pastor parish mass schedule monsignor gary f simeone

Pastor PARISH MASS SCHEDULE: Monsignor Gary F. Simeone Saturday: - PDF document

Pastor PARISH MASS SCHEDULE: Monsignor Gary F. Simeone Saturday: Parochial Vicar Reverend Thomas Griffin - Smolenski, SJ Sunday: In Residence Weekdays: Reverend John P. Gatzak Executive Director, Office of Radio and Television for the

  1. • Pastor PARISH MASS SCHEDULE: Monsignor Gary F. Simeone Saturday: Parochial Vicar Reverend Thomas Griffin - Smolenski, SJ Sunday: In Residence Weekdays: Reverend John P. Gatzak Executive Director, Office of Radio and Television for the Archdiocese of Hartford Holy Days: DEACON Stanley Piotrowski 860 - 589 - 7942 SACRAMENTS: PARISH OFFICE Joanne Sekorski celebrated Baptjsms: Lynn Manocchio, Parish Secretaries 860 - 589 - 2295 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/CCD Claudia Larsen Director of Religious Education Office: 860 - 589 - 4232 Marriages: DIRECTOR OF MUSIC David Junko 203 - 217 - 5752 VISITATION OF THE SICK & HOMEBOUND OFFICE HOURS: E - Mail: • Website:

  2. ST GREGORY THE GREAT CHURCH BRISTOL CT ROSARY……………..….Monday thru Saturday 8:30am RCIA………………………….Thursday 7PM Rosary Hall ADORATION……………..Friday, 9:30 - 10:30am Church SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 VIGIL THE PRESEN PARISH INFORMATION TATION OF THE LORD 4:00 PM DECEASED MEMBERS OF WRAY/ TENNIS FAMILIES Our Monthly Coffee Hour will be By Mr & Mrs John Tennis held after the 7:30 AM and 9:30 AM Masses in Rosary Hall TODAY Sun- SUNDAY FEBRUARY 2 THE PRESENTA TION day, February 2nd. Our hosts will OF THE LORD be the The Altar Guild Ministry. 7:30 AM REV CARMINE RANERI Please join us in Rosary Hall after 9:30 AM EVELYN WINIARSKI By Family Mass. 11:15 AM THERESA “TERRY” BARTON By Family MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 WEEKDAY 9:00 AM RICHARD KACZYPENSKI By Wife TUESDAY FEBRUARY 4 WEEKDAY 9:00 AM FRED & JUDY ROBERTS The 2020 Mass Book has many masses available. By A Friend If you would like to book a mass intention, please come in or call the rectory during regular office WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 5 ST AGATHA hours. Thank You 9:00 AM WILLIAM FLANIGAN By Family 2019 TAX STATEMENTS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 6 ST PAUL MIKI If you would like a tax statement of your contribu- 9:00AM KEVIN BROWN tions for 2019 please call the rectory office during By Mom & Dad office hours. Monday thru Friday 9am - 12noon, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 7 WEEKDAY 9:00 AM FREEMAN CYR Monday thru Thursday 1pm—3:30pm. By Wife 860 - 589 - 2295 SATURDAY FEBRUARY 8 WEEKDAY 9:00 AM JUDY RICK By Loretta Legat SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 VIGIL FIFTH SUN DAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:00 PM MALCOLM PERKINS Lord, grant eternal rest to the souls of all of our dearly departed, especially the souls of Your lov- By Wife & Daughter ing servants: JOSEPHINE ROSANO SUNDAY FEBRUARY 9 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ANTHONY BASILE ORDINARY TIME SALVATORE DENOTO 7:30 AM TRICIA JANKOWSKI (5yrs) ALEXANDER JEFFKO By Laura RUTH BEAULIEU 9:30 AM LUIS NEGRON (1yr) By Wife & Family St Gregory Parish Family extends sincere sympa- 11:15 AM THERESA RICCIO thy to their families and friends. By Joanne Riccio Larson & Fami ly

  3. THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD ST PAUL OPEN HOUSE & SAINT GREGORY 300 CLUB WEEK #17 PLACEMENT EXAM $20—#13 $10—#109 Ready for something new this year? Visit St Paul and see all they have to offer. If you or someone you know has a prospective 9th CONGRATULATIONS! grade student (or 10th grade transfer student) considering St Paul for the 2020 - 2021 school OUR LADY OF CALVARY year, make sure to visit the open house on February 11, at 6:30pm and then register for WOMEN’S RETREAT the placement exam taking place at the school FEBRUARY 21 - 23, 2020 on February 22 at 8am. Pre - registration is On the weekend of February 21 - 23, 2020, the wom- suggested but walk - ins are always welcome. en of our parish are invited to Our Lady of Calvary To register, visit Retreat Center in Farmington, Ct. Experience a For more information please contact the admis- weekend filled with rest, relaxation and spiritual re- sions office at 860 - 584 - 0911. newal. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in the sacraments, to hear conference talks, to share THE GREGORIAN CHAT with other women and to reflect on this year’s theme. The theme for our 2019 - 2020 retreat season is in- Now is the time to submit your stories, arti- spired by an old American hymn: How Can I Keep cles, pictures, poems, ideas, etc. for the March issue of the Gregorian Chat Newslet- From Singing? This hymn and our retreat are all ter. The deadline is Wednesday, February about perspective. The invitation is to first hear the 26, 2020 or as spaces are filled. Please put song and then like a little bird that somehow senses “Chat” in the subject line and send to the dawn, carefully start to sing while it is still dark. Thank you! Our song, born of faith, hope, and love can heal us, our families and our wounded world. For more infor- mation about our Women’s Retreat and to register PASTA DINNER FUNDRAISER call Our Lady of Calvary Retreat Center at (860)677 - TO BENEFIT CHARITY WATER 8519 or visit our website at HOSTED BY TEAM CLEAN WATER SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 2020, 5PM—7PM ST GREGORY CCD CENTER We will be serving Pasta, Meatballs, Salad, ROSARY SOCIETY SCHOLARSHIPS Bread and Coffee. Last year, we raised over $4,500.00. Please St Gregory Rosary Society is again presenting schol- help us do it again this year and if all goes well, arships to students whose families are registered we may exceed last year’s donations. members of St Gregory Church. This year the schol- arships are being expanded to include students who Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children under will be attending or are presently enrolled at a Catho- 10. lic High School. Forms are available in the guidance Contact Bob Jacques at 860 - 573 - 0845. offices of the high schools serving St. Gregory’s, in the vestibule of the church and at the rectory Any Please bring your friends and family. questions should be directed to Marilyn Stawski at Additional tickets are available at the door. 860 - 584 - 0187.

  4. FEBRUARY 2, 2020 JANUARY 19, 2020 OFFERTORY $5,733.00 JANUARY 26, 2020 OFFERTORY $7,794.00 We welcome into the Church and the Parish Family THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF YOU R of St. Gregory, through the Sacrament of Baptism, PARISH. PLEASE REMEMBER TO MARK YOUR the following children: ENVELOPES SO YOU MAY GET PROPER CREDIT . GEORGIA FAYE GUMULA This Week the Sanctuary Candle Burns ALAINA MAY McPHEE for the SOPHIA DAWN PHELAN Greater Glory of God And in Memory of May the grace of God remain with them always and ADRIAN BREAULT may they grow in the love and friendship of their loving Father. Congratulations to all!! CPR AT ST GREGORY CHURCH A CONCERN FOR YOUR SAFETY: We pray for all our military personnel, especially those current- To assist our ushers we would like to add to our list ly involved in hostilities around the world: of medical responders. If you are presently certified COLONEL KIRSTEN G. AGUILAR in CPR, please call the rectory or give your name to AIRMAN JAKE E AKERLEY an usher. PVT TYLER D AKERLEY CAPTAIN GREGORY W. ALLEN The parish will provide American Red Cross training LANCE CORPORAL MICHAEL BANKS for anyone wishing to be a medical responder here JASON BARBER at St. Gregory. The training is free for ushers; there LT COL PAUL T BARTOK is a reduced charge for all others. The following op- LANCE CORPORAL BRANDON BELIVEAU W2 TODD BOEHM portunity is scheduled: FT2 JOSEPH BOMBASSEI SARGENT DAVID BONACCORSO Adult and Pediatric CPR/AED COLONEL RUSSELL BONACCORSO Monday, February 10, 6pm at Rosary Hall MASTER SERGEANT MARY BONACCORSO CONKLIN WO 3 PETER CONKLIN RETIRED STAFF SERGEANT MICHAEL CORRY First Aid: Monday, February 17, 6pm at Rosary Hall COLONEL PATRICK DEDHAM CORPORAL WILLIAM T DOYLE IV Please register by Friday February 7th by calling the LANCE CORPORAL JOHN DUNCAN LT STEPHAN D’URSO rectory. MAJOR MELISSA FOX If you have any questions about the course, please LT DANIEL GOLSCHNEIDER AIRMAN HUNTER R GOSLIN call Joe Bartok at 860 - 589 - 1754. AIRMAN ABEAA DAKOTA GREGER PFC STACEY LYNN GUERRETTE STAFF SERGEANT DAVID GULINO E3 SAMANTHA HART READINGS FOR WEEK OF FEBRUARY 2, 2020 SPC COOPER JONES Sunday: Mal 3:1 - 4/Ps 24:7, 8, 9, 10 [10b]/Heb 2:14 - SPECIALIST E - 2 STEPHANIE LANDRY 18/Lk 2:22 - 40 or 2:22 - 32 SPECIALIST KAREN - ROSE LEWIS Monday: 2 Sm 15:13 - 14, 30; 16:5 - 13/Ps 3:2 - 3, 4 - 5, 6 PRIVATE PIETR LEWIS PETTY OFFICER 3RD CLASS JONATHON MARCHETTI - 7 [8a]/Mk 5:1 - 20 SERGEANT TAYLOR MARTEL Tuesday: 2 Sm 18:9 - 10, 14b, 24 - 25a, 30—19:3/Ps COLONEL SCOTT P MASKERY 86:1 - 2, 3 - 4, 5 - 6 [1a]/Mk 5:21 - 43 E1 JACK MCCARTHY Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9 - 17/Ps 32:1 - 2, 5, 6, 7 [cf. U.S. NAVY BRANDON MYERS BRIAN PAGE 5c]/Mk 6:1 - 6 JACOB PELLETIER Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1 - 4, 10 - 12/1 Chr 29:10, 11ab, 11d STAFF SERGEANT JOHN RYAN PHELAN - 12a, 12bcd [12b]/Mk 6:7 - 13 this is correct PFC AUSTIN QUILTER Friday: Sir 47:2 - 11/Ps 18:31, 47 and 50, 51 [cf. 47b]/ LANCE CORPORAL JAMES RIDER CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER 5 PETER W RONDEAU Mk 6:14 - 29 LT JAKE SHEEHY Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4 - 13/Ps 119:9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 SERGEANT STEFAN SQUILLANTE [12b]/Mk 6:30 - 34 E3 SEAMAN B J SULLIVAN STAFF SERGEANT KEITH ZANETTI Next Sunday: Is 58:7 - 10/Ps 112:4 - 5, 6 - 7, 8 - 9 [4a]/1 LT COMMANDER CRAIG ZECCHIN Cor 2:1 - 5/Mt 5:13 - 16 (If you know of anyone serving in the military, please call the office and we will list them.)

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