part ii the parameters of galaxy formation

PART II The Parameters of Galaxy Formation Darren Croton Centre - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PART II The Parameters of Galaxy Formation Darren Croton Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing Swinburne University Lets recap... The skeleton The flesh Schmidt law star formation

  1. PART II The Parameters of Galaxy Formation Darren Croton Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing Swinburne University

  2. Let’s recap...

  3. The skeleton The flesh

  4. ‣ Schmidt law star formation ‣ SFR dependent SN winds ‣ satellite gas stripping ‣ morphological transformation ‣ assembly through mergers ‣ starbursts through mergers ‣ Magorrian relation BH growth ‣ jet & bubble AGN feedback Croton et al. 2006

  5. z=0 dark matter

  6. z=0 galaxy light

  7. Physical consequences ( ∝ SFR) SN AGN ( ∝ m BH σ 3 ) AGN Croton et al. 2006

  8. $20 z=1 $30 z=2 $40 z=3

  9. SN AGN

  10. SN AGN

  11. Our model is only as good as the questions we ask For systems with infinite levels of complexity, our model can never be “correct”

  12. What can semi-analytics actually tell us about galaxy formation?

  13. Example 1: Void galaxies

  14. Croton et al. 2005 2dFGRS

  15. Croton & Farrar (2008) The Millennium Simulation semi-analytic galaxy formation model

  16. So what’s special about early-type void galaxies? Croton & Farrar (2008) Halo mass function in different environments

  17. Example 2: BH growth - mergers or secular?

  18. Merger driven growth During the merger some fraction of the cold gas is driven onto the black hole Δ m BH ~ 0.03 m R m cold

  19. black hole-bulge merger driven growth Haring & Rix 2005

  20. Secular driven growth As the stellar disk becomes unstable, some fraction of the cold gas is dragged inward to accrete onto the black hole Δ m BH ~ 0.01 m cold

  21. Haring & Rix 2005 black hole-bulge disk instability merger driven growth driven growth

  22. luminosity function disk instability merger driven growth driven growth

  23. environment LFs disk instability merger driven growth driven growth

  24. The down and dirty

  25. Semi-analytics (mostly) assume: ‣ the cosmology is correct ‣ local correlations extend to higher redshift ‣ the baryon fraction is universal ‣ halo properties determine galaxy properties ‣ ...

  26. Semi-analytics are at the mercy of: ‣ the IMF ‣ stellar population models ‣ the quality of constraining observations ‣ the quality of the underlying simulation ‣ ...

  27. Croton et al. 2006, 2012 (in prep.)

  28. The exact values of the parameter choices are (mostly) meaningless

  29. Let’s now look at some code...

  30. ...and the story continues in the next lecture with “The universe in the cloud”


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