star formation rate indicators in galaxy formation

Star Formation Rate Indicators in Galaxy Formation Simulations Jos - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Star Formation Rate Indicators in Galaxy Formation Simulations Jos Flores Velazquez, Alex Gurvich, Prof. Faucher-Gigure + FIRE Collaboration SFR Indicators H Emissions Assuming Constant SFR : SFR(H ) Indicator traces stars

  1. Star Formation Rate Indicators in Galaxy Formation Simulations José Flores Velazquez, Alex Gurvich, Prof. Faucher-Giguère + FIRE Collaboration

  2. SFR Indicators

  3. H 𝛽 Emissions Assuming Constant SFR : SFR(H 𝜷 ) Indicator traces stars with lifetimes of ~3-10 Myr Finkbeiner et al. 2003

  4. Ultra Violet (UV) Light Assuming Constant SFR : SFR(FUV) Indicator traces stars with lifetimes of ~10-100 Myr JPL-NASA

  5. Figure 1 in (Star)bursts of FIRE… Sparre et al. 2017

  6. My Work

  7. Bursty Non-Bursty

  8. Suggest: Best fit time scale ~4Myr for both the Bursty and Non-Bursty SFRs

  9. Suggest: Best fit time scale ~10Myr for Bursty SFRs and for Non-Bursty SFRs maybe ~20-30 Myr

  10. Future Work • Perform analysis on higher resolution m12i. • Expand our studies to different mass galaxies.

  11. Acknowledgements Me with Prof. Faucher-Giguère Me with Grad Student: Alex Gurvich Northwestern + CIERA-REU


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