Commissioning Procurement Overview February 27, 2020
Procurement Overview Agenda ▪ Introductions ▪ Jack McCarthy, Executive Director, Massachusetts School Building Authority ▪ William McAvoy, Executive Director, Supplier Diversity, Small Business and Compliance Office, Operational Services Division ▪ Commissioning Procurement ▪ Greg Brunell, Senior Project Manager ▪ Program overview ▪ Commissioning procurement schedule ▪ Questions & Answers 2
Massachusetts School Building Authority Deborah B. Goldberg John K. McCarthy Chairman, State Treasurer Executive Director Procurement Overview Commissioning Program 3
Commissioning Program │ Overview ▪ Commissioning Scope of Work ▪ Project Phases ▪ Fees ▪ Qualifications & Evaluation Process ▪ Commissioning Duration & Renewal Options ▪ Additional Commissioning Support ▪ During First Year of Operation ▪ Recommissioning ▪ Procurement Schedule ▪ Response Requirements 4
Commissioning Program │ Overview ▪ Cx Procurement is directed to firms or individuals to assist the MSBA with: ▪ Verifying and documenting that building systems in newly constructed, renovated, or repaired school facilities: ▪ Perform according to the specification and design intent ▪ Systems are consistent with the Owner’s operational needs ▪ Ensuring that Owner’s staff has the essential information and training necessary to operate the building systems efficiently and economically. 5
Commissioning Services │ Scope of Work ▪ MSBA assigns CxA to both Core and Accelerated Repair Projects. ▪ Core – Following a District’s Local Funding Authorization Vote ▪ ARP - Following receipt of Schematic Design Documents ▪ Scope of Commissioning Services will vary by project. ▪ MSBA will issue an individual work order for each project. ▪ Work Orders will include an MSBA Standard Scope of Services for Full Building Commissioning or Accelerated Repair Projects. ▪ Defines the scope of services that generally will be required for each project. 6
Commissioning Scope │ Categories of Work ▪ Full Building Commissioning: Commissioning activities for new construction or major addition and renovation projects involving most or all building systems including, but not limited to: ▪ Building envelope; roofing systems; HVAC systems; plumbing systems; electrical power and lighting systems; voice, data and video systems; life safety systems; building automation and control systems; and all materials and components forming a part of these systems. ▪ Partial Building or Individual System Commissioning: Commissioning activities for: ▪ Limited repair, addition or renovation projects involving one or more of the building systems. ▪ Roofing and Building Envelope Commissioning: Commissioning activities limited to: ▪ Repair and renovation projects involving exterior walls, windows, doors, and roofing systems and all materials and components forming a part of these systems. 7
Commissioning Program │ Scope of Work ▪ The CxA works in conjunction with the Owner, Owner’s Project Manager, design team, and construction team through the life of the project. ▪ CxA should communicate and coordinate all activities with the Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) for the Project. ▪ The MSBA Commissioning Program Manager and the MSBA Project Manager assigned to the project shall be kept abreast of all commissioning issues and be included in the distribution of all commissioning documentation. ▪ CxA is not responsible for design or general construction scheduling, cost estimating, or construction management, but may assist with problem-solving or resolving nonconformance issues or deficiencies. 8
Commissioning Program │Project Phases ▪ Commissioning services for individual projects are anticipated to be provided starting from: ▪ The Design Development Phase and continue through preparation of construction documents, bidding, construction, close-out and building occupancy and Warranty Phase or as otherwise indicated in the Work Order. ▪ The project phases are described in more detail in the Standard Scope of Services document included with each work order. 9
Commissioning Program │Fees ▪ Full building commissioning of new construction projects and major addition/renovation projects where the extent of the work constitutes the equivalent of new construction shall be in accordance with the Fee Schedule for Commissioning Services. ▪ Fee is calculated on a dollar per square foot basis. Attachment G . ▪ Partial building or individual system(s) commissioning fees are currently negotiated on a project-specific basis. 10
Commissioning │Qualifications & Evaluation Process ▪ A review is conducted for all submitted Responses to eliminate any Respondents that do not meet the minimum qualifications and/or whose Responses are nonresponsive to the requirements of the RFR. ▪ The MSBA will evaluate Responses based on criteria that shall include, but not be limited to the following: ▪ Supplier Diversity Program ▪ Demonstrated Experience ▪ Knowledge and Understanding of Building Systems ▪ Education and Licensing ▪ Capacity and Organizational Structure ▪ Proposed Overall Approach ▪ After reviews are completed, the MSBA has the option to invite one or more Respondents to make oral presentations. 11
Commissioning │Durration and Renewal Options ▪ The MSBA intends to select one or more qualified Respondents to provide the services solicited in this RFR for a three-year term. ▪ The MSBA may, at its option, extend the term for an additional one year, under the same terms and conditions. ▪ The selected Respondent(s) will be required to execute the standard Master Commissioning Services Agreement. - Attachment C 12
Commissioning Program │Commissioning Support ▪ Commissioning Support During First Year of Operation ▪ The scope of services for the selected firm(s) may also include: ▪ Assisting the building owner with developing and implementing commissioning support during the first year of building occupation and operation. ▪ This effort is intended to ensure that fundamental building systems are calibrated and are operating as required to deliver optimal performance and to further support efforts to meet the Owner’s Project Requirements (“OPR”). ▪ First- year “Commissioning Support” shall be performed in accordance with LEED v4/v4.1 Monitoring-Based Commissioning or NE-CHPS v3.2 EE3.3 . 13
Commissioning Program │Re -commissioning ▪ Re-commissioning Services ▪ The scope of services for the selected firm(s) may also include: ▪ Assisting the building owner with the development and implementation of the re-commissioning of buildings that have been occupied for a minimum of 3-5 years. ▪ This effort is intended to ensure that fundamental building systems are calibrated and are operating as required to deliver optimal performance and to further support the efforts to meet the Owner’s Project Requirements (“OPR”) for utilities, indoor environmental quality, and durability. 14
Commissioning Program │Procurement Schedule ▪ Approximate Procurement Schedule ▪ Issuance of RFR: March 13, 2020 ▪ Question Deadline: March 23, 2020 ▪ Responses to Questions Posted: April 2, 2020 ▪ RFR Response Deadline: April 20, 2020 at 3:00 P.M. ▪ Oral Presentations (if conducted): TBD ▪ Award of Contract : July 2020 15
Commissioning Program │Response Requirements ▪ Instructions for Submission: ▪ One (1) original and six (6) hard copies and one (1) copy in PDF format on flash drive of the Responses and Attachments ▪ Must be delivered in the same sealed package no later than April 20, 2020 at 3:00 P.M. EST MSBA-RFR-Commissioning-2020 Massachusetts School Building Authority ATTN: Siobhan Tolman, Procurement Coordinator 40 Broad Street, Suite 500 Boston, Massachusetts 02109 16
Commissioning Program │Response Requirements ▪ Format Requirements: ▪ Respondents are cautioned to read carefully and conform to the requirements for this specific RFR. Failure to comply with the provisions of this RFR may serve as grounds for rejection of a Response ▪ Disqualification: ▪ Ex. Late Proposals, Nonresponsive Proposals, Collusion, Debarred Bidders or Subcontractors 17
Questions & Answers February 27, 2020
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