photon detector consor um weekly mee ng

Photon Detector Consor-um Weekly Mee-ng January 15, 2019 Dave - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Photon Detector Consor-um Weekly Mee-ng January 15, 2019 Dave Warner Outline APA ground screen connec-ons Integra-on/installa-on discussions Implica-ons for PD produc-on Upcoming Technical Milestones Mesh Panel Fixing (4

  1. Photon Detector Consor-um Weekly Mee-ng January 15, 2019 Dave Warner

  2. Outline • APA ground screen connec-ons • Integra-on/installa-on discussions • Implica-ons for PD produc-on • Upcoming Technical Milestones

  3. Mesh Panel Fixing (4” Frame) 5 panel types Foot end L/H + R/H Centre panels all iden-cal Head end L/H + R/H (2 off of each) (12 off) (2 off of each)

  4. Fixing bracket loca-ons. LiV plates and nut plate Fixing bracket loca-ons. widths reduced to 79.5mm

  5. Sec-on Through Outer Tube Nut plates, not used for mesh frame fixing, they are part of the APA frame design. They are ½” thick 8.3mm Dimension from top of the nut plates to the top surface of the mesh frame. Mesh frame fixing bracket. 1.6mm stainless steel. Very low profile to allow passage of cables. Mesh frame 20mm x 10mm x 1.5mm

  6. PD Cable rou,ng along the APA side tube Bundle of 5 x 6.75mm Rib Foot diameter PD cables tube Side tube View of PD cable rou-ng without mesh window View of PD cable rou-ng with mesh window

  7. PD Integra-on • ITF (APA horizontal)? – In Rapid City? – At SURF? • “Underground ITF” – In SAS or cleanroom between detector caverns (APA possibly ver-cal like ProtoDUNE) – In cavern 2 during detector 1 assembly, not clear what happens for second SP detector

  8. PD Module Fabrica-on & Integra-on • Current plan calls for first produc-on PDs arriving (and integra-on beginning at ITF) in early 2022 • Probably need to consider PD produc-on beginning mid 2021. • N.B.: Some number of final-design PDs will be needed early for PD/APA installa-on tests • Assume 2 APAs per week • 20 PDs per week • 18 months per FD cryostat

  9. PD Cables/Connectors • APA frame construc-on will begin January 2021 • PD cables and connectors will need to begin fabrica-on in mid-2020 • Cable tes-ng/cer-fica-on is clearly a cri-cal path item for the PD consor-um – Beginning at CSU – Supported in ICEBERG, other sites

  10. Interface Documents • Two important workshops associated with upcoming collabora-on mee-ng: • Integra-on/Installa-on Workshop: Jan 24-25 @ CERN • Compu-ng & SoVware Interfaces Workshop: Jan 30 @ CERN • Coming out of these workshops, we will need to update our interface documents and place them under signature control • Process needs to be completed on -me scale of final TDR submission

  11. Sub-system Cost Estimates • I have been promising an example that we can use as a template to help “standardize” our cost estimates for the next round of review • Hoped to have this ready for today, but it will require another week to finalize • The required time scale for updated cost estimates is end-of-February • NCG will ini-ate next round of review aVer the RRB mee-ng in March

  12. Schedule • Big question is how to converge on updated dates for the start of installation of the first two far detectors LBNF is expected to converge on dates as part of its reconcilia-on • of the 90% final conven-onal facili-es designs in April/May We expect to have a discussion at the upcoming collabora-on • mee-ng on how we will handle this issue in the TDR • In the meantime, will continue to work with consortia individually on further developing the global schedule

  13. Reviews • Need to schedule design reviews for each sub- system between now and July TDR submission date • Currently, • CE Mechanicals: Feb 11-12 @ BNL • APA: March 27-28 @ PSL (TBC) • Engineering team has been developing safety review requirements in context of APA review – will iterate with each consortia on its requirements • PD 60% review likely to occur in May 2019!!!


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