Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Parent FluencyWorkshop Year3&4 1
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Theaimsofthisworkshopareto: *Helpyouunderstandwhatfluency inMathsis. *Gamesandideasonhowyoucan helpyourchildathometoimprove theseskills. 2
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 InYear3 Mathematics: Place Value & 4 Operations - by the end of the year: Theseareall theskillsyou canhelp developat home. 3
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 InYear4 Mathematics: Place Value & 4 Operations - by the end of the year: Theseareall theskillsyou canhelp developat home. 4
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 PlaceValueiskeytochildren's understandingofallaspectsofMaths 6 8 5 4 partitioning numbersinto placevalueisan essentialskill + 6 + 8 = 4568 4 000 + 5 00 0 placeholders 5
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 H T O Th Thousands Hundreds Ones Tens Dienes = 1 = 1 0 = 1 0 0 = 1 0 0 0 6
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 PlaceValueiskeytochildren's understandingofallaspectsofMaths 7
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 > < = PlaceValue less than greater than equal to Usethesemathematicalsymbolsto compareandtalkaboutplacevalue < 78 87 = 13 + 6 19 x 1 > 89 80 + 3 + 7 8
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Usinga100Sqaure Lotsofworkon: *readingandthenwriting thenumber *10more,10less *Supportwithtimestables *Countingbackwardsand forwards Theaimisforchildrento beabletovisualisethe numbersquareintheir minds. 9
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Canyouhelpmeidentifythe numbersthatIhavecovered? Howdoyouknow? 10
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Challenge... Thinkcarefullyaboutplacevalueandwhatthe ruleisforeachproblem. 1235 4455 2335 6455 6555 11
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Usethe100Squaretosupporttimestables What'sspecialaboutallthenubmersI havehighlightedsofar?Whatwillthe next8beinthesequence?Howdoyou know?Canyouseeapatternforming? Whocanexplainit? 12
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 TimesTables Year2 Notjust about 2,5,10 multiplication, Year3: alsoneedto ReviseY2 knowthe relevant 3,4,8and11 divisionfacts Year4 reviseY3 6,7and9 12throughtheother thetimestables Maketimestable memorycards. 13
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 PartWhole Wealsosupport mathsconceptsby cherrydiagram usingvisual 43 43 representations 26 7 26 10 17 43= 26 + 17 26 + 10 + 7 = 43 17 + 26 = 43 43 10 7 = 26 43 17= 26 andsomanymorenumber sentences 17 = 43 26 14
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 BarModel Wealsosupport mathsconceptsby 23 usingvisual representations 12 11 Whatcouldthepartsbenow? 23 Whatisthewhole?Howdoyouknow? 45 23 15
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Estimation Beingabletoestimate isamathematical skillthatchildren 34 + 59 = willbeabletoapply toallcalculations. 4 x 21 = Itdemonstrates 1000 562= theirunderstanding ofalloperations. 16
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Reasoning&Explanation Getchildrentalking aboutwhatthey knowbyapplying theirmathematical understanding. 17
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Reasoning&Explanation 18
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Reasoning&Explanation 19
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 MAKEITFUN! UsingDiceforGames rollingdiceandaskingabout numberbonds addingtogether subtracting multiplying 2digits+2digits 2digits2digit 3digit+3digit Somanywaystouseand supportfluency! 20
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Closestto1000 . Player2 Player1 + + Extendbycreating three3digit Eachplayerdrawsthegameboard. numbers: Rollthediceyoumustplaceitinoneof thecircles Onceyouhaverolled6timesaddupthe scores.Closestto1000wins. 21
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Multiple Madness �����������€���€������ * Before the game decide on a times table to use, for example: 4 times tables * Use a 1100 Square * Each player chooses a counter * Take it in turns to roll the dice and move the counter along the 100 Square, for example if you roll 7, move 7 spaces. * When a player lands on a number from the chosen times table, then they get another turn. * The winner is the first to pass 100 you can change this according to the times tables / child's confidence in identifying multiples. 22
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 �����������€���€����� 2 players & 1 counter Choose a target number, for example 24 Start at 0 Each player moves the counter and mentally adds one at a time. If it helps to jot down the answers, that's fine The aim of the game is to NOT be the person who gets over that total. This game can be played with subtraction too, start with 24 and subtract. First person who gets to 0 or below is out! 23
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 oruse120cards 24
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Anexampleofhowweusedicegamesto supportlearningobjectives... Rollyourdicethreetimes. Howmanydifferentthreedigitnumberscan youmakewithyourthreedigits? NEXT,putallthenumbersyou’vemadein Thiscanbe orderfromsmallesttolargest. modifiedto2 digitnumbers Repeatthesesteps! or4digit Thinkaboutthestrategiesyouareusingto numbers findallthepossibilitieseachtime. 25
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Samegame,adjustedforY4 HighNumber Player1 Player2 Findapartneranddrawasetofboxeson yourwhiteboardsasabove. Taketurnstothrowthediceanddecidewhich ofyourfourboxestofill.Dothisfourtimes untilyourboxesarefull. Whoeverhasthebiggestnumbergetsapoint. Thenrepeat. 26
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 ADDITION Year2&3 Year3 continueto useinY4 27
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Year4 o o 28
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Reminders... InteractiveResources username:primrose password:primrosehill GoogleClassroom HomeLearningActivities MathsFrame freefortimes tablepractice 29
Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Thankyoufor coming! Questions? 30
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