part i galaxy formation models

PART I Galaxy Formation Models Darren Croton Centre for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PART I Galaxy Formation Models Darren Croton Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing Swinburne University PART I: Building synthetic universes PART II: The parameters of galaxy formation PART III: The universe in

  1. PART I Galaxy Formation Models Darren Croton Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing Swinburne University

  2. PART I: Building synthetic universes PART II: The parameters of galaxy formation PART III: The universe in the cloud

  3. The basics of how galaxies are built and evolve The uses and limitations of semi-analytic galaxy models The challenge of data access and delivery

  4. $20 z=1 $30 z=2 $40 z=3

  5. Galaxy formation primer

  6. The skeleton The flesh

  7. 1. The skeleton: N-body simulations 2. The flesh: interwoven analytic models of the physics of galaxy formation

  8. 0 0 0 %& %& %&

  9. z=0 z=1 z=3 z=6 cluster milky-way Wechsler et al. 2002

  10. 1. The skeleton: N-body simulations 2. The flesh: interwoven analytic models of the physics of galaxy formation

  11. Galaxies, why we care ... • highly non-linear evolution • home of internal phenomena • shaped by external influences

  12. Star formation Kennicutt 1998 M31

  13. M82 Martin 1999 Supernova feedback

  14. Satellite galaxies

  15. Morphological evolution NGC 2207 & IC 2163

  16. ... and assembly Seyfert’s Sextet

  17. ... and death M87 (Virgo cluster)

  18. Black holes Haring & Rix 2005 NGC 6240

  19. AGN jets M87 (Virgo cluster)

  20. AGN bubbles

  21. GEMS (Rix et al. 2004)

  22. iPad

  23. ‣ Schmidt law star formation ‣ SFR dependent SN winds ‣ satellite gas stripping ‣ morphological transformation ‣ assembly through mergers ‣ starbursts through mergers ‣ Magorrian relation BH growth ‣ jet & bubble AGN feedback Croton et al. 2006

  24. z=0 dark matter

  25. Remember: Numerical Simulation + Analytic Simulation

  26. z=0 galaxy light

  27. Galaxy spatial and luminosity distributions Croton et al. 2006 -clustering- -luminosity function-

  28. Galaxy colour distribution Baldry et all. 2005 Croton et al. 2006 -model- -SDSS-

  29. Physical consequences ( ∝ SFR) SN AGN ( ∝ m BH σ 3 ) AGN Croton et al. 2006

  30. SN AGN

  31. SN AGN

  32. Our model is only as good as the questions we ask For systems with infinite levels of complexity, our model can never be “correct”

  33. ...and the story continues in the next lecture with “Model parameterisation”...


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