pgy1c pgy 1car arms re results

PGY1C PGY 1CaR aRMS Re Results Un Unive versity of To Toronto - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PGY1C PGY 1CaR aRMS Re Results Un Unive versity of To Toronto to Pr Pres esen entatio tation t to PG PGMEAC, Ap April il 2 29, 2 2016 Background PGY1 Quotas for 2016 intake CMG positions for FM remained steady at 137

  1. PGY1C PGY 1CaR aRMS Re Results Un Unive versity of To Toronto to Pr Pres esen entatio tation t to PG PGMEAC, Ap April il 2 29, 2 2016

  2. Background PGY1 Quotas for 2016 intake • CMG positions for FM remained steady at 137 • Reduced a total of 9 CMGs in RC specialties adjusting total from 209 to 200 • Internal Medicine (3) Dermatology (1) • • General Surgery (1) • Adult Neurology (1) • Ob/Gyn (1) • Orthopedic Surgery (1) • Psychiatry (1) • Transferred 1 IMG position to NOSM adjusting total from 71 to 70 • Total Quota for 2016 intake = 407 2

  3. Vacancies after 1 st Iteration Vacancies Toronto Year Quota Toronto Rest of Ont. All Canada 2016 407 0 49 213 2015 417 0 54 216 2014 417 0 50 228 2013 416 0 82 299 2012 416 2 79 271 2011 397 2 93 303 2010 380 0 93 302 2009 369 0 64 320 3

  4. National vacancies after 1 st and 2 nd iteration Discipline First iteration Second iteration Family Medicine 120 41 Internal Medicine 20 - Anatomical Pathology 11 2 Psychiatry 11 - Diagnostic Radiology 10 - PHPM 7 - General Pathology 4 - Medical Genetics 4 2 Radiation Oncology 4 - General Surgery 3 - Hematological Pathology 3 2 Medical Microbiology 3 1 Nuclear Medicine 3 - Neurology 2 1 Neuropathology 2 1 Anesthesiology 1 - Medical Biochemistry 1 1 Obstetrics & Gynecology 1 - Orthopedic Surgery 1 - Pediatrics 1 - Urology 1 - Total 213 51 4

  5. Unfilled positions and unmatched graduates after 2 nd iteration by province Unfilled positions (51) Unmatched current graduates (48) Unmatched prior graduates (55) 1 1 1 3 1 2 44 6 4 2 2 19 11 3 6 4 6 4 29 2 3 5

  6. Per cent unmatched current year CMGs after 2 nd iteration 2.0% 1.2% 1.8% 1.6% 1.4% 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.0% 2007 Average 2.0% Max: 2 % 1.7% Min: 0.5 % Range: 1.5 % 1.6% 1.6% 1.4% 0.9% 0.8% 0.7% 0.5% 0.5% 6

  7. U of T: Source of MD for CMGs 42% 45% 34% 40% 35% 30% 23% 25% 20% 15% 10% 1% 5% 0% U of T Other Ontario Other Cdn United States 2013 2014 2015 2016 7

  8. U of T: Source of MD for IMGs 25 19 20 15 12 12 2013 10 10 2014 10 2015 3 5 2016 1 1 1 0 8

  9. U of T: Year of MD for IMGs 35 30 25 18 20 17 15 15 8 10 6 5 5 0 Current Year Last Year 2 Years Ago 3 to 5 Years 6 to 10 Years > 10 Years Ago Ago Ago 2013 2014 2015 2016 9

  10. Questions? 10

  11. Categorizing unmatched CMG applicants Applicants ranked by no programs 5% 3% Applicants ranked by 38% 2015 some programs but programs filled before 11% N=39 rank 26% 7% Applicants ranked by 54% 2016 all programs but programs filled before N=46* rank Applicants who could have matched but did 56% not rank the program *Excludes two applicants: one who participated in 2015 first iteration and 2016 second iteration, and one who did not submit an ROL in first iteration 11

  12. Unmatched student journey 2013 2013 second 2014 first iteration iteration Unknown journey 4 35 Net unmatched: 0 matched 59 matched 30 Net unknown journey: 7 unmatched 41 unmatched 5 2 5 2015 second 2015 first 2014 second iteration iteration iteration Unknown journey 1 1 matched 0 matched 1 matched 2 unmatched 1 unmatched 2 unmatched 3 1 2016 first iteration Unknown journey 1 matched 1 unmatched 1 12

  13. Unmatched student journey 2014 2014 second 2015 first 2015 second iteration iteration iteration Unknown journey 11 41 7 Net unmatched: 2 matched 71 matched 34 matched 4 Net unknown journey: 13 unmatched 55 unmatched 7 unmatched 3 3 2016 first iteration Unknown journey 2 matched 2 unmatched 3 1 2016 second iteration 1 matched 0 unmatched 2 13

  14. Unmatched student journey 2015 Net unmatched: 5 Net unknown journey: 12 2015 second 2016 first iteration iteration Unknown journey Unknown journey 10 28 matched 55 matched 22 unmatched 39 unmatched 6 4 2016 second iteration 1 matched 0 unmatched 5 14

  15. Unmatched student journey: summary Year Unmatched after Matched later Per cent second iteration 2013 41 34 82.9% 2014 55 40 72.7% 2015 39 22 56.4% 15


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