pl plain inedge edge pu public ic scho chools ols

Pl Plain inedge edge Pu Public ic Scho chools ols 2016-20 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Pl Plain inedge edge Pu Public ic Scho chools ols 2016-20 2017 7 Bu Budg dget t Pre resentation entation Mu Music c and Art in our r Sch chools ools Presentation to the Board of Education Stephen Hoffman, Director of Fine and

  1. Pl Plain inedge edge Pu Public ic Scho chools ols 2016-20 2017 7 Bu Budg dget t Pre resentation entation Mu Music c and Art in our r Sch chools ools Presentation to the Board of Education Stephen Hoffman, Director of Fine and Performing Arts February 11, 2016

  2. DISTRICT ARTS MISSION What t Student udents s Should ould Know w and d Be Able e to Do in the e Ar Arts • Communicate at a basic level in the four arts disciplines – music, visual arts, theatre and dance. This includes knowledge and skills in the use of basic vocabularies, materials, tools, techniques and intellectual methods of each arts discipline. • Communicate proficiently in at least one art form. • Be able to develop and present basic analyses of works of art. • Have an informed acquaintance with exemplary works of art from a variety of cultures and historical perspectives and a basic understanding of the historical development of the arts as a whole. • Be able to relate various types of arts knowledge and skills within and across arts disciplines. "The rapidly evolving global economy demands a dynamic and creative workforce. The arts and its related businesses are responsible for billions of dollars in cultural exports for this country. It is imperative that we continue to support the arts and arts education both on the national and local levels. The strength of every democracy is measured by its commitment to the arts.” – Charles Segars, CEO of Ovation

  3. FINE ARTS BUDGET A Hi A Historical orical Per erspectiv spective • 20 2015-20 2016 $122,650 $122,650 • 20 2016-20 2017 $1 $147, 7,814 2016-20 2017 7 ch chan ange ge: : + $25 25,164 4 or +20 20.52% .52%

  4. ART AND MUSIC BUDGET BREAKDOWN Budge get t 2015-20 2016 2016-20 2017 Dollar ar Change nge Equipment $26,000 $40,160 + $14,160 Materials/Supplies $49,850 $48,900 - $950 Contractual $40,000 $48,144 +$8,144 Uniforms/Reconditioning $3,900 $8,000 + $4,100 Co-Curricular $2,900 $2,610 - $290 Total $122,650 $147,814 + $25,164

  5. EQUIPMENT (INSTRUMENT) BREAKDOWN Instr trumen ment Costs ts by Year $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $0 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Brass $4,520 $3,907 $5,747 $21,816 $3,476 Percussion $2,181 $384 $1,703 $8,470 $1,694 Strings $6,822 $15,760 $8,790 $9,923 $7,460 Woodwinds $448 $1,486 $679 $8,107 $3,648

  6. EQUIPMENT (INSTRUMENT) BREAKDOWN # of Instruments truments Purch chased ased 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Brass 6 8 4 19 2 Percussion 12 2 9 12 10 Strings 22 25 21 26 18 Woodwinds 1 7 3 14 5

  7. HE HERE IS WHY HY WE STUD UDY Y MUSIC SIC AND ND HO HOW MUSIC IC MAKES ES US BETTER TTER STUD UDENT ENTS S AND ND CITIZENS ZENS: MATHEMA EMATICS TICS SKILLS: S: Certain types of music instruction help develop the capacity for spatial temporal reasoning, which is integral to the acquisition of important mathematics skills. Spatial temporal reasoning refers to the ability to understand the relationship of ideas and objects in space and time. READING DING AND LANGUAGE GE SKILLS: S: Music instruction enhances and complements basic reading skills, language development and writing skills. The study of music provides a context for teaching language skills because music is a language and a powerful form of communication. THINKING G SKILLS: S: Reasoning ability, intuition, perception, imagination, inventiveness, creativity, problem-solving skills and expression are among the thought processes developed through the study of music. SOCI CIAL AL SKILLS: S: Music education promotes growth in positive social skills including self- confidence, self-control, conflict resolution, collaboration, empathy and social tolerance. MOTI TIVATI TION ON TO LEARN: Music nurtures a motivation to learn by emphasizing active engagement, disciplined and sustained attention, persistence and risk taking, among other competencies. Source: Ruppert, Sandra S.: Critical Evidence – How the ARTS Benefit Student Achievement. The National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, 2006.

  8. NYS LEARNING STANDARDS FOR THE ARTS Standard 1: Creating, Performing and Participating in the Arts • Standard 2: Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources • • Standard 3: Responding to and Analyzing Works of Art • Standard 4: Understanding the Cultural Dimensions and Contributions of the Arts Integration of Common Core Standards in the Arts • ELA & Literacy • ELA and Technical Subjects

  9. ELEMENTARY ARTS INSTRUCTION Visual Arts Grades K-5 Music General Music K-5 Band Grade 4 Band Grade 5 Orchestra Grade 4 Orchestra Grade 5 Primary Chorus Grades 2 & 3 Senior Chorus Grades 4 & 5

  10. MIDDLE SCHOOL ARTS INSTRUCTION Cour ourse se Of Offeri erings ngs Art Art - Grades 6 and 7 Studi dio o Art t - Grade 8 ( Students can receive ½ high school credit and complete the other ½ credit in high school meeting the NYS requirement for 1 graduation credit in the Arts) Music ic Band, d, Chorus us and O d Orche hestra stra – Grades 6-8 General Music ic - Grades 6 and 7

  11. HIGH SCHOOL ARTS INSTRUCTION Course se Offer erin ings gs Ar Art Studio Art Drawing Studio Art Semester (second ½ of MS Studio) Ceramics Drawing and Painting Sculpture Advanced Painting and Drawing Fashion I & II Advanced Placement Portfolio Cartooning Graphic Art & Design Independent Study Advertising /Advanced Graphic Design Animation/Media Arts Architectural and Interior Design Jewelry Design Digital Photography I *Digita tal Phot otogra ograph phy y II – New w Cour urse se Visual Art Sequence: 5 Units - Studio Art and 4 additional Advanced Arts credits meet the Foreign Language requirement.

  12. DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Students explored both Landscape & Light and Natural Light and High/Low Key portraits. Once both assignments were completed, they combined two photographs edited in Lightroom, to create a strategic composition called a Double Exposure. Students utilized skills in Adobe Photoshop to create their Double Exposure image. Image by: Tailor McClain, Grade 11 2016 Nassau All-County Artist

  13. DOUBLE EXPOSURE Image by: Emily O’Leary, Grade 11 2016 Nassau All-County Artist

  14. DOUBLE EXPOSURE Image by: Briana Scognamiglio, Grade 12 2016 Nassau All-County Artist

  15. SMARTMUSIC PROGRAM IN ACTION Inser sert t Vi Video eo Her ere e for Pr Presentation sentation

  16. HI HIGH H SC SCHO HOOL OL MUSIC USIC INS NSTRUCTION UCTION Cour ourse se Of Offerin rings gs  Concert/Marching Band  Orchestra  Mixed Chorus  Concert Choir  Music Theory  AP Music Theory 5 year sequence: 3 Units of Band, Chorus or Orchestra and 2 units of Music Theory meet the Foreign Language requirement .

  17. DISTRICT ARTS CO-CURRICULAR OPPORTUNITIES  Art Club (HS & MS)  District Art Show (K-12)  District Calendar Cover Contest  Adelphi University Art Foundations Program (grades 11 &12)  Art League of Long Island Advanced Placement Exhibition (HS AP Art Students)  Art Supervisors Association All - County Exhibition – Farmingdale  Chamber Group (HS & MS)  Jazz Band (HS)  Jazz Choir (HS)  Tri-M Music Honor Society (HS & MS)

  18. DISTRICT ARTS CO-CURRICULAR OPPORTUNITIES (CONTINUED)  NYSSMA Solo and Ensemble Festival (grades 4-12)  NYSSMA Majors Festival (Group performance 4-12)  NYSSMA All State  NYSSMA All Eastern  Long Island String Festival (grades 5-12)  NMEA All County Music Festival (grades 5-12)  Drama (HS & MS)  Dance Club (MS)  Music and Art Field Trips - * MS – Orche chestra tra to NY Philharmonic Young Composers’ Concert

  19. DISTRICT PARTICIPATION Mus usic ic  Band Grades 4-12 338  Orchestra Grades 4-12 355  Chorus Grades 2-12 1027 97%  General Music K-7 1213  Music Theory 20 Total l Mus usic c - 2953 53 Art  Art Primary K-5 1204  MS6-8 421 69%  HS 9-12 459  AP Art 8 Total l Art - 2092 2092

  20. STUDENT PARTICIPATION AND SELECTION FOR LOCAL AND ALL - COUNTY EVENTS Event nt 2015-20 2016 Pa Participants cipants Hosting NYSSMA Solo & Ensemble Festival Approx. 2500 All County Festival 63 Long Island String Festival 10 NYSSMA Major Organizational Festival 4 AP Art show at the Art League of LI 4 Art Supervisors Association All-County Exhibition - Adelphi 21 Advanced Visions: High School Artists of Excellence - LIU 2 Three District Art Shows 100+

  21. FUTURE INITIATIVES • Expand Smart Music program in the HS and MS • Addition of Photography II course at High School • Integration of NYS Learning Standards related to ELA, Literacy and Technical Subjects in the Arts • Continued District-wide participation in the Art Supervisors’ Associations All -County Art Exhibition • Continued staff participation teaching for the ASA • Staff development through ASA, NYSSMA and NYSCAME • Continued staff participation in leadership positions in NEMA and LISFA



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