peace and blessings be upon them all

(Peace and Blessings be upon Them all) 27/01/19 Sayyiduna Ibrahim - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

#SundayGathering with Shaykh Omar Khan A glimpse from the lives of the Prophets of Allah (Peace and Blessings be upon Them all) 27/01/19 Sayyiduna Ibrahim (Peace be upon Him) /AlMuhammadiyya |

  1. #SundayGathering with Shaykh Omar Khan A glimpse from the lives of the Prophets of Allah (Peace and Blessings be upon Them all) 27/01/19 – Sayyiduna Ibrahim (Peace be upon Him) /AlMuhammadiyya |

  2. The Lineage of Sayyiduna Ibrahim َ وُهَُميِها رْبِإَُنْبَ خ را تَِنْبَ روُحا نَِنْبَ سَ غوُراَِنْبَ وُغا رَِنْبَ غ لا فَِنْبَ ر با ع • َِنْبَ خ لا شَِنْبَ د شْخ فْر أَِنْبَِما سَِنْبَُنَ ٍوَِهْي ل عَُم لَُْسلا . • The birth of Sayyiduna Ibrāhīm occurred one thousand seven hundred and nine years after the storm that occurred during the era of Sayyiduna Nūh and approximately two thousand three hundred years prior to Sayyiduna Isā . This blessed birth took place near the city of Bābul in a town called Koni ’ ينوك ; Tafsīr Azīzi NB- There are other narrations in relation to his birthplace

  3. Azar • Āzar is the name of Sayyiduna Ibrāhīm’ s paternal uncle. Sayyiduna Ibrāhīm’ s father ’ s name is Tārukh . Allamah Mahmood Ahmad Al Ālūsī states: • وعداوَملُسلاَهيلعَميهاربإَدلاوَنكيَملَرزآَنأَةنسلاَلهأَنمَريفغلاَمجلاَهيلعَلوعَيذلاوَهنأَا َملُسلاوَةولصلاَهيلعَهلوقلَلُصأَرفاكَملسوَهيلعَاللوَيلصَيبنلاَءابآَيفَسيل “ َنمَلقنأَلزأَمل تارهاطلاَماحرأَىلإَرهاطلاَبلُصأ ” • ‘ And the interpretation that the large number of Ahl us Sunnah have relied on is that Āzar was not the father of Sayyiduna Ibrāhim . And they stated that there was never a disbeliever amongst the forefathers of the Noble Prophet based on the statement of the Prophet, “ I always travelled from pure loins to pure wombs. ” • It is manifest that the disbelievers and polytheists can never be pure. ’

  4. The proofs for Azar being uncle rather than father • “ In fact some of you yourselves were present when death approached Yaqoob and he said to his sons, “ What will you worship after me? ” They said, “ We shall worship Him Who is your God, and is the God of your fathers, Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq – the One God; and to Him we have submitted ourselves. ” Surah Al Baqarah 2:133 • In the aforementioned Noble Verse, the word ءابآ literally meaning fathers which is the plural of the word بأ . This word is used for the father of Sayyidunā Yaqoob ie Sayyidunā Ishāq , his paternal uncle i.e. Sayyiduna Ismāīl and his grandfather, Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm. Muhammad Bin Kab Qurazi used the aforementioned verse as proof when he said, • دلاوَمعلاوَدلاوَلاخلا ‘ Maternal uncle is a father and paternal uncle is a father. ’ • It is narrated from Muhammad Bin Ka ’ b, Qatadah, Mujāhid, Hasan and others that Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm continuously prayed for his uncle, Āzar until Āzar died. After the death of Āzar , it became clear to Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm that his uncle had died in the state of disbelief and disbelievers are enemies of Allah. Thus it was evident that there was no benefit in doing du ’ā for him. Therefore Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm left du ’ā for Maghfirah (forgiveness) and adopted averseness from the uncle. Allah stated, • هنمَأربتَللوَودعَهنأَهلَنيبتَاملفَهايإَاهدعوَةدعومَنعَلبإَهيبلؤَميهاربإَرافغتساَناكَامو • ‘ And the seeking of forgiveness for his father paternal uncle by Ibrahim was only because of a promise he had made to him then when it became clear to him that he was an enemy of Allah, Ibrahim broke off ties with him. ’ Surah At Tawbah 9 :114

  5. The proofs for Azar being uncle rather than father – cont ’ d • After the event of the fire, Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm migrated to Ash Shām (Palestine, Jordan and Syria) and then entered Misr (Egypt). Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm encountered a tyrannical king and thus he met Sayyidah Hājir . Allah commanded that Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm leave Sayyidah Hājir and her son Ismāil besides the Holy Kabah . When Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm left his son and wife in the area that is populated as the blessed city of Makkah Al Mukarramah , Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm supplicated in the Court of Allah. Amongst his supplications was the following, • يدلاولوَيلَرفغاَانبر “ O our Lord! And forgive me, and my parents... ” Sūrah Ibrāhīm 14:41 • It is as clear as daylight from the above Āyah that the enemy of Allah for whom he stopped praying was Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm’ s uncle Āzar , who was described as a father metaphorically. After many years of forsaking duā for the forgiveness of Āzar, Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm prayed for the forgiveness of his mother and father showing that his actual father was a believer for whom he continued to pray. If Āzar who was a disbeliever ( kāfir ) and an enemy of Allah was the actual father of Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm then after cutting ties with him due to his kufr, what would be the purpose of supplicating for him? Rūh ul Maani Volume 4 Page 195 under Surah Al Anaam 6:75 • Allāmah Qāđi ThanāUllāh stated in At Tafsīr Al Mažharī about the meaning of هيبأ • • هلَايبرموَامعَهنوكلَابأَاللوَهامسَرزآَيأ • “ I.e. Azar - Allah called him “ father ” because of his being the paternal uncle and the one who nurtured him. ”

  6. Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm was shown the entire kingdom of the Earth and skies • Allah stated, • نينقوملاَنمَنوكيلوَضرلؤاوَتومسلاَتوكلمَميهاربإَيرنَكلذكو “ And likewise We showed Ibrahim the entire kingdom of the heavens and the earth and so that he be of those who believe as eyewitnesses. ” Surah Al An ’ aam 6: 75 • The meaning of توكلم is great kingdom and powerful rule. The meaning of the above Verse is therefore that all the things within the skies and the earth were shown to Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm. Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm saw the moon, sun, mountains, trees, rivers and he observed the whole universe. • عبسلاَنوضرلؤاَهلَتجرفوَشرعلاَىلإَهرصبَىهتناَىتحَنهيفَامَىلإَرظنفَعبسلاَتومسلاَهلَتجرفَملُسلاَهيلعَهنإف نهيفَامَىلإَرظنف “ Indeed the seven skies were opened up to him and he looked towards what is in them until his sight reached the ‘ Arsh (throne). And the seven earths were opened for him and he observed what is in them. ” Rūh ul Maani Volume 4 Page 197

  7. The powerful sight granted to Sayyiduna Ibrahim Ibn Mardūyah narrates from Sayyidunā Ali that the Messenger of Allah stated that when Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm observed the kingdom of the earth and skies, he saw a person carrying out a sin secretively hidden away far from the sight of the people. Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm saw him and prayed for his annihilation. The Almighty Lord destroyed that sinner. Thereafter Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm became aware of the sin of another person and he intended to supplicate against this sinner when Allah prohibited Sayyidunā Ibrāhīm. Allah said, “O Ibrāhīm! You are one whose supplications are accepted. Do not supplicate for the destruction of My bondsmen because My bondsmen consist of three types. They will either be sinful but i will accept their Tawbah (repentance). The second type of people will be sinful themselves but there will be such pious people amongst their descendants who will fill the Earth with Tasbeehaat (glorification of Allah). The meaning of this is that they will praise Allah so much that through the blessings of this action, more people will become engrossed in the remembrance of Allah. The third type of people are those who will die in the state of sins. They will be in My Divine Power. It will then be to My Divine Will whether I forgive them or punish them ” . Rūh ul Ma ’ānī Volume 4 Page 197

  8. Refutation of the idol worshippers • ‘And remember when Ibrāhīm said to his father (paternal uncle) Azar, “ What! You appoint idols as Gods? Indeed I find you and your people in open error. ” Surah Al An ’ aam 6: 75 • ‘ When he said to his father i.e. uncle, “ O my father, Azar, why do you worship one which neither hears nor sees, and cannot benefit you in any way. ” Surah Maryam 19:42 • “ O my father (uncle), indeed a knowledge has come to me which did not come to you – therefore follow me, I will show you the Straight Path. ” Surah Maryam 19:43 • “ O my father (uncle) do not be a bondman of the devil. Indeed the devil is disobedient towards the Most Gracious. ” Surah Maryam 19:44 • “ My father, I fear that a punishment from the Most Gracious may reach you, so you would become a companion of the devil. ” Surah Maryam 19:45

  9. Announcement of Sayyiduna Ibrahim ’ s hatred of idols • “And recite to them the news of Ibrāhīm. When he said to his father (uncle) and his people, What do you worship? They said, “ We worship idols, and we keep squatting in seclusion before them. ” He said, “ Do they hear you when you call or do they benefit you or harm you? ” They said, “ In fact we found our forefathers doing likewise. ” He said, “ Do you see these – (the idols) whom you worship? You and your forefathers preceding you. They are all my enemies, except the Lord Of The Creation. The One Who created me, so He will guide me. And the One Who feeds me and gives me to drink. And when I fall ill, so it is He Who heals me. And He will give me death, and then resurrect me. ” Surah Ash Shuarā 26: 69-81


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