pl plain inedge edge pu public ic scho chools ols

Pl Plain inedge edge Pu Public ic Scho chools ols 2016-20 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pl Plain inedge edge Pu Public ic Scho chools ols 2016-20 2017 7 Bu Budg dget t Pre resentation entation Spec ecial ial Ed Education ucation Presentation to the Board of Education Dr. Stephanie Lamanno Interim Director of

  1. Pl Plain inedge edge Pu Public ic Scho chools ols 2016-20 2017 7 Bu Budg dget t Pre resentation entation Spec ecial ial Ed Education ucation Presentation to the Board of Education Dr. Stephanie Lamanno Interim Director of Special Education Mr. Joseph Maisano Assistant Director of Special Education March 15, 2016

  2. SPECIAL EDUCATION BUDGET Year-to to-Year ear Per erspe spectiv ctive 2015-20 2016: 6: $4,39 4,396,28 6,285 2016-20 2017: : $4,4 4,411,8 ,842 42 Yea ear-to to-Year ear Change: hange: +$1 $15,55 5,557 7 or +0.35% 0.35%

  3. SPECIAL EDUCATION BUDGET 2015-2016 2016-2017 Dollar Description of Changes Adopted Proposed Change Budget Budget Equipment 12,000 14,500 +2,500 Contractual Maria Regina 40,000 150,000 +110,000 Materials and Supplies 19,285 23,285 +4,000 Tuition Private Schools 800,000 1,050,000 +250,000 BOCES 2,275,000 1,909,500 -365,500 875,000 889,557 +14,557 Contractual CSE 375,000 375,000 0 Contractual Public Schools & Others Totals 4,396,285 4,411,842 +15,557

  4. OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION RESPONSIBILITIES  Special Education Curriculum/Services/IEP Development  Committee of Special Education (CSE)  Committee of Preschool Students Education (CPSE)  State Reporting  Grant Preparation and Management  Professional Development  District of Location/District of Residency: Identification and billing for educational services rendered to students from other districts  STAC’s (for State Aid reimbursement) and Medicaid submissions  Transition Planning

  5. OVERVIEW OF SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS Spe pecia ial Edu ducati tion on Ser ervic ices es offer ered ed:  Resource Room  Integrated Co-Teaching  Self-Contained  Life Skills  Out of District Placement Add ddit itio ional l Rel elated ed Ser ervic ices es  Occupational Therapy  Physical Therapy  Speech Therapy  Vision Therapy  Hearing Services

  6. POINTS OF PRIDE  Technology Integration  Technology & Research Based Reading Programs  Continuum of Services  Neighboring Districts Requesting to Review our Model Life Skills Program  Vocational Training  Transition Planning  Cross Contract Requests for Summer Program

  7. CURRENT INITIATIVES  Improving instruction through the use of technology and research-based programs  Incorporating iPads into specialized instruction  Ensuring appropriate transition services are provided for students with disabilities  Expanding the continuum at the elementary level  Increasing the number of cross contracts

  8. EXPANDING THE CONTINUUM OF SERVICES: NEW ELEMENTARY 6:1:2 CLASS In In-District District: Cost to educate 5 elementary students in a 6:1:2 setting:  1.0 FTE Special Education Teacher $106,000  0.6 FTE Psychologist $81,000  0.5 FTE Speech/Language Teacher $53,000  2.0 FTE Teaching Assistants $113,066  1.0 FTE Teacher Aide $22,849  Occupational Therapy $5,800  Total: $381,715

  9. EXPANDING THE CONTINUUM OF SERVICES K-1 INTEGRATED CO-TEACHING (ICT) CLASS CPSE students transitioning to school age that require ICT class, as well as several Kindergarten students requiring the ICT setting. Cost for the creation of this new class is as follows:  1.0 FTE Special Education Teacher $106,000  1.0 FTE Teaching Assistants $56,533  Total: $162,533

  10. EDUCATING IN DISTRICT VS OUT OF DISTRICT Next year we will have 5 students who will qualify for a 6:1:2 program in one of our elementary schools. Currently, they are attending out of district placements through the CPSE and CSE committees or are currently in district, yet require a more restrictive setting. If the district was to educate these students in out of district placements, it is projected to cost $600,000. The development of this new class would support our continuum of services and the Life Skills programs at all levels. Additionally, the financial benefit of educating students in-house will off-set the cost of expanding our ICT program. Cost savings to the District: Out of district cost: $600,000 In district cost for 6-1-2: $381,715 In district cost for K-1 ICT: $162,533 Total cost savings: -$55,752

  11. EXPANSION OF THE SPECIAL EDUCATION CONTINUUM The decision to educate these students in one of our elementary schools is not only a sound one for the students’ educational benefit, but makes sense financially.

  12. CONTINUUM OF SELF-CONTAINED SERVICES Grade e Levels s in Which ch Self-Cont ntai aine ned Class sses es are Offered: ered: Life Skills K-6 Self Contained 7-12 Self Contained 6:1:2* 12:1:2* 15:1:1* K-1 K-1 7 2-3-4 2-3-4 8 6-7-8 4-5 9 9-12** 5-6 10 11 12 *- ratio: Students: Teachers :Teaching Assistants **- There is flexibility at the high school level in terms of this ratio, based on the needs of the students in the class.


  14. FUTURE INITIATIVES  Providing additional evidence based interventions  Expansion of students placed with the Department of Labor  Continued development of special education plan based on results of district audit  Integrated Co-Teaching Classroom Improvement Plan  Enhanced transition planning services


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