Operationalizing the 2030 Agenda in Finland: Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development Annika Lindblom , Secretary-General National Commission on Sustainable Development, Finland
“No more strategies, we Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development want action and impact!” “Let’s try something new, shall we?” Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development Video in English
Kestävän kehityksen yhteiskuntasitoumus Finnish societal innovation to promote sustainable development and implement the 2030 Agenda Provides long-term sustainable development policy framework (a vision, SOCIETY’S principles and objectives) for the public COMMITMENT IS A administration, civil society and other NEW OPERATIONAL stakeholders up until 2050 WAY TO THINK STRA T EGICALLY Provides an implementation tool for companies, organizations, schools, municipalities, citizens – anyone – to participate in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda with concrete action
Objectives of the Society’s Commitment: Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda: 1. Equal prospects for well-being 2. A participatory society for all 3. Work in a sustainable way 4. Sustainable society and local communities 5. A carbon-neutral society 6. A resource-wise economy 7. Lifestyles respectful of the carrying capacity of nature 8. Decision-making respectful of nature
Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development Operational commitments – how it works Goal selection and Implementation Measurement Visible impacts operational on society! commitment Criteria for the operational commitments: • Enhance 1 or more goals of the Society’s Commitment • Measure and monitor progress • Follow the principles: • Commit and collaborate • Use knowledge and expertise creatively • Respect the carrying capacity of nature • Think broad and cross-generationally • Take global responsibility • Use your capacity for renewal and good governance
Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Development EVERY ACTION COUNTS! At the moment Vision: over 640 A prosperous Finland within the limits of the carrying capacity of nature. operational commitments Companies The public sector Concrete actio n s NGOs Clusters NOW 2020 2030 2040 2050 Sauli Rouhinen 2.12.2014 6
Clusters are being established - Example on food waste Systemic changes towards sustainable society Operational Commitments Nyt 2020 2030 2040 2050
Results 2014 – REACHED TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE IN EVENTS AND IN SOCIAL MEDIA COMMITMENT’S VISION ” A prosperous Finland with global responsibility for sustainability CLOSE TO The Commitment process has been and the carrying capacity of well received and it has progressed 100% nature better than expected. This said, the work has just began and we need to attract lots of more Commitments. OVER The Professors of the Sustainable Development Expert Panel Of Commitment makers see it as a 600 Eeva Furman and Janne Hukkinen functioning tool for promoting sustainable development and can recommend the Commitment for others COMMITMENTS 4 FINLAND’S INDUSTRIES ARE COMMITMENT MODEL COMMITTED ATTRACTS GROWING THE FEDERATION OF FINANCIAL INTREST SERVICES AND THEIR PARTNERS, THE GLOBALLY FOREST INDUSTRIES FEDERATION, COMMERCE FEDERATIONS AND THE FINNISH ENERGY
#Together We celebrate and reward Campaigns (live and social media) Raise awareness, communicate, share best practices
#Together Synergies Support. Communication Frame. Image & brand benefits Boost. We celebrate and reward Campaigns (live and social media) International Networks. audience . Raise awareness, communicate, share best practices
According to Special Eurobarometer Finnish citizens seem to know SDGs pretty well
Core messages from Finland • Invest in long-term work > policy coherence • Process is as important as the product > societal learning • Demystify concepts by concretizing them > ownership & action • Ensure high- level leadership but don’t politicize sustainable development > whole-of-government approach • Partner in an open dialogue with the civil society and other stakeholders; they play watchdogs and lobbyists but also top experts in their fields > whole-of-society approach • Invest in communication, visualization and operationalization > common understanding, tools for action Annika Lindblom, FNCSD 22 March 2016
Thank you for your attention! annika.lindblom@ym.fi www.kestavakehitys.fi/en @sitoumus2050 @lindblom_annika
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