Our Mission PAACE inspires adult education partners through advocacy, networking and professional development so that adults succeed, and communities thrive.
Our Mission PAACE inspires adult education partners through advocacy, networking and professional development so that adults succeed, and communities thrive. ● October 18-20, 2020 ● Lancaster Marriott ● Stay Tuned for more information!!
Our Mission PAACE inspires adult education partners through advocacy, networking and professional development so that adults succeed, and communities thrive. Ms. Miller worked for over 30 years in adult education and managed a comprehensive adult education program serving over 2,000 students annually and served on the state level for a time developing and implementing state-wide professional development programs. Currently, she works as a national consultant for Paxen Steck-Vaughn providing training workshops, conducting national webinars and presenting at state and national conferences. chmillerconsulting@gmail.com
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