WH WHAT IS Contin inuity uity of Ope peration ions s Plan (COOP OP)? )? A A COOP Plan is s a d docume ment nt that t outlines nes what an agency y must st do to assure ure it t has the capability ty to conti tinue nue essenti ential agency y functi nctions. ns. Ensures sures capability ty to conti tinue nue essenti ential comp mpone nent nt functi nctions ons across ss wide de range e of pot oten enti tial l emergenci ncies es incl clud uding localized ed acts s of nature ure, , accide dents nts, , techno hnologic gical al or attack ck-re relat ated d emergenci ncies. es.
WH WHY COOP P PLANNING NING? Witho thout ut COOP organi nizat zations ns cannot ot func ncti tion on after r a d disast saster Organiza nizati tion onal l Reliability lity Consist sistency ncy of Servi vices es Mini nimi mizat zation n of chaos Public relati tions ns
COOP GOALS Ensure sure time mely y and orderl erly y conti tinuo nuous us perform orman ance of esse senti ntial functi ctions ns duri ring ng and after r an emergenc ncy. Prot otect ct fa faciliti ties, es, equ quipme pment, nt, records ds and ot other r assets sets that t suppo pport t essenti ential functi nctions. ons. Reduce ce or miti tigat ate disrup srupti tions ns to operati tions ns. Mini nimi mize ze loss ss of life, , injur ury y and prope perty damage. Provi vide de fa family suppo pport t planni ning ng for agency perso sonn nnel duri ring an emergenc ncy. Should ld be c capable of executi ution n bot oth with th and without hout warning ning. Should d be o operati tiona nal no later r than n 12 hours s after er activation. ation. Should d mainta ntain n sustai stained ned operati ations ns for up to 30 days. s.
PHASES OF CONTINUITY Conti tinui uity y plannin nning ensures ures the conti tinua nuati tion on or rapi pid d resum sumpti ption n of essenti ential functi nctions ons duri ring ng a c conti tinui nuity event. t. The conti tinuit uity y plan prepa pares res agencies es and their eir personn sonnel l for the possibi ssibility lity of relocati ting ng and being operati tiona nal withi thin 12 hours s of conti tinui nuity ty activati tion. n. Conti tinui uity y plan n imple mpleme menta ntati tion n takes s place in five phase ses: s: Identi tifying, ying, Analyzin zing, , Designin gning, , Execut uting ng and Measuri uring. ng.
CONTINUITY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT FOUNDATION Leadersh ship p is criti tical to provide vide suppo pport t for conti tinui nuity planni ning ng and ensur ure conti tinui nuity ty of essenti ential functi ctions ns. Staff f must t be s suffici ciently ently traine ained d and cross ss-tr traine ained d to perform rm their r duti ties es in a conti tinui nuity ty environm onment nt. Faciliti ties es must t be ad adequ quat ate, , separat arate e locati tions ns to ensure ure executi ution n of essenti ential functi nctions. ons. Communi unicati tion on syst stems s and techno hnolo logy y must t be i int nteropera operable, e, robust, ust, and reliable.
ORDER OF SUCCESSION Is critical in the event that an organization’s leadership is unavailable, debilitated, or inca capa pable of performi rming ng their legally y autho horiz rized d duti ties, es, roles, s, and responsi ponsibilities. es. Order ers s of succ ccessio ession n are not ot merely y a c conti tinui nuity functi nction. on. They y should uld be develope oped d to suppo pport t day-to to-da day y operati ations. ns.
DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY AND CONTINUITY OF COMMUNICATION Delegati tions ons of Authori hority y docume ment nt - the legal autho hority rity for offici cials to make key policy y decisio sions ns. Conti tinui nuity of Communic nicati ations ons How do you ensure ure you can communicat unicate with h staff, f, client nts, s, stak akeho holder ders, s, partner ner agencies es in short t term m and long term situa tuati tions? ons?
VITAL RECORDS Every y organiz nizati tion n has documents nts, , files, es, and ot other r materi rials ls vita tal l to the organi nizat zation n and its ts operati ations. ns. These se assets ts depend nd on a v vita tal records ds progra ram m to suppo pport t essenti ential functi nctions ns duri ring ng a c conti tinu nuity situa tuati tion. on.
HUMAN CAPITAL Hu Human n capita tal is what people bring ng to their r work rk in the way of talent, nt, energy, , knowledg dge, e, and enthusia husiasm sm that t people e invest est in their eir work rk. All task sked d Emergenc ency y Relocation ation Group up (ERG) perso sonne nnel need to be ad adequ quatel ely y traine ained d and cross ss-tr trained d to enable the perform orman ance of all essent ntial al functi nctions. ons.
FAMILY SUPPORT PLANNING Family y Suppo port Planni ning ng is s a c criti tical al piece ce to your Conti tinui nuity ty of Operati ations ns Planning ning. A fa family y suppo pport plan that t ensures ures fa family y members s will be s safe e and secure ure duri ring ng an emergency ncy situa tuati tion. n. A personal “go kit” that includes the items their families will need if they have to eva vacuat ate or shelter er in place. .
SO WHAT NOW? Eva valua uate your agency Do a r a risk sk assessme essment nt Do a b a busi sine ness ss impa pact ct analysi ysis Eva valua uate your fa facility ty Develop p a C Communi nica cati tion n Plan Det etermine rmine/tr /train ain the essent ntial al staff f Back-up up vita tal l records ds
THANK YOU! For more inform ormati ation n or to help with th your r Conti tinui nuity ty of Operations ations Planni ning ng, please se contact ct: Ioana Lutai, Emergen ency y Prepare redness dness Manager r Emerge genc ncyP yPrepa reparedne redness ss@v @volunt oluntee eera ralexand xandria. org Phone: 703 703-836 836-2176 To find nd a C COOP templ mplat ate, , please se go to to https tps://www.volunt lunteera eerale lexandri ndria.o .org rg/pre prepa pari ring ng-your ur-busi usine ness ss Referenc rence: : www.f .fema.g .gov
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