phenix perspectives for the rhic energy scan

PHENIX Perspectives for the RHIC Energy Scan Ralf Averbeck, GSI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PHENIX Perspectives for the RHIC Energy Scan Ralf Averbeck, GSI Helmholtzzentrum fr Schwerionenforschung GmbH for the Collaboration Symposium on "The Physics of Dense Baryonic Matter" GSI, Darmstadt, March

  1. PHENIX Perspectives for the RHIC Energy Scan Ralf Averbeck, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH for the Collaboration Symposium on "The Physics of Dense Baryonic Matter" GSI, Darmstadt, March 9-10, 2009 � Introduction � Search for the QCD Critical Point � Search for the Onset of sQGP Production � Summary and Outlook

  2. QCD phase diagram � goal of high energy heavy-ion physics � identify phases of matter and their properties � locate transitions and their properties � vanishing µ B � sQGP at top RHIC energy � evolution to hadron gas through a continuous rapid crossover transition � larger µ B � possibility of a 1 st order phase transition � critical point? � phase coexistence line? � energy scan at RHIC , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 2

  3. Questions for an energy scan � search for the critical point � where should we look? � guidance from lattice QCD – critical point in reach at » FAIR » SPS » RHIC � what (T, µ B ) for given √ s? � constraints from experiment � what to measure? � evolution of the sQGP � how do the medium properties evolve with √ s? � where do individual sQGP signatures "turn off"? � experimental boundary conditions � performance of RHIC at lower √ s? � what are the constraints in PHENIX? , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 3

  4. Where are we in (T, µ B )? � important prerequisite � initial thermalization in partonic world Initial Thermalization – some idea of T initial ? Freezeout � evolution into hadronic world – determine (T, µ B ) at freezeout from particle species ratios , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 4

  5. Initial T from thermal photons � enhanced emission of arXiv:0804.4168v1 1 < p T < 2 GeV 2 < p T < 3 GeV "soft" low-mass virtual 3 < p T < 4 GeV 4 < p T < 5 GeV photons in Au+Au compared to pp � consistent with hydrodynamic model calculation assuming 300 MeV < T initial < 600 MeV � difficulties at low √ s � signal/background � interaction rate at RHIC � feasible at higher end of RHIC arXiv:0804.4168v1 energy scan , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 5

  6. Finding the critical point Nonaka & Asakawa, PRC 71(2005)044904 � hydro prediction � critical point "attracts" isentropic trajectories in the (T, µ B ) plane � focusing causes a broadening of the signal region in (T, µ B ) � not necessary to exactly "hit" the critical point in an energy scan! , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 6

  7. Stationary state variables � properties � divergence of stationary state variables at critical point – compressibility − γ ⎛ ⎞ − T T ⎜ ⎟ ∝ C k ⎜ ⎟ T ⎝ ⎠ T C – heat capacity − α ⎛ ⎞ − T T ⎜ ⎟ ∝ C C ⎜ ⎟ V ⎝ ⎠ T C � related to event-by-event fluctuations of observables σ – multiplicity fluctuations 2 ( ) T = k T / V k µ B 2 1 ∑ = – <p T > fluctuations 4 pT C � strategy V � study fluctuations as function of µ B ( √ s) � search for anomalies, i.e. large critical fluctuations , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 7

  8. Fluctuations � PHENIX measures � limits and caveats fluctuations � fluctuations σ and correlation length ξ (Stephanov, Rajagopal, Shuryak: PRD 60(1999)114028) σ ∝ ξ 2 – finite system size – finite evolution time � divergence of ξ (and σ ) limited � system slows down � no compelling evidence for near critical point critical fluctuations yet � fluctuations damped (Berdnikov and Rajagopal: PRD 61(2000)105017) critical point search needs � do critical fluctuations further observables survive hadronization? , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 8

  9. Antiproton-to-proton ratio � back to hydro � critical point deforms ("attracts") isentropic trajectories in the � PHENIX measures (T, µ B ) plane identified hadron � antiproton-to- spectra proton ratio p ( ) − µ ~ exp 2 B / T p � prediction (Asakawa et al., arXiv:0803.2449) – antiproton spectra are steeper than proton spectra at high p T – more robust than fluctuation observables , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 9

  10. Dynamic variables � again: correlation length ξ is important � relation between diffusion constant D and ξ − ξ (Son & Stephanov) 1 D ~ � large ξ near critical point � small diffusion constant D � small shear viscosity to entropy density ratio η /s − η ξ 0 . 05 0 . 06 � bulk viscosity is different ~ � again � limited system size � no extreme effects � expectation close to the critical point � minimum in shear viscosity to entropy ratio η /s � bulk viscosity only somewhat sensitive , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 10

  11. η /s measurements � need observables that are sensitive to shear stress � damping ~ η /s R. Lacey et al.: PRL 98:092301, 2007 η = ± ± π S. Gavin and M. Abdel-Aziz: / s ( 1 . 1 0 . 2 1 . 2 ) / 4 � flow PRL 97:162302, 2006 p T fluctuations STAR � fluctuations � heavy quark motion η = − π / ( 1 . 0 3 . 8 ) / 4 s v 2 PHENIX A. Adare et al.: PRL 98:092301, 2007 & STAR � top RHIC energy � η /s close to η = − π / s ( 1 . 3 2 . 0 ) / 4 conjectured minimum 1/4 π , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 11

  12. η /s near the critical point � η /s goes through a Lacey et al., arXiv:0708.3512 minimum near the critical point � estimate from Lacey et al. (based on v 2 systematics) – T ~ 165-170 MeV – µ B ~ 120-150 MeV critical point search in the region 20 GeV ≤ √ s ≤ 62 GeV , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 12

  13. Flow systematics out-of-plane � initial state of non-central collision y � large asymmetric pressure gradients Au nucleus � hydrodynamic flow of partons � control parameters: ε 0 , η , c s in-plane � translates into x Au nucleus � final state momentum anisotropy z [ ] ( ) ∞ 3 3 ( ) d N d N ∑ = ϕ − Ψ ( ) = ϕ − Ψ v cos 2 n E 2 v cos n ϕ n R 2 n R 3 d p p d dp dy = n 0 T T � hydrodynamic flow exhibits scaling properties which can be validated (or invalidated), e.g.: 2 ≈ 0.9 � v 4 /v 2 , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 13

  14. Flow at RHIC � flow shows KE T and quark number scaling at top RHIC energy � flow is dominantly pre-hadronic baryons mesons � at what collision energy does scaling set in? , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 14

  15. Jet quenching at RHIC � energy loss of partons from hard scattering through re-scattering in the hot & dense medium � nuclear modification factor � access medium properties R AA << 1 at high p T through statistical analysis – example: transport coefficient in PQM model (A. Dainese et al.) A. Adare et al., PRC 77(2008)064907 PQM � huge opacity of the medium + = 2 . 1 2 ˆ q 13 . 2 GeV / fm � − 3 . 2 , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 15

  16. Light quark opacity � at what collision energy does the onset of light quark opacity occur? A. Adare et al., PRL 101(2008)162301 � PHENIX R AA measurements in Cu+Cu collisions – onset for 22.4 GeV ≤ √ s NN ≤ 62.4 GeV � needs p+p and d+A samples in addition to A+A � feasible only for SPS energies or higher , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 16

  17. Heavy quark opacity � where is the onset of heavy quark opacity? R AA for Au+Au @ √ s NN = 200 GeV R AA for Au+Au @ √ s NN = 62.4 GeV � R AA consistent with unity PRL 98, 172301 (2007) � poor statistics � p+p reference missing � interesting energies for heavy quark observables are above SPS energies, not below , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 17

  18. Low-mass dileptons at RHIC � dielectrons from PHENIX in p+p and Au+Au collisions at √ s NN = 200 GeV A. Adare et al., PLB 76(2009)313 S. Afanasiev et al., arXiv:0706.3034 � agreement with expected e + e - sources in p+p � enhancement observed in Au+Au collisions � can PHENIX measure e + e - in an energy scan? , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 18

  19. e + e - at low RHIC energies � dielectron cocktail calculation for Au+Au at √ s = 17.2 GeV � assumptions – meson yields and phase space distributions as measured at SPS – no low-mass enhancement or any other medium effects � key ingredients – electron ID beyond PHENIX baseline is a must � Hadron Blind Detector (HBD) – increased luminosity (electron cooling) could have a huge impact 50M events w HBD 50M events w/o HBD 500M events w HBD � e + e - measurements are possible with "CERES quality" (or better) at low RHIC energies! , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 19

  20. RHIC boundary conditions � life becomes difficult towards low energies � key issues � luminosity limited by intra-beam scattering – below injection: γ 3 scaling – decent event rates above injection – difficult below injection energy – � improvement: electron cooling � lifetime only few minutes (below injection energy) – "continuous" injection? – � improvement: electron cooling � large "diamond" length spread of collision – vertices along beam axis � improvement: electron cooling , 03/10/2009 R. Averbeck, 20


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