School (maybe) ▪ Site Improvements ▪ ADA Access to the Building Site Circulation Improvements Sports Fields

  12. Port Angeles High School

  13. Port Angeles High School Multi-Phase Replacement 7 Distinct Phases: 3 Demo and 4 Construction ▪ 3 Major Moves ▪ Current Approach: First Phase of a Long Range Plan ▪ Scope Depends on Middle School Project ▪

  14. Phasing and schedule 200 ADM 100 ******Add phasing images SS AUD AUD LIB COM 800 300 400 500 600 500 900 700

  15. Phasing and schedule 200 ADM 100 ART ******Add phasing images SS AUD CR WD AUD LIB COM 800 300 400 500 600 500 900 700

  16. 200 ADM 100 ART ******Add phasing images SS STG CR WD AUD LIB COM 800 300 400 500 600 500 900 700

  17. Phasing and schedule 200 ADM 100 ART ******Add phasing images SS STG CR WD AUD LIB COM 800 300 MUSIC 400 500 900 AUTO 700

  18. Phasing and schedule 200 ADM 100 ART ******Add phasing images SS STG CR WD AUD LIB COM 800 300 MUSIC 500 900 AUTO 700

  19. Phasing and schedule AD/LIB ADM 100 ART ******Add phasing images CR COM WD AUD COM LIB 300 MUSIC SS CR 900 AUTO 700

  20. Phasing and schedule AD/LIB ADM 100 ART ******Add phasing images CR COM WD AUD COM LIB 300 MUSIC SS CR 900 AUTO 700

  21. Phasing and schedule AD/LIB ADM 100 ART ******Add phasing images CR COM WD AUD LIB COM 300 MUSIC SS CR 900 AUTO 700

  22. Phasing and schedule AD/LIB ART ******Add phasing images CR COM WD AUD PARKING MUSIC CR AUTO 700

  23. Conceptual design

  24. Cost 101 How Do We Craft Our Project Budgets? Too Costly to Fully Design the Projects Pre-Levy ▪ Cost Model Based on Educated Assumptions, Comparisons, and Historical Data ▪

  25. Crafting Project Budgets 1. $ Per Square Foot X Building Floor Area = Construction Cost Today 2. Construction Cost Today + Escalation = Construction Cost at Bid Day 3. Construction Cost at Bid Day + Contingency = Maximum Allowable Construction Cost (MACC) 4. MACC + Development Costs = Total Project Budget

  26. Confirming Project Budgets 1. $ Per Square Foot X Building Floor Area = Construction Cost Today 2. Construction Cost Today + Escalation = Construction Cost at Bid Day 3. Construction Cost at Bid Day + Contingency = Maximum Allowable Construction Cost (MACC) 4. MACC + Development Costs = Total Project Budget

  27. Levy Collection Schedule Observations

  28. Levy Collection Schedule Observations

  29. Levy Collection Schedule Observations

  30. Levy Collection Schedule Observations

  31. Levy Collection Schedule Observations

  32. Contemporary Learning Environments What Do We Intend for the New Stevens MS & PAHS Learning Environment? Project-Based, Hands-On Learning (STEM/CTE) ▪ Interdisciplinary (Math/Science/Language Arts) ▪ Collaborative, Communal, Shared Learning Areas ▪ Computer/Reading Labs ▪ Performing Arts ▪ Health & Fitness ▪ Studios & Shops ▪ Special Education & Student Support ▪

  33. Education in Port Angeles What is working in our District? What is not working in our District? What are the unique needs of our learners? What will students need for success in their future? What learning experiences do we want them to have? Let’s look at some contemporary middle schools and discuss further…

  34. Education in Port Angeles What is working in our District? What is not working in our District? What are the unique needs of our learners? What will students need for success in their future? What learning experiences do we want them to have?


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