civicrm has to become the best constituent management

CiviCRM has to become the best constituent management product for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CiviCRM has to become the best constituent management product for nonprofits January 17 at 9PM January 18 at 6PM Most nonprofits can't afford proprietary CRMS So they have to use index cards We need these folks to succeed in building

  1. CiviCRM has to become the best constituent management product for nonprofits

  2. January 17 at 9PM January 18 at 6PM

  3. Most nonprofits can't afford proprietary CRMS

  4. So they have to use index cards

  5. We need these folks to succeed in building strong communities.

  6. What if a product made it cheap to start out?

  7. Tell everyone, there already is one:

  8. You can do a lot more with CiviCRM too. This is what we do:

  9. The day I discovered Print to PDF was a very exciting day.

  10. Our problems are unusual but they are not unique. 1. Write a Case Study 2. Submit Code 3. Post a Blog

  11. Treasure trove of awesome ideas and mistakes already made by someone else

  12. Thanks, Jeff, for sharing your code!

  13. Anyone else need a proximity search?

  14. This looks like an improbable victory to me.

  15. But wait, if we...

  16. Let's start making some of these improvements happen One less click goes a long way

  17. * Except run Linux

  18. Tweet this!

  19. Go Google these!


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