SESSION 2: COASTAL STATES From Living on the Edge to Harnessing the Power of the Oceans
SPEAKERS Panelists H.E. Nani Chrougha, Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy, Mauritania • • H.E. Agostinho Salvador Mondlane , Minister of the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries, Mozambique H.E. André Johnson, Minister of Environment and Forest Resources, Togo • Mrs. Nancy Karigithu, Principal Secretary, Shipping and Maritime Affairs, Ministry of • Transport and Infrastructure, Kenya • Mrs. NDeye Tické Ndiaye , Secretary General, Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean Economy, Senegal Moderators • Hon Jean Djaya, Mayor and Member of Parliament of Grand-Lahou, Côte d’Ivoire • Dr. Benoît Bosquet, Practice Manager, Environment and Natural Resources, World Bank
QUESTIONS / TOPICS / ISSUES 1. What are the critical issues faced by African coastal States? Quelles sont les questions critiques auxquelles font face les États côtiers africains? 2. What has been done to date to address these issues? Quelles ont été les actions réalisées jusqu’à ce jour pour répondre à ces questions? 3. What more needs to be done? Quels sont les besoins restants? 4. What are the opportunities for action? Quelles opportunités existent pour l’action ? 5. What are the threats to action? Quelles menaces pèsent sur l’action ? 6. What do African coastal States expect of this Conference and of COP22? Quelles sont les attentes des États côtiers africains par rapport à cette Conférence et à la COP22?
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