patient safety in primary care

Patient Safety in Primary Care April 22-23, 2016, Prague - PDF document

49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016 European Society for Quality and Safety in Family Practice Patient Safety in Primary Care April 22-23, 2016, Prague 49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care

  1. 49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016 European Society for Quality and Safety in Family Practice Patient Safety in Primary Care April 22-23, 2016, Prague

  2. 49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care Organizers European Society for Quality and Safety in Family Practice Partners of the Meeting WONCA Europe The Czech Society of General Practice CMA JEP The Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic The EQuiP Conference hosted by the Czech Society of General Practice CMA JEP is supported by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic . Svatopluk Němeč ek, MD, MBA, (Minister of Health of the Czech Republic) acts as a Honorary President of the Conference. 2

  3. 49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care Welcome Message by Piet Vanden Bussche “Primum non nocere” (Do not harm) has been for more than 2500 years one of the most known principles of medicine. Already in the Greek period and from then on, for ages, doing no harm to the patient has been the priority of doctors. In 1999 the IOM institute published its report ‘to err is human: Building a safer health system’ and now 25 years later the topic is still very important. It is a cornerstone of a health system of high quality. A lot of reports have been published since then, many of them about hospital care. EQuiP, the European Association on Quality and Safety in General practice/Family Medicine now invites you to participate in a conference on Patient Safety in primary care. If you are an expert, you are very welcome to share the experience, project, research, knowledge in your practice, university, college, regional organisation. If you want to learn about Patient Safety and what it is all about in primary care, you should be there to become an expert. The EQuiP has a tradition of plenary sessions with international experts, very interactive workshops and smaller groups to deepen knowledge and share your vision on this topic. What is the role of the doctor and of the patient? How can the organisation of the health system and of your practice assure safer care? How do you learn from your faults and make sure these don’t happen again? How important is a healthy doctor for safe care? Can the computer help or be a threat? Which faults are the most important in general practice? Are vulnerable patients more at risk then others? Can we teach about safe care to students and trainees? These and a lot of other related topics can be addressed. The organising committee looks forward to making this congress a life-changing experience towards safer care for all participants and their patients. Piet Vanden Bussche EQuiP President 3

  4. 49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care Welcome Message by Bohumil Seifert Dear colleagues, friends, welcome to Prague! It is a great pleasure and honor for us, the EQuiP representatives of The Czech Society of General Practice, to host the EQuiP Closed Meeting and the EQuiP Conference here in Prague. Prague is really becoming a GP promised city, taking into account the WONCA Europe 1997, the WONCA World 2013 and upcoming the WONCA Europe Conference in 2017. We also hosted twice the EQuiP Closed Meeting in 1997 and in 2007, and most recently the EURACT Meeting last year. EQuiP Conference resolves an extremely hot and important topic of quality in primary care: patient safety. The top European experts in primary care quality and safety will give key notes, lectures and organize workshops. We hope to hear “state of the art” expert lectures as well as to share individual experience and expertize of general practitioners from 24 countries around Europe. The scientific programme looks very promising. But I hope that you will also find some time to enjoy beautiful Prague. The conference venue itself is a magnificent place which is located in the historical part of Prague. We believe that you will create a relationship with our city and come again to the WONCA Europe Conference in June 2017. Bohumil Seifert Chair of the Meeting Jan Kovář Co-chair of the Meeting 4

  5. 49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care Organizing Committee Bohumil Seifert - Chair General practitioner, head of the Department of General Practice, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic Piet Vanden Bussche General practitioner, President of EQuiP, Berchem, Belgium Jan Kovar General practitioner, Czech EquiP delegate, Volyne, Czech Republic Isabelle Dupie General practitioner, French EQuiP delegate, Paris, France Ynse de Boer General practitioner, Danish EQuiP delegate, Copenhagen, Denmark Adrian Rohrbasser General practitioner, Switzerland EQuiP delegate, Will, Switzerland Jose Miguel Bueno Ortiz General practitioner, SEMFYC delegate in EQuiP, Murcia, Spain Dijana Ramic General practitioner, Croatian EQuiP delegate, Krapina, Croatia 5

  6. 49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care Keynote Speakers MARIA PILAR ASTIER-PENA, SPAIN Maria Pilar Astier-Pena was born in Zaragoza (Spain) in 1967. She is a primary care professional and Associated Professor at the Medical School of the University of Zaragoza. At the beginning of her professional carrier she gained international experience in the European Office of World Health Organization. She participated in the project "Innovations in Health Care Delivery" and "Country Health Care Delivery Profile". Afterwards she worked as a Hospital Manager (Hospital Clínico Universitario de Zaragoza and Hospital de Navarra). She participates and acts in a wide variety of scientific societies, for instance the Patient Safety Group of Spanish Society of Family Medicine and Community, the Spanish Society of Healthcare Quality or Revista de Calidad Asistencial de la Sociedad Española de Calidad Asistencial (Spanish Healthcare Quality Journal) and Atención Primaria de la Sociedad Española de Calidad Asistencial ( Primary Care Journal). With regard to her research interest she focuses mainly on the patient safety culture, good practices in primary care and, last but not least, second victims. Keynote Speech: Are Spanish Healthcare professionals aware of patient safety in primary care?: results of a national survey on patient safety culture in primary care. Workshop: The aftermath of adverse events (AE) in primary care: interventions to reduce its impact on healthcare teams. 6

  7. 49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care ANEEZ ESMAIL, UNITED KINGDOM Aneez Esmail is Professor of General Practice at the University of Manchester and Director of the NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Centre. As a health services researcher he has published work in several areas of public health. He has raised over £1 2 million in research grants, educational grants and consultancy fees over the last 20 years. He is currently responsible for a large area of work looking at patient safety in primary care and works collaboratively with researchers from North America, Australasia and Europe. He worked as the only Medical Advisor to Dame Janet Smith, the Appeal Court judge who chaired the Shipman Inquiry between 2001-2005. He played a key role in developing the recommendations which resulted in significant changes on reform of the General Medical Council, death certification and investigation, controlled drugs regulation and the regulation and revalidation of doctors. He is recognised internationally for his research on discrimination in the medical profession. Within the UK his work has resulted in significant changes in recruitment, selection, monitoring and assessment of the medical profession. This work was recognised internationally with the award of a Harkness Fellowship and Visiting Professorship at Harvard University in 1997. He continues to practise as a clinician, at the Robert Darbishire Practice, a social enterprise based in one of the most deprived areas of Manchester. It is the largest practice in Manchester with over 22,000 registered patients. The practice has a turnover of over £2.5 million annually and provides an innovative service in relation to same day access, care of deprived populations and looking after patients with complex health needs. He was commended by the Heath Service Journal, as one of the top 100 Clinical Lead ers in the NHS in 2014. Keynote Speech: Researching patient safety in primary care: Now and in the future Workshop: How can we measure and monitor safety from the perspective of primary care? 7

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