Policing and social media – the landscape and key challenges Gavin Stephens David Bailey
Public interaction with the online environment 8
Our vision for social-media enabled policing The public will have the choice and confidence to engage, report and interact with their local police using the digital channels that most suit their needs. The police have the skills and confidence to effectively engage with communities, building trust, support and enabling citizens so that together we can tackle the issues that matter most. This vision is underpinned by the following three project aims Provide a national framework through which Provide a model for local social media use Deliver relevant, current and responsive policing is enabled to use Social Media as a that has sufficiently flexible options to meet digital services that allow policing to engage contact channel in a consistent way local needs whilst being consistent with the with children and young people in a Single Online Home consistent, effective and efficient manner nationally
The evidence based approach taken to assess the current social media in policing landscape identified five key gaps that need to be bridged Developing an evidence based landscape: • Social Media Survey • Over 27,000 followers of police Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts across 43 forces, gave their feedback on the their experience and expectations of police use of social media • Existing research/documents review • Academic papers, industry insights and interviews with commercial, public sector and tech/SM platforms to build an evidence base to identify trends, opportunities and threats • Primary social media analysis • Conducted by non-police staff, reviewing and analysis police social media activity against the publics expectations We are missing an opportunity to We are not The economic The current offer something There is an treating social and benefits skills, structures different to how unmet need that with the same case and the and capabilities we engage face-to- we need to professionalism understanding of do not allow us face, and drive address as other key the risks are not to deliver best confidence across contact channels fully developed practice the widest range of communities
There is an unmet need that we need to address Expectations Current Activity Crime or missing person appeals Updates about incidents Insights into police work Court Case Results Traffic Updates Crime Prevention Advice Online meetings / chats Conversation about policing Job adverts Other (please specify) happening now between police accounts
To achieve the vision, we should support and enable Forces on a journey to develop social media as a contact and engagement channel Prioritise & Integrate Develop Capability Measure Impact Foster Innovation Support Forces to get to a Support Forces so they have Enable Forces to measure Lay the foundation for position where social media the tools and support to and demonstrate impact of further innovation and contact and engagement is develop greater skills and social media maturity on a par with other channels adopt effective best practice used by policing Social media must be prioritised by Forces There is currently a capability gap that Measuring engagement and outcomes is Social media will constantly evolve and it is to ensure that it gets the same attention as exists with regard to social media key to being able to embed social media vital that policing continues to keep up, services such as 999 and 101. management and operations in police operations into business as usual ways of and where possible stay ahead, of Forces. working. developments. Social media is no longer an 'add on' or 'nice to have' it has become a channel of It’s crucial to support Forces to bridge this Policing must increase maturity in how A focus on the behaviours and skills, rather choice for many members of our gap, to put in place the rights skills and measurements are conducted around than the technology and channels, will communities. understand how to adopt best practice. social, how this feeds into standard enable policing to play an active part in the reporting and how this is used to drive digital communities. Social media needs to be brought to the Rather than focusing on the procedures for continuous improvement in delivering same level as more traditional methods of the platforms as they work today, we need effective policing. We shouldn’t be leading the community on contact – it is not a replacement for the skills and capability to constantly adapt how to use social media but responsive to contact via telephony, face to face or with our approaches as the technology changes. Impact can’t be measured without clear needs and able to adapt approaches inline the media. objectives being set before undertaking with agreed principles. activity.
We must focus on interventions over the next 18 months to start the journey to achieve the vision Within 6 months Within 18 months After 18 months Create a common set of metrics used by Create high level Target Operating Model Create a Futures Working Group to Create a national advisory function HMICFRS and project for local Forces horizon scan activity of new channels Build a national catalogue of evaluated Build mechanisms to introduce a ‘critical Issue RFI for a social media management Create a national analysis and insight campaign content friend’ function platform for policing function Baseline and publish minimum standards Create content design and creation skills Create a digital social media skills Create a national advisory capability to offering academy inform ‘special interest’ campaigns Provide ‘gold standard’ portfolio of job Create evidence based ‘High Impact’ Secure funding/CSR support for descriptions for a social media function library incoming expertise secondments from industry Professionally verified checklist for legal Build a set of ‘best practice’ process Secure Transformation Funding for trial content publication maps to support consistency of full social media capability Build a Self-Assessment Tool for Forces Assess how to equip users to understand to assess social media maturity and use appropriate language Create national social media managers network Create a specialist function/expertise for Children & Young People Prioritise & Integrate Develop Capability Measure Impact Foster Innovation
Social Media Take Ways • We have identified • There is a strategic • When posting on FIVE core gaps approach and a set of social the officer / between our agreed planned staff should be able vision and the interventions which to explain what they current landscape. will address the gaps want to achieve: • We have taken an • Tactical • We are focusing on evidence based Operational outputs rather than approach using user objective outcomes feedback, reviewed academic findings • Influence opinion • We need to focus on and industry trends or behaviour contributing to against current • Create capacity delivery of policing activity to achieve the rather than the above two points. activity
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