phase transition of inhomogeneous random graphs

Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs lie de Panafieu - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs lie de Panafieu Liafa, Universit Paris-Diderot May 28, 2013 Joint work with Vlady Ravelomanana lie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs Introduction The

  1. Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs Élie de Panafieu Liafa, Université Paris-Diderot May 28, 2013 Joint work with Vlady Ravelomanana Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  2. Introduction The inhomogeneous graphs model encodes several tractable SAT and CSP problems [Söderberg 02] [Bollobàs Janson Riordan 07] Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  3. Introduction The inhomogeneous graphs model encodes several tractable SAT and CSP problems [Söderberg 02] [Bollobàs Janson Riordan 07] bipartite graphs and satisfiable quantified 2-XOR-SAT formulas Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  4. Introduction The inhomogeneous graphs model encodes several tractable SAT and CSP problems [Söderberg 02] [Bollobàs Janson Riordan 07] bipartite graphs and satisfiable quantified 2-XOR-SAT formulas Asymptotic analysis of the number of inhomogeneous graphs (some differences with the original model) following the approach of the giant paper [Janson Knuth Łuczak Pittel 93] Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  5. Introduction The inhomogeneous graphs model encodes several tractable SAT and CSP problems [Söderberg 02] [Bollobàs Janson Riordan 07] bipartite graphs and satisfiable quantified 2-XOR-SAT formulas Asymptotic analysis of the number of inhomogeneous graphs (some differences with the original model) following the approach of the giant paper [Janson Knuth Łuczak Pittel 93] Phase transition of the modeled problems Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  6. Introduction The inhomogeneous graphs model encodes several tractable SAT and CSP problems [Söderberg 02] [Bollobàs Janson Riordan 07] bipartite graphs and satisfiable quantified 2-XOR-SAT formulas Asymptotic analysis of the number of inhomogeneous graphs (some differences with the original model) following the approach of the giant paper [Janson Knuth Łuczak Pittel 93] Phase transition of the modeled problems probability for a graph to be bipartite [Pittel Yeum 10], probability of satisfiability of a quantified 2-XOR-SAT formula [Creignou Daudé Egly 07] Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  7. Bipartite Graphs [Pittel Yeum 10] Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  8. Bipartite Graphs [Pittel Yeum 10] Each vertex v receives a color c ( v ) , Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  9. Bipartite Graphs [Pittel Yeum 10] Each vertex v receives a color c ( v ) , the edges are weighted according to the color of their ends using R = ( 0 1 1 0 ) , weight 1 2 for each connected component. � cc ( G ) � 1 � weight ( c ( G )) : = R c ( a ) , c ( b ) 2 ( a , b ) ∈ E ( G ) weight = 0 Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  10. Bipartite Graphs [Pittel Yeum 10] Each vertex v receives a color c ( v ) , the edges are weighted according to the color of their ends using R = ( 0 1 1 0 ) , weight 1 2 for each connected component. � cc ( G ) � 1 � weight ( c ( G )) : = R c ( a ) , c ( b ) 2 ( a , b ) ∈ E ( G ) weight = 1 4 Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  11. Bipartite Graphs [Pittel Yeum 10] Each vertex v receives a color c ( v ) , the edges are weighted according to the color of their ends using R = ( 0 1 1 0 ) , weight 1 2 for each connected component. � cc ( G ) � 1 � weight ( c ( G )) : = R c ( a ) , c ( b ) 2 ( a , b ) ∈ E ( G ) weight = 1 4 + 1 4 Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  12. Bipartite Graphs [Pittel Yeum 10] Each vertex v receives a color c ( v ) , the edges are weighted according to the color of their ends using R = ( 0 1 1 0 ) , weight 1 2 for each connected component. � cc ( G ) � 1 � weight ( c ( G )) : = R c ( a ) , c ( b ) 2 ( a , b ) ∈ E ( G ) weight = 1 4 + 1 4 + 1 4 Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  13. Bipartite Graphs [Pittel Yeum 10] Each vertex v receives a color c ( v ) , the edges are weighted according to the color of their ends using R = ( 0 1 1 0 ) , weight 1 2 for each connected component. � cc ( G ) � 1 � weight ( c ( G )) : = R c ( a ) , c ( b ) 2 ( a , b ) ∈ E ( G ) weight = 1 4 + 1 4 + 1 4 + 1 4 Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  14. Bipartite Graphs [Pittel Yeum 10] Each vertex v receives a color c ( v ) , the edges are weighted according to the color of their ends using R = ( 0 1 1 0 ) , weight 1 2 for each connected component. � cc ( G ) � 1 � weight ( c ( G )) : = R c ( a ) , c ( b ) 2 ( a , b ) ∈ E ( G ) � 1 if G is bipartite, � weight ( c ( G )) = 0 otherwise. c weight = 1 4 + 1 4 + 1 4 + 1 4 Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  15. Bipartite Graphs [Pittel Yeum 10] Each vertex v receives a color c ( v ) , the edges are weighted according to the color of their ends using R = ( 0 1 1 0 ) , weight 1 2 for each connected component. � cc ( G ) � 1 � weight ( c ( G )) : = R c ( a ) , c ( b ) 2 ( a , b ) ∈ E ( G ) � 1 if G is bipartite, � weight ( c ( G )) = 0 otherwise. c The number of ( n , m ) -bipartite graphs is weight = 1 4 + 1 4 + 1 4 + 1 4 � � weight ( c ( G )) . 2 ( n , m ) : = g ( 0 1 1 0 ) , 1 ( n , m ) -graph G c Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  16. Inhomogeneous Graphs [Söderberg 02] [Bollobàs Janson Riordan 07] R ∈ Sym q × q ( R ≥ 0 ) and σ > 0. A ( R , σ ) -graph is: a vertex colored graph c ( G ) , with weight R c ( s ) , c ( t ) on each edge ( s , t ) , and weight σ for each connected component. weight ( c ( G )) : = σ cc ( G ) � R c ( a ) , c ( b ) , ( a , b ) ∈ E ( G ) � � weight ( c ( G )) . g R , σ ( n , m ) : = ( n , m ) -graph G c Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  17. Inhomogeneous Graphs [Söderberg 02] [Bollobàs Janson Riordan 07] R ∈ Sym q × q ( R ≥ 0 ) and σ > 0. A ( R , σ ) -graph is: a vertex colored graph c ( G ) , with weight R c ( s ) , c ( t ) on each edge ( s , t ) , and weight σ for each connected component. weight ( c ( G )) : = σ cc ( G ) � R c ( a ) , c ( b ) , ( a , b ) ∈ E ( G ) � � weight ( c ( G )) . g R , σ ( n , m ) : = ( n , m ) -graph G c weight = σ 2 R 1 , 1 R 3 1 , 2 R 2 1 , 3 R 2 2 , 3 Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  18. Quantified 2-Xor-Sat Formulas [Creignou Daudé Egly 07] ∀ x , y , ∃ a , b ,..., h , a ⊕ b = x , a ⊕ h = y , a ⊕ c = x , b ⊕ e = x , d ⊕ f = x , d ⊕ g = y , e ⊕ h = y Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  19. Quantified 2-Xor-Sat Formulas [Creignou Daudé Egly 07] ∀ x , y , ∃ a , b ,..., h , a ⊕ b = x , a ⊕ h = y , a ⊕ c = x , b ⊕ e = x , d ⊕ f = x , d ⊕ g = y , e ⊕ h = y Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  20. Quantified 2-Xor-Sat Formulas [Creignou Daudé Egly 07] ∀ x , y , ∃ a , b ,..., h , a ⊕ b = x , a ⊕ h = y , a ⊕ c = x , b ⊕ e = x , d ⊕ f = x , d ⊕ g = y , e ⊕ h = y satisfiable iff each cycle contains an even number of x and y . Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  21. Quantified 2-Xor-Sat Formulas [Creignou Daudé Egly 07] ∀ x , y , ∃ a , b ,..., h , a ⊕ b = x , a ⊕ h = y , a ⊕ c = x , b ⊕ e = x , d ⊕ f = x , d ⊕ g = y , e ⊕ h = y satisfiable iff each cycle contains an even number of x and y . 00 10 01 11 00 x y � 0 1 1 0 , σ = 1 � 1 0 0 1 , R = 10 x y 1 0 0 1 4 0 1 1 0 01 y x 11 y x Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  22. Quantified 2-Xor-Sat Formulas [Creignou Daudé Egly 07] ∀ x , y , ∃ a , b ,..., h , a ⊕ b = x , a ⊕ h = y , a ⊕ c = x , b ⊕ e = x , d ⊕ f = x , d ⊕ g = y , e ⊕ h = y satisfiable iff each cycle contains an even number of x and y . 00 10 01 11 00 x y � 0 1 1 0 , σ = 1 � 1 0 0 1 , R = 10 x y 1 0 0 1 4 0 1 1 0 01 y x 11 y x The number of satisfiable quantified 2-Xor-Sat formulas with n existantial variables and m clauses is g R , σ ( n , m ) . Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  23. Sub-Critical Density of Edges When m n < c ( 1 − ǫ ) and n → ∞ , with high probability a ( n , m ) - ( R , σ ) -graph consists of trees and unicycle components. Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  24. Sub-Critical Density of Edges When m n < c ( 1 − ǫ ) and n → ∞ , with high probability a ( n , m ) - ( R , σ ) -graph consists of trees and unicycle components. ← → rooted tree T i ( z ) = z exp ( T ( z )) R i Symbolic method → → T ) R ) − 1 → T = ( I − diag ( z ∂ T Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs

  25. Sub-Critical Density of Edges When m n < c ( 1 − ǫ ) and n → ∞ , with high probability a ( n , m ) - ( R , σ ) -graph consists of trees and unicycle components. ← → → → → � 1 − z rooted tree T i ( z ) = z exp ( T ( z )) R i T ∼ t 0 − t 1 ρ + ... Drmota-Lalley-Wood Theorem Élie de Panafieu Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Random Graphs


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