49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016 European Society for Quality and Safety in Family Practice Patient Safety in Primary Care April 22-23, 2016, Prague www.equip2016.cz
49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care Organizers European Society for Quality and Safety in Family Practice Partners of the Meeting WONCA Europe The Czech Society of General Practice CMA JEP The Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic The EQuiP Conference hosted by the Czech Society of General Practice CMA JEP is supported by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic . Svatopluk Němeč ek, MD, MBA, (Minister of Health of the Czech Republic) acts as a Honorary President of the Conference. 2
49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care Programme Overview Friday, April 22, 2016 09:00-09:30 Welcome and Opening Session (Piet Vanden Bussche, BE; Jan Kovar, CZ) 09:30-10:15 Plenary Session / Moderator: Bohumil Seifert, CZ Keynote: David Marx, CZ: Patient Safety Sustainability - Ever Climbing, Never Rest! 10:30-11:00 Coffee and Tea 11:00-12:30 Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Oral Presentations 1 What is Patient safety in EQuiP´s Patient Safety Chair: Jan Kovar, CZ Primary Care Culture Survey 12:30-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15:00 Plenary Session / Moderator: Jose Miquel Bueno Ortiz, ES Keynote: Maria Pilar Astier-Pena, ES: Are Spanish Healthcare professionals aware of patient safety in primary care?: results of a national survey on patient safety culture in primary care. 15:00-16:30 Workshop 3 Workshop 4 Oral Presentations 2 The aftermath of adverse Assessment by GPs of a Chair: Dijana Ramic, CR events (AE) in primary GPs capacity to deliver care: interventions to healthcare which is safe reduce its impact on for them and their healthcare teams patients 16:30-17:00 Coffee and Tea 17:00-18:00 Panel Discussion : How can we engage our colleagues (doctors and staff) Moderator: Piet Vanden Busche, BE Job Metsemaker, NL, Isabell Dupie, FR, Tina Errikson DK, Jochen Genischen, GE, Maria Pilar Astier-Pena, ES 19:00 Conference Dinner : Altany Kampa Saturday, April 23, 2016 09:00-10:00 Plenary Session Moderator: Ynse de Boer, DK Keynote : Aneez Esmail, UK: Researching patient safety in primary care: Now and in the future 10:00-11:30 Workshop 5 Workshop 6 How to deal with unintended events How to measure patient safety 11:30-12:00 Coffee and Tea 12:00-13:00 Conclusion Remarks: Where to go next with patient safety for primary care Piet Vanden Bussche, BE, Job Metsemaker, NL, Ynse de Boer, DK 3
49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care Workshops and Oral Presentations Workshop 1 Title What is Patient safety in Primary Care Speaker Ynse de Boer, DK; Helle Soegaard Frappart, DK Date Friday, April 22, 2016, 11:00-12:30 Room Malostransky Room (1 st Floor) Workshop 2 Title E Quip’s Patient Safety Culture Survey Speaker Isabelle Dupie, FR; Andre Nguyen Van Nhien, FR Date Friday, April 22, 2016, 11:00-12:30 Room St. Nicolas Room (1 st Floor) Oral Presentations 1 Chair Jan Kovar, CZ Lectures 1. Janecke Thesen, DK: Don't assume that your patient is straight 2. Guido Schmiemann, GE: Inappropriate medication in nursing home residents – How to improve medication safety 3. Ivana Orlic Neretljak, CR: How do healthcare professionals assess patient safety culture in family medicine in Croatia? 4. Ana Marcelino, PT: Quality improvement in antibiotic prescription in uncomplicated Lower Urinary Tract Infections 5. Eva Arvidsson, FI: Patient safety for patients with chronic diseases Date Friday, April 22, 2016, 11:00-12:30 Emma Destinnova Hall (2 nd Floor) Room Workshop 3 Title The aftermath of adverse events (AE) in primary care: interventions to reduce its impact on healthcare teams Speaker Maria Pilar Astier-Pena, ES Date Friday, April 22, 2016, 15:00-16:30 Room Malostransky Room (1 st Floor) Workshop 4 Title Assessment by GPs of a GPs capacity to deliver healthcare which is safe for them and their patients Speaker Andree Rochfort, IRL; Zlata Ozvacic Adzic, CR Date Friday, April 22, 2016, 15:00-16:30 St. Nicolas Room (1 st Floor) Room 4
49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care Oral Presentations 2 Chair Dijana Ramic, CR Lectures 1. Rebecca Hays, UK: Feeling safe in primary care: preliminary findings from a longitudinal, ethnographic study (MAXIMUM) of older people with multimorbidity 2. Beate S. Müller, GE: T o report or not to report: That is the question! Using the theory of planned behavior to explain healthcare professionals’ use of CIRS in primary care. 3. Bohumil Seifert, CZ: Strengthening capacities to improve quality and patient safety in primary care. Experience from the Czech Republic 4. Martin Beyer, GE: The German Critical Incident Reporting System for Primary Care www.jeder-fehler-zaehlt.de is productive since 12 years – Content and perspectives 5. Marc Chaneliere, FR: PRisM study: assessment of a multifaceted program on teamwork and risk management in primary care (PC). 6. Kolozsvári László Róbert, HU: Patient safety in primary care in Hungary Date Friday, April 22, 2016, 15:00-16:30 Emma Destinnova Hall (2 nd Floor) Room Workshop 5 Title How to deal with unintended events Speaker Piet Vanden Bussche, BE Date Saturday, April 23, 2016, 10:00-11:30 Room Malostransky Room (1 st Floor) Workshop 6 Title How to measure patient safety Speaker Ynse de Boer, DK; Aneez Esmail, UK Date Saturday, April 23, 2016, 10:00-11:30 St. Nicolas Room (1 st Floor) Room 5
49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care Abstracts – Keynotes PATIENT SAFETY SUSTAINABILITY - EVER CLIMBING, NEVER REST! David Marx Although health care industry has been for long time known as a highly risky one, the introduction of risk-reduction tools into everyday clinical practice has been much slower that in other areas. Systematic quality improvement and patient safety measures started in the Czech republic in 1998, but it took over 10 years to launch nationwide tools to improve patient safety - in 2009 the country has introduced National patient safety goals and launched Action plan for patient safety. The presentation describes most frequent implementation obstacles observed in applying sustainable patient safety programs and examples of successful practice. 6
49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care ARE SPANISH HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS AWARE OF PATIENT SAFETY IN PRIMARY CARE?: RESULTS OF A NATIONAL SURVEY ON PATIENT SAFETY CULTURE IN PRIMARY CARE Maria Pilar Astier-Pena Background Knowledge about safety culture improves patient safety (PS) in health-care organizations. The first contact a patient has with health care occurs at the primary level. We conducted a survey to measure patient safety culture (PSC) among primary care professionals (PCPs) of health centres (HCs) in Spain and analyzed PS dimensions that influence PSC. Methods We used Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture translated and validated into Spanish to conduct a cross- sectional anonymous postal survey. We randomly selected a sample of 8378 PCPs at 289 HCs operated by 17 Regional Health Services. Statistical analysis was performed on sociodemographic variables, survey items, PS dimensions and a patient safety synthetic index (PSSI), calculated as average score of the items per dimension, to identify potential predictors of PSC. We used AHRQ data to conduct international comparison. Results A total of 4344 PCPs completed the questionnaire. The response rate was 55.69%. Forty-two percent were general practitioners, 34.9% nurses, 18% administrative staff and 4.9% other professionals. The highest scoring dimension was ‘PS and quality issues’ 4.18 (4.1–4.20) ‘Work pressure and pace’ was the lowest scored dimensio n with 2.76 (2.74 – 2.79). Professionals over 55 years, with managerial responsibilities, women, nurses and administrative staff, had better PSSI scores. Professionals with more than 1500 patients and working for more than 11 years at primary care had lower PSSI scores. Conclusions This is the first national study to measure PSC in primary care in Spain. Results may reflect on-going efforts to build a strong PSC. Further research into its association with safety outcomes and patients’ perceptions is requi red. 7
49 th EQuiP Assembly Meeting 2016, Prague Patient Safety in Primary Care RESEARCHING PATIENT SAFETY IN PRIMARY CARE: NOW AND IN THE FUTURE Aneez Esmail Over the past 10 years, there has been an explosion of research on patient safety in primary care. However, if we were to ask whether patients were any safer than they were 10 years ago, the answer would be elusive. We still can’t answer fundamental questions such as: Has patient care been safe in the past? Are our clinical systems and processes reliable and are we responding and improving? Is care safe today and will it be safe in the future? Can we collaborate to improve safety in a primary care system in Europe that is so heterogeneous that it can challenge many of our precepts about what works and what can be done? 8
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