#SundayGathering with Shaykh Omar Khan A glimpse from the lives of the Prophets of Allah (Peace and Blessings be upon Them all) 13/01/19 – Sayyiduna Adam (Peace be upon Him) www.SundayGathering.co.uk /AlMuhammadiyya | www.Al-Muhammadiyya.com
Who do we call a Nabi? The word “Nabi” یبن has been derived from either: 1) the word ةاابن ‘ Nabaawah ’ which has the meaning of “elevation in status” 2) or it has been derived from ابن (with a Baa sakinah and Hamzah on the end) which means “the giving of news” or “making manifest” 3) or from the word ةاابن (with a Baa Sakinah and Taa Zaaidah ) which means a “hidden voice”.
The definition for a Prophet within the terminology of Shariah A Prophet is from the children of Ādam i.e. A Prophet is a human being. A Prophet is a male who is free (not a slave) and the revelation must come to him and he should spread the teachings of Allah to the people. A Prophet gives glad tidings of Jannah to the pious and warns the disbelievers of the Hellfire. Further, the Prophet’s truth is attested by Mu’jizaat (miracles ).’
Difference between Nabi and Rasool • The meaning of ‘ Rasool ’ is ‘Messenger’ and the ‘one sent,’ in terminology, the Rasool is the one who has received a book. • Another way of a Prophet being a Rasool besides being given a book is where action upon a previous Shari’ah (spiritual law) was halted but a ‘Messenger’ is commanded to revive that earlier Shari’ah. • Every Rasool (Messenger) is categorically a Nabi (Prophet) whilst every Nabi (Prophet) is not necessarily a Rasool (Messenger). • There can be no Nabi or Rasool after the best of all creation, Sayyiduna Muhammad peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him
Why did Allah consult the Angels? • ‘And (remember O Beloved) when your Lord said to the Angels, ‘Indeed I will make upon the Earth a Khalīfah.’ Surah Al-Baqarah: 30. • Allah ُّ ُّلَجَوُّزَع is not dependent upon anyone in regards to any matter. The wisdom behind the consultation was reverence of the Angels ُّ مِھۡیَلَع ُّ مَلُُّسلا and Sayyiduna Adam ُِّہۡیَلَعُّ ۃَلُُّصلاُُّّسلاَوُّ مَلُ through it.
The meaning of Khalifah • The meaning of Khalīfah here is not successor but rather it means representative. • The purpose behind appointing a Khalīfah was that the Khalifah spread the rulings of Allah ُّ ُّلَجَوُّزَع amongst the creation and continues the system of commands and prohibitions from the Almighty Lord ُّ ُّلَجَوُّزَع to the creation.
The Angels question in the Court of the Almighty • ‘Will you place upon it one who causes mischief in it and sheds blood whilst we glorify You with Your praise and We mention Your Holiness .’ Surah Al-Baqarah (2) Verse 30 • ‘( This question was) to seek manifestation regarding the secret wisdom (behind the appointment of Khalifah) or amazement that the ones who will spread strife in it would be appointed as Khalīfahs for the inhabiting of the Earth and its rectification .’ Rooh -ul- Ma’ani Volume 1 Page 221 • Allah the Almighty stated, ‘Indeed I know that which you know not.’ Surah Al-Baqarah (2) Verse 30 • The standard of Khilafah is that the Khalīfah acts upon those things that he commands others. Therefore all human beings would not be embroiled in the sin of spreading strife and oppressively shedding blood. There would be some special ones amongst the human beings who would be free from sins and would be worthy of being on this noble station.
The Knowledge granted to Sayyiduna Adam • And He taught Ādam the names of all things then he showed them to the Angels and said, ‘Tell me the names of these, if you are truthful.’ Surah Al-Baqarah (2) Verse 31 • ‘He (the Almighty) taught him the names of all things until (even) plates and small bowls.’ Tafseer Abis- Sa’ud Volume 2 Page 84 • ‘And Imām (Ar- Rāzī ) said the meaning of the names means (i.e. includes) the characteristics of things, their benefits and specialities .’ Rooh ul Ma’ani Volume 1 Page 224 • The meaning of ‘Names’ in this verse are His (The Almighty’s) Names. Thereafter he said that the truth according to him and this is accepted to be the truth by all bondsmen of ُّیٰلَعُّ ۃَلُُّصلاُِّہۡیَلَعَوُّاَنّّیِبَنُّ مَلُُّسلاَو Allah is that Sayyidunā Ādam was given knowledge of the names of all things. This is the requirement of the station of Khilafah .’ • ُّیٰلَعاُِّہۡیَلَعَوُّاَنّّیِبَنُّ ۃَلُُّصل ‘And the meaning of His (the Almighty’s) teaching him (Prophet Ādam ُّ مَلُُّسلاَو ) the names of all designated things is that Allah ُّ ُّلَجَوُّزَع showed him the species that He created and taught him (for example) that the name of this is a ‘horse’ and ‘camel’ and this is called such and such .’ Tafseer Madaarik ut Tanzeel Page 25 • ُّیٰلَعُّ مَلُُّسلاَوُّ ۃَلُُّصلاُِّہۡیَلَعَوُّاَنّّیِبَن ُّاموُّناکُّامنوکی “ " When Sayyidunā Ādam was given knowledge of what occurred and what will occur’ as well as the name of all things in every language then what will be the state of the knowledge possessed by the Master of all Prophets ُّ مَلُُّسلاَوُّ ۃَلُُّصلاُّ مِھۡیَلَع ?
Seven Blessings of knowledge from At- Tafsīr -ul- Kabīr and Tafseer Azīzī Faqīh Abul- Laiš As-Samarqandi stated , ‘ There are seven advantages of presenting oneself in the company of an Alim (scholar) regardless of whether knowledge is attained from him or not; • 1) That person is considered amongst the circle of the students of knowledge and attains their reward. • 2) So long as he remains seated in this gathering, he will be preserved from sins. • 3) From the time he exits his home with the intention of seeking knowledge, he gains reward for each footstep. • 4) The mercy of Allah ُّ ُّلَجَوُّزَع descends on the circle of knowledge and this person is participating in this as well. • 5) This person hears the recollection of knowledge which is worship. • 6) When he hears a complex subject whilst in that gathering which he fails to grasp and his heart becomes tense, he is then deemed to be Munkasir-ul- Quloob (broken hearted who is worthy of mercy). • 7) Respect for knowledge and hatred for ignorance develops in his heart.’
Creation of Sayyiduna Adam ُّیٰلاَعَتُّ ٰٰاللَُّْيِضَرُّ ہۡنَع Sayyidunā Abu Mūsā Al- Ash’ari narrates a Marfoo ’ Hadith in which it is stated; • ‘ Indeed Allah created Sayyidunā Ādam from a handful (of sand) from the entire Earth. Thus the sons of Ādam came according to the land. From them there are red, white, black and (colours) between these. There are soft, harsh, impure and pure .’ This narration was extracted from a Hashiyah (marginal note) upon Tafseer Jalalain. This Blessed Hadeeth is narrated by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, Imam at Tirmidhi in his Sunan and Imam Abu Dawood in his Sunan. اَوُِّهیَلَعُّیٰلاَعَتُّ اللُّْیُّلَصُِّہِلَُّمُّلَسَو ُّ It is narrated in the Ahaadeeth that the Noble Prophet stated that the best of days is Jumu'ah (Friday) because : • ُِّہۡیَلَعُّ ۃَلُُّصلاُّ مَلُُّسلاَو Sayyidunā Ādam was created on Jumu'ah • on Jumu'ah he was sent into Jannah • ُِّہۡیَلَعُّ مَلُُّسلاَوُّ ۃَلُُّصلا on Jumu'ah Sayyidunā Ādam departed from Jannah, • he departed from the mortal world on Jumu'ah • and Qiyamah (the day of judgement) will occur on Jumu'ah.
The beauty of this creation • The Angels ُّ مِھۡیَلَعُّ مَلُُّسلا had never seen any face like that of ُّیٰلَعَُّلُُّسلاَوُّ ۃَلُُّصلاُِّہۡیَلَعَوُّاَنّّیِبَنُّ م . They would roam Sayyidunā Ādam around it and would be amazed by its beauty. • Iblīs had been informed about the form of Sayyidunā Ādam ُّیٰلَعُّ ۃَلُُّصلاُِّہۡیَلَعَوُّاَنّّیِبَنُّ مَلُُّسلاَو . He had not yet been cursed. He also came to see the form and after roaming around it he said: ‘Are you stunned by this ? It is empty inwardly as it is full of holes inside. Its weakness is to the extent that it will plunge if it suffers starvation and it will be unable to be in motion if it is fully nourished. This blank structure will be extremely incapable.’ • The Ruh (soul) was then placed in this structure
The Height of Sayyiduna Adam It is narrated by Sayyidunā Abu Hurairah َُّيِضَر ُّ ٰٰاللُّْیٰلاَعَتُّ ہۡنَع who said, "Indeed the Messenger of ُّیُّلَصُِّہِل اَوُِّهیَلَعُّیٰلاَعَتُّ اللُُّّْلَسَوَُّم Allah said, • “The length of Sayyidunā Ādam ُّ ۃَلُُّصلاُِّہۡیَلَع ُّ مَلُُّسلاَو was sixty żirā ' (arm lengths - ninety feet) and his width was seven arm lengths .” Mishkaat ul Masaabeeh, Baabu Bad’ -il-Khalq.
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