Opportunities and challenges for school-based community transformation 1
All children growing up in the Austin Promise Neighborhood have access to effective schools and strong systems of family and community support that will prepare them to attain an excellent education and successfully transition to college and career. 2
Build a continuum of academic and community supports with strong schools at the center Integrate programs and break down silos between agencies Develop the local infrastructure of systems and resources needed to sustain and scale up proven, effective solutions 3
Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment and 1. segmentation analysis Develop a plan to deliver a continuum of solutions 2. with the potential to drive results Establish effective partnerships both to provide 3. solutions along the continuum and to commit resources to sustain and scale up what works Plan, build, adapt, or expand a longitudinal data 4. system that will provide information that the grantee will use for learning, continuous improvement, and accountability Engage students, parents, teachers, residents, and 5. leaders in the planning process 5
Needs Assessment & Segmentation Analysis Potential Partners Purpose To collect the baseline Promise • CPS Neighborhood indicators • WHA To identify the high-, medium-, • UIC and low-need students, families, and areas of the neighborhood. • Erikson Institute 6
Plan to Deliver the Continuum of Solutions Potential Partners Purpose To align schools with effective • All ACT Participants deemed to have community programs and services effective programs in order to achieve results • School principals • LSC members 7
Establish Effective Partnerships Potential Partners Purpose • All ACT Participants Establish long-term deemed to have effective programs programmatic commitments from • CPS community partners • Public agencies at the City, Develop long-term funding County, State, and Federal streams from public and private Level sources • Foundations and Corporate funders Sustain and scale-up effective programs 8
Longitudinal Data System Potential Partners Purpose Develop a community-wide, inter- • All participating ACT service providers organizational data system with student- and family-level data • CPS Office of Research, Evaluation, Build capacity to track the impact and Accountability of in-school efforts and community-based programs on academic, health, and development outcomes. 9
Community Engagement Potential Partners Purpose • Westside Health Authority To build support for improving • South Austin Coalition education in the community • COFI To ensure parents and families • Austin Childcare Providers’ Network provide input and feedback for • CPS the Austin Promise Neighborhood 10
Oversight and management Coordinating community service providers with neighborhood schools Collecting assessment data in a timely manner Up-front investment of time and resources from partner organizations 11
Community Engagement Present Promise Neighborhood planning process to school administrators, teachers, and parents Build capacity of Education Committee to manage and oversee the planning process Longitudinal data system Assess what types of data potential partners collect regarding their programs 12
U.S. Department of Education www2.ed.gov/programs/promiseneighborhoods/index.html Promise Neighborhoods Institute promiseneighborhoodsinstitute.org Harlem Children’s Zone www.hcz.org St. Paul Promise Neighborhood http://www.wilder.org/promiseneighborhood.0.html 13
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