Photo: Kayla Kelly-Slatten
1. Introduction to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Angeles National Forest partnership 2. Overview of SGMNM Community-based Trails Management Program 3. Review of the RFP 4. How to Submit a Proposal 5. Questions
Introduction to NFWF W HO WE ARE Chartered by Congress in 1984 30 member Board appointed by Secretary of the Interior Includes FWS Director & NOAA Administrator W HAT WE DO Protect and restore our nation’s fish, wildlife, plants and habitats Bring collaboration among federal agencies & private sector Create common ground among diverse interests In over 30 years of existence, NFWF has funded more than 4,000 organizations and committed more than $4 billion to conservation projects throughout the United States.
Introduction to NFWF H OW W E D O I T $ $ Federal Non-Federal Government Partners Appropriations Corporations Cooperative Foundations Agreements Private Donors Mitigation & Settlements States NGO s Convener of focused, leveraged funding & leadership for priority wildlife & habitat conservation through grant making Species Issues Places
Overview of SGMNM Trails Program Location Zaca
Overview of SGMNM Trails Program ANF/NFWF P ARTNERSHIP Partnership Agreement signed in the summer of 2016 M OTIVATION “S HARED S TEWARDSHIP ” • Expand capacity • Increase the pace and scale of on-the-ground restoration • Leverage support • Engage with partners • Enhance impact • Innovate creative approaches • Maximize budget O THER R EGIONAL NFWF/USFS P ROGRAMS Wildfires Restoration PSW Fuels Management Partnership Photo: Kayla Kelly-Slatten Bring Back the Natives
Overview of SGMNM Trails Program P ROGRAM O VERVIEW Project Priorities 1. Inventory Trail Maintenance Needs throughout the SGMNM 2. Restore Trails to USFS Standards 3. Improve Habitat or Water Quality to Support Healthy Ecosystems 4. Engage Youth, Veterans, and/or Local Community Groups 5. Create or Enhance Education Opportunities 6. Maintain Long-term and Sustainable Solutions
Overview of SGMNM Trails Program P ROGRAM P RIORITIES : I NVENTORY M AINTENANCE N EEDS • Catalogue existing trail conditions and future maintenance needs • Record field measurements, compile photographs, log GPS points and other spatial information according to USFS requirements/protocols Photo: Environment for the Americas Photo: Yaak Valley Forest Council
Overview of SGMNM Trails Program P ROGRAM P RIORITIES : O N - THE - GROUND M AINTENANCE /R ESTORATION Generally, on-the-ground activities will include: • Light Trail Maintenance: Brushing, Tread Work • Medium Maintenance/Light Construction: Extensive Tread Work, Repair of Existing Retaining Walls, Hazard Tree/Downed Tree Removal Photo: Angeles National Forest Photo: Kayla Kelly-Slatten
Overview of SGMNM Trails Program PRIORITY TRAILS • • • Three T’s • Islip Ridge Windy Gap Chapman • • • • Mine Gulch Bear Creek Baldy Bowl Ontario Peak
Overview of SGMNM Trails Program P ROGRAM P RIORITIES : I MPROVE H ABITAT AND W ATER Q UALITY • Projects that incorporate benefits not just to the trail pathway, but integrate activities that result in outcomes to have a discernable benefit to water quality and/or habitat for fish, wildlife, and native plant species. • Examples include reducing sediment erosion through trail improvements, stream or trail trash clean ups, removal of invasive plants Photo: Groundwork Denver, Inc Photo: Heart of Oregon Corps
Overview of SGMNM Trails Program P ROGRAM P RIORITIES : E NGAGE Y OUTH , V ETERANS , LOCAL C OMMUNITY • Projects that incorporate opportunities to connect diverse communities and trail users to their public lands, provide valuable work experience and develop new skills, and foster appreciation and stewardship for these resources. Photo: Angeles National Forest Photo: Kayla Kelly-Slatten
Overview of SGMNM Trails Program P ROGRAM P RIORITIES : C REATE OR E NHANCE E DUCATIONAL O PPORTUNITIES • Projects that create or enhance the trail user’s experience through interpretation of or interactions with the natural and cultural heritage they encounter. Photo: Four Corners School of Outdoor Education Photo: Bureau of Land Management Photo: Forest Stewards Guild
Overview of SGMNM Trails Program P ROGRAM P RIORITIES : L ONG - TERM AND S USTAINABLE S OLUTIONS • Projects that develop and integrate strategies and practices to ensure the value of the funded activity may continue well beyond the funded grant project period. Photos: Angeles National Forest
Request for Proposals Review A PPLICATION P ROCESS Final Proposal Six page detailed description of project, including itemized budget, task descriptions, qualifications, and other supporting documents
Request for Proposals Review A PPLICATION & R EVIEW T IMELINE * Full Proposal Due Date July 30, 2018 Review Period August 2018 Awards Announced September 2018
Request for Proposals Review E LIGIBILITY Eligible applicants non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations local and municipal governments resource conservation districts State agencies Indian tribes educational institutions Ineligible applicants • unincorporated individuals • businesses • international organizations • federal agencies
Request for Proposals Review I NELIGIBLE U SES OF G RANT F UNDS NFWF funds and matching contributions may not be used to support political advocacy, fundraising, lobbying, litigation, terrorist activities or Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations. NFWF funds may not be used to finance compliance with another regulatory ! obligation, including permit conditions, and mitigation agreements.
Request for Proposals Review F UNDING A VAILABILITY Award amounts are expected to range $25,000 - $50,000 ~$150,000 available for grant awards * All grant activities must be completed by June 30, 2019 .
Request for Proposals Review M ATCH R EQUIREMENT • Projects are expected to meet or exceed a 1:1 match ratio . Projects not meeting the match expectations will be considered on a limited case-by-case basis. • Eligible match can include non-federal cash or in-kind contributions, such as staff and volunteer time, work performed, materials and services donated, cash or other tangible contributions to the project objectives and outcomes. • Matching funds do not need to be fully secured prior to submitting a grant proposal, but should have a demonstrable likelihood of being secured during the project period.
Request for Proposals Review E NVIRONMENTAL C OMPLIANCE R EQUIREMENTS Successful applicants WILL BE REQUIRED to cooperate with NFWF and the U.S. Forest Service to ensure NEPA, ESA, NHPA and other planning requirements are conducted. Applicants should identify relevant compliance requirements for their project in their proposal, and describe how they intend to meet those requirements
Request for Proposals Review M ONITORING /P ROJECT D OCUMENTATION R EQUIREMENTS Reporting detail and frequency may vary, but at a minimum: • Project should include an approach for monitoring progress and effectiveness – long-term monitoring need not necessarily be included in proposal tasks • All grantees are expected to record and deliver all relevant geospatial data associated with the project – Geospatial information must be consistent with established Forest Service geospatial data standards relevant to the project (e.g. data dictionaries, metadata formats) to ensure proper integration with Forest Service corporate databases • All grantees are expected to visually document pre- and post- project conditions and project activities over the life of the grant. Photos and videos may be used by ANF/NFWF to help illustrate outcomes and promote the program.
Request for Proposals Review E VALUATION Process Proposals will be evaluated by a Review Committee made up of representatives from the Angeles National Forest, NFWF, and other experts as needed. Grant applications are evaluated according to: • How well they address the priorities and goals of the Program as described in the RFP and other guiding documents • Adequacy and clarity of application information • Ability to meet applicable evaluation criteria
Request for Proposals Review E VALUATION CRITERIA • Workplan/Technical Approach • Budget/Matching Contributions • Applicability to RFP Goals, and other regional or local Conservation, Watershed or Community Stewardship Plans • Community and Partner Involvement • Future Effectiveness/Sustainability • Regulatory Compliance • Measurable Results/Achievable Outcomes
Submitting a Proposal H OW TO A PPLY ?
Submitting a Proposal H OW TO A PPLY ?
Submitting a Proposal H OW TO A PPLY ?
Submitting a Proposal P ROJECT I NFORMATION
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Submitting a Proposal R EVIEW AND S UBMIT
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Submitting a Proposal Q UESTIONS AND D ISCUSSION
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