neuroplasticity after stroke

Neuroplasticity After Stroke Overview 1. What is neuroplasticity? 2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

National Brain Injury Symposium: Complexity and best practice March 13th 2015 Neurorehabilitation and Brain Plasticity NICK WARD, UCL INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGY, QUEEN SQUARE Slides at

  1. National Brain Injury Symposium: Complexity and best practice March 13th 2015 Neurorehabilitation and Brain Plasticity NICK WARD, UCL INSTITUTE OF NEUROLOGY, QUEEN SQUARE Slides ¡at ¡ ¡or ¡look ¡on ¡ ¡ @WardLab @WardLab

  2. Neuroplasticity After Stroke Overview 1. What is neuroplasticity? 2. Enhancing potential for neuroplasticity in stroke 3. RCTs? - Barriers to translation 4. Imaging the potential for neuroplasticity in humans

  3. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 1. When is neuroplasticity relevant in neurorehabilitation? Rehabilitation is a process of active change by which a person who has become disabled acquires the knowledge and skills needed for optimum physical, psychological and social function Treatments aimed at reducing impairments (Task-specific) training cortical drugs stimulation other

  4. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 1. What is plasticity? Changes in strength of a synaptic connection (or at a systems level, network connection) in response to either an environmental stimulus or increase in synaptic activity

  5. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 1. What is plasticity? Brain slice Cortex Pyramidal cell Plasticity takes place in the cortex • changing strength of existing connections • new connections • getting rid of unused connections

  6. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 1. What is plasticity? Axon arborisation in vivo Dendritic growth in vivo Niell et al., Nat Neurosci 2004; 7: 254-260 Hua et al., Nature 2005; 434: 1022-1026 dendrites axon

  7. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 1. Changes in residual functional architecture affected A side 10 days 17 days 24 days 31 days 3 months infarct post stroke post stroke post stroke post stroke post stroke B affected side

  8. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 2. Enhancing potential for neuroplasticity Enriched Environments Drugs NIBS

  9. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 2. Spontaneous Biological Recovery? Murphy & Corbett , Nat Rev Neurosci 2009;10:861-72.

  10. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 2. Enriched environments for neuroplasticity

  11. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 2. Enriched environments for neuroplasticity Biernaskie & Corbett, J Neurosci. 21, 5272–5280 (2001). • Enriched environments plus training leads to significant improvements in skilled reaching • Running exercise immediately before reaching practice increases efficacy of training • If training started after day 30 it is largely ineffective (day 90 in humans?)

  12. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 2. Enriched environments for neuroplasticity Kolb B et al., Neurosci Biobehav Rev 1998; 22: 143-59

  13. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 2. Enriched environments for neuroplasticity Robotic treadmill training Home video arm/hand training Robotic arm training

  14. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 2. Inhibition-Excitation – a therapeutic target? • In the cortex GABA is inhibitory, glutamate is excitatory • Reduced activity at GABAergic interneurons allows plasticity in adults • Enhanced glutamatergic signalling leads to LTP • So … altering the balance of inhibition/excitation is important in reopening new periods of plasticity in adult cortex

  15. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 2. Inhibition-Excitation – a therapeutic target? Drugs NIBS

  16. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 2. Enhancing potential for neuroplasticity - pharmacological less disability more disability Acetylcholinesterase SSRIs (e.g. FLAME, FOCUS in UK) inhibitors amphetamine

  17. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 2. Enhancing potential for neuroplasticity – fluoxetine? chronic administration of fluoxetine (in rats) reopens critical period of plasticity in adulthood In humans (healthy and stroke), a single dose • increases simple motor performance • increases motor cortex activity (fMRI) • increases motor cortex excitability (TMS)

  18. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 2. Enhancing potential neuroplasticity potential – NIBS? After effects of tDCS • Increase in NMDA-dependent intracortical facilitation • Reduces GABA-ergic intracortical inhibition • Reduces intracortical GABA (MR Spectroscopy)

  19. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 3. Barriers to translation …sources of variability Why not perform large RCTs?

  20. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 3. Barriers to translation …sources of variability Why not perform large RCTs?

  21. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 3. Barriers to translation …sources of variability Why not perform large RCTs?

  22. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 3. Barriers to translation …sources of variability Why not perform large RCTs? Inhibitory TBS? Excitatory TBS? Hamada M et al. Cereb. Cortex 2013;23:1593-1605 TBS (and TDCS) is very variable!

  23. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 3. Biomarkers of potential for plasticity? Getting plasticity enhancement into clinical practice in stroke Biomarker Behaviour

  24. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 3. Biomarkers of potential for plasticity? ctDCS to contralesional M1 reduced SICI (less inhibition) in ipsilesional M1 tDCS-induced enhancement of skill acquisition Reduced intracortical inhibition re-opens periods of plasticity in chronic stroke?

  25. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 4. Biomarkers at a range of scales of brain architecture A mechanistic approach to studying recovery requires an appropriate level of description Intracortical networks Task related networks Large scale networks MESOSCOPIC MACROSCOPIC

  26. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 4. Enhancing Neuroplasticity – mesoscopic scale? “ … the spectral characteristics of MEG recordings provide a marker of cortical GABAergic activity” BASELINE BETA-BAND POWER • Greater baseline beta-power = more GABA inhibition? MOVEMENT RELATED BETA-DECREASE • Increased by diazepam • Greater decrease in beta-power with (GABA A effect?) grip = more GABA inhibition? • Increased with ageing • Increased by diazepam and tiagabine (GABA A effect?) • Less MRBD in chronic stroke patients (particularly those with more impairment) Rossiter et al., J Neurophysiol 2014 Rossiter et al., Neuroimage 2014

  27. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 4. Enhancing Neuroplasticity – macroscopic scale? Network connectivity with DCM for fMRI

  28. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 4. Enhancing Neuroplasticity – macroscopic scale? Network connectivity with Graph Theory for fMRI/MEG graph ¡metrics ¡-­‑ ¡efficiency ¡

  29. Neuroplasticity After Stroke 4. Putting it all together Platform for stratification ... Bridge the gap ... Mechanistic framework ... patients biomarkers mesoscopic Predictions macroscopic interventions + behaviour motor language cognitive biomarkers stratification

  30. Neuroplasticity After Stroke Summary • Neuroscience can help advances in neurorehabilitation • The dose of treatment is critical - more is generally better • Increasing the potential for experience dependent plasticity appears possible • Neuroimaging should help in stratification • Understanding the mechanisms of recovery and treatment might allow targeted or individualised therapy in future

  31. Neuroplasticity After Stroke Acknowledgements ABIU/NRU: SOBELL DEPARTMENT : FIL: Fran Brander Holly Rossiter Karl Friston Kate Kelly Muddy Bhatt Rosalyn Moran Diane Playford Stephanie Bowen Gareth Barnes Alan Thompson Ella Clark Richard Frackowiak Svenja Espenhahn Will Penny Marie-Helene Boudrias Jennie Newton Chang-hyun Park Sven Bestman John Rothwell Penny Talelli Slides at FUNDING:

  32. Recovery after stroke: Neurorehabilitation Neuroplasticity After Stroke Additional References Additional References 1. Murphy TH, Corbett D. Plasticity during stroke recovery: from synapse to behaviour. Nat Rev Neurosci 2009;10:861-72. 2. Carmichael ST. Targets for neural repair therapies after stroke . Stroke 2010;41(10 Suppl):S124-6 3. Philips JP, Devier DJ, Feeney DM. Rehabilitation pharmacology: bridging laboratory work to clinical application . J Head Trauma Rehabil 2003 Jul-Aug;18(4):342-56. 4. Stagg CJ, Nitsche MA. Physiological basis of transcranial direct current stimulation. Neuroscientist 2011;17:37-53 5. Stinear CM, Ward NS. How useful is imaging in predicting outcomes in stroke rehabilitation? Int J Stroke. 2013;8(1):33-7. 6. Ward NS. Assessment of cortical reorganisation for hand function after stroke . J Physiol. 2011;589(Pt 23):5625-32.


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