
Parent FluencyWorkshop Year3&4 1 Year 3 4.notebook December - PDF document

Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Parent FluencyWorkshop Year3&4 1 Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Theaimsofthisworkshopareto: *Helpyouunderstandwhatfluency

  1. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Parent FluencyWorkshop Year3&4 1

  2. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Theaimsofthisworkshopareto: *Helpyouunderstandwhatfluency inMathsis. *Gamesandideasonhowyoucan helpyourchildathometoimprove theseskills. 2

  3. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 InYear3 Mathematics: Place Value & 4 Operations - by the end of the year: Theseareall theskillsyou canhelp developat home. 3

  4. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 InYear4 Mathematics: Place Value & 4 Operations - by the end of the year: Theseareall theskillsyou canhelp developat home. 4

  5. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 PlaceValueiskeytochildren's understandingofallaspectsofMaths 6 8 5 4 partitioning numbersinto placevalueisan essentialskill + 6 + 8 = 4568 4 000 + 5 00 0 placeholders 5

  6. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 H T O Th Thousands Hundreds Ones Tens Dienes = 1 = 1 0 = 1 0 0 = 1 0 0 0 6

  7. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 PlaceValueiskeytochildren's understandingofallaspectsofMaths 7

  8. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 > < = PlaceValue less than greater than equal to Usethesemathematicalsymbolsto compareandtalkaboutplacevalue < 78 87 = 13 + 6 19 x 1 > 89 80 + 3 + 7 8

  9. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Usinga100Sqaure Lotsofworkon: *readingandthenwriting thenumber *10more,10less *Supportwithtimestables *Countingbackwardsand forwards Theaimisforchildrento beabletovisualisethe numbersquareintheir minds. 9

  10. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Canyouhelpmeidentifythe numbersthatIhavecovered? Howdoyouknow? 10

  11. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Challenge... Thinkcarefullyaboutplacevalueandwhatthe ruleisforeachproblem. 1235 4455 2335 6455 6555 11

  12. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Usethe100Squaretosupporttimestables What'sspecialaboutallthenubmersI havehighlightedsofar?Whatwillthe next8beinthesequence?Howdoyou know?Canyouseeapatternforming? Whocanexplainit? 12

  13. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 TimesTables Year2 Notjust about 2,5,10 multiplication, Year3: alsoneedto ReviseY2 knowthe relevant 3,4,8and11 divisionfacts Year4 reviseY3 6,7and9 12­throughtheother thetimestables Maketimestable memorycards. 13

  14. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Part­Whole Wealsosupport mathsconceptsby cherrydiagram usingvisual 43 43 representations 26 7 26 10 17 43= 26 + 17 26 + 10 + 7 = 43 17 + 26 = 43 43 ­ 10 ­7 = 26 43 ­ 17= 26 andsomanymorenumber sentences 17 = 43­ 26 14

  15. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 BarModel Wealsosupport mathsconceptsby 23 usingvisual representations 12 11 Whatcouldthepartsbenow? 23 Whatisthewhole?Howdoyouknow? 45 23 15

  16. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Estimation Beingabletoestimate isamathematical skillthatchildren 34 + 59 = willbeabletoapply toallcalculations. 4 x 21 = Itdemonstrates 1000 ­ 562= theirunderstanding ofalloperations. 16

  17. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Reasoning&Explanation Getchildrentalking aboutwhatthey knowbyapplying theirmathematical understanding. 17

  18. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Reasoning&Explanation 18

  19. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Reasoning&Explanation 19

  20. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 MAKEITFUN! UsingDiceforGames ­rollingdiceandaskingabout numberbonds ­addingtogether ­subtracting ­multiplying ­2digits+2digits ­2digits­2digit ­3digit+3digit Somanywaystouseand supportfluency! 20

  21. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Closestto1000 . Player2 Player1 + + Extendbycreating three3digit ­Eachplayerdrawsthegameboard. numbers: ­Rollthedice­youmustplaceitinoneof thecircles ­Onceyouhaverolled6times­addupthe scores.Closestto1000wins. 21

  22. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Multiple Madness �����������€���€������ * Before the game decide on a times table to use, for example: 4 times tables * Use a 1­100 Square * Each player chooses a counter * Take it in turns to roll the dice and move the counter along the 100 Square, for example if you roll 7, move 7 spaces. * When a player lands on a number from the chosen times table, then they get another turn. * The winner is the first to pass 100 ­ you can change this according to the times tables / child's confidence in identifying multiples. 22

  23. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 �����������€���€����� ­ 2 players & 1 counter ­ Choose a target number, for example 24 ­ Start at 0 ­ Each player moves the counter and mentally adds ­one at a time. If it helps to jot down the answers, that's fine ­ The aim of the game is to NOT be the person who gets over that total. ­ This game can be played with subtraction too, start with 24 and subtract. First person who gets to 0 or below is out! 23

  24. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 oruse1­20cards 24

  25. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Anexampleofhowweusedicegamesto supportlearningobjectives... Rollyourdicethreetimes. Howmanydifferentthreedigitnumberscan youmakewithyourthreedigits? NEXT,putallthenumbersyou’vemadein Thiscanbe orderfromsmallesttolargest. modifiedto2 digitnumbers Repeatthesesteps! or4digit Thinkaboutthestrategiesyouareusingto numbers findallthepossibilitieseachtime. 25

  26. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Samegame,adjustedforY4 HighNumber Player1 Player2 Findapartneranddrawasetofboxeson yourwhiteboardsasabove. Taketurnstothrowthediceanddecidewhich ofyourfourboxestofill.Dothisfourtimes untilyourboxesarefull. Whoeverhasthebiggestnumbergetsapoint. Thenrepeat. 26

  27. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 ADDITION Year2&3 Year3 ­continueto useinY4 27

  28. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Year4 o o 28

  29. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Reminders... InteractiveResources username:primrose password:primrosehill GoogleClassroom HomeLearningActivities MathsFrame ­freefortimes tablepractice 29

  30. Year 3 4.notebook December 09, 2019 Thankyoufor coming! Questions? 30


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