a research project on sustainable society in shiga 2030

A Research Project on Sustainable Society in Shiga 2030 Shiga SD - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The 11 th AIM Workshop (NIES) A Research Project on Sustainable Society in Shiga 2030 Shiga SD 2030 Research Team 20 February 2006 Shiga Pref. Location of Shiga Prefecture Overview of Shiga Prefecture Area: 4,017 km 2 - Lake Biwa: 670 km 2

  1. The 11 th AIM Workshop (NIES) A Research Project on Sustainable Society in Shiga 2030 Shiga SD 2030 Research Team 20 February 2006

  2. Shiga Pref. Location of Shiga Prefecture

  3. Overview of Shiga Prefecture Area: 4,017 km 2 - Lake Biwa: 670 km 2 (17%) Population: 1,366,415 (‘03) Lake Biwa - Only one pref. where the population would increase until 2030 Households: 474,435 (‘03) Share of Secondary Ind. (GDP): 46.7% (’02) - Largest share in Japan.

  4. Objective of Research Project 背景 (2) および目的 Formulation of Low-Carbon Society in Shiga toward 2030 (30-40% CO 2 Emission Reduction in 2030 from 1990 Level) Technological, Social & Behavioral Innovation Sustainable Economic 30-40% CO 2 Emission Growth Reduction Sustainable & Low-carbon Society In Shiga 2030

  5. Estimation Tool Used in the Research Shiga Macro Economy & Finance Tool : To estimate economic activities based upon social change scenarios Activity Calculation Tool : To estimate driving forces of energy consumption accompanied with economic activities Service Demand Calculation Tool : To estimate energy service demand based upon driving forces CO 2 Emission Calculation Tool : To estimate CO 2 emission based upon energy service demand

  6. Estimation Process Social Change Scenarios Households (Pop・Households・GDP) Population Shiga Macro Economy & Finance Tool Freight vol. Final Demand Labor Force Activity Calc. Tool Transport (pass.) Transport (freight) Commercial Residential Industrial Passenger trans. Freight trans. Floor areas Households Production sales Service Demand Calc. Tool Service Demand Service Demand Service Demand Service Demand Service Demand Energy Efficiency CO 2 Improvement CO 2 Emission Calc. Emissions Tool Lifestyle Change

  7. Estimation Conditions Conditions of Social & Economic Framework in 2030 Social & Economic Conditions var. GDP per capita Increase by approx. 2% annually Population in Shiga Increase by 14% from 2000 level Households in Shiga Increase by 30% from 2000 level

  8. Shiga Macro Economy & Finance Tool Pop bet. 15-64 Priv. Cons. Shiga Shiga GDP Potent GDP Labor Real GDP Gap Force Nat. Pub. Cons.. Pub. Cons. Bus. Price Index GDP Pop. above 65 Cap. Stock Priv. Plant inv. Deflator Pub. Fixed Cap. Shiga Nominal GDP Corp. Tax Rate Nat. Priv. Priv. House Cons. House Inv. Investment Indir. Tax Tax Rate Inv. Stock Priv. Stock Local Income Corp. Income Corp. Dir. Tax Pub. Stock Employees Social Sec. Cost Pop. above 65 Compensation Nat. GDP Exp. Imp. Personal Income Personal Disposable Income Endo. Var. Local Disposable Income Exo. Var.

  9. Activity Calc. Tool –Industrial 活動量算定ツール産業部門 ( 産業連関分析 ) I/O Analysis 1990 ・ 1995 ・ 2000 年 Shiga I/O Table ・ estimation of input factors Shiga Macro Economy & Finance Tool by RAS ・ setting converters Calc. of inverse Final Demand matrix Items Industrial Sales by Sub-sectors

  10. Activity Calc. Tool – Residential/Commercial Residential Based upon an estimation Households by National Institute of Social Security and Population Commercial Shiga Macro Economy & Finance Tool Service Industry Labor Force Shop Floor School Floor Office Floor Other Floor 業務床面積 Commercial Floor Areas

  11. Activity Calc. Tool - Passenger Transport Population [City] [Passenger Transportation Model] ・ Calculate future passenger transport demand change associated with population distribution ・ Exogenous Variables; - Trip Generation Coefficient, Population Population - Service Share by Facilities, [City, Property] [City, Property] - Average Trip Distance based upon “the 4 th PT Survey in Trip Generation Trip Generation Keihanshin Area (2000)” Coefficient Coefficient ● Purpose of Trip: -Work: Commute to office Modal Share Modal Share Net-Total -School: Commute to school Conversion ratio -Return: Return home Average Trip Average Trip -Business : Trip for Business -Private : Shopping & Others Distance Distance ● City Block: Intra-City Inter-City Ohtsu/Konan, Kouga, HigashiOhmi Transportation Transportation Kotou, Kosei, Kohoku ● Personal Property: male/female, age: 0-14/15-64/65- ● Transport mode: automobile, rail, bus, motorbike, bicycle Passenger walk Transportation [Persons-km] : Data Flow Inter-City Transportation Intra-City Transportation : Consistency assurance

  12. Activity Calc. Tool – Freight Transport 滋賀県マクロ経済財政ツール Shiga Macro Economy & Finance Model 自動車貨物輸送重量(t) Freight Truck Transport Volume (ton) Freight Truck Share Total Freight Trans. Vol. (ton) 滋賀県貨物輸送総重量(t) Modal/Prefectural Share of Freight Vol. Distance bet. Prefecture Freight Transportation 輸送機関別・輸送トンキロ(t・キロ) by Mode (ton・km)

  13. Preliminary Results

  14. Transition of Social & Economic Framework 100million yen 100000 Shiga GDP 75000 金額(億円) Sustainable Economic 50000 Increase Growth 25000 by 1.6%/y toward 2030 0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 年 (%) from 2000 level Primary/Secondary Industrial Sales : increase by 34% Commercial Floor Area: increase by 22% Households Numbers : increase by 30% Passenger Transportation : increase by 7% Freight Transportation: increase by 36%

  15. Transition of Main Indicators 1990 年 2000 年 2030 年 Indicator Popolation 1,222 1,343 1,530 (thousand) Household No. 348 430 561 (thousand) Commercial Floor Area - 20.0 24.4 (million m 2 ) Primary/Secondary 6,458 7,315 9,763 Industrial Sales (billion yen) National GDP 467,913 536,806 857,094 (billion yen) Shiga GDP 5,093 5,935 9,040 (billion yen)

  16. Setting Mitigation Cases Set two type of low-carbon society based upon economic activities Case BaU Case A Case B CO 2 Reduction Goal - -30% -40% Technological - Relatively Maximum Innovation progress progress Environmental Low High Extremely Awareness high Feasibility of - Medium Low Policy & Measures

  17. Case A CO2 Emission Transitions (1990 level=100) 130 Emission Factor BaU(+20%) 120 of Electricity 110 Supply Technological 100 Innovation Demand 90 Compact City -30% 80 - Halve trip distances Fuel Switch 70 Renewable 60 Energy 50 Lifestyle 2030 年 1990 年 2000 年 1.Both supply & demand measures necessary to reduce CO 2 emission by 30% 2.Substantial contribution of compact city

  18. Case B CO2 Emission Transitions (1990 level=100) 130 Emission Factor BaU(+20%) 120 of Electricity 110 Supply Technological 100 Innovation Demand 90 Compact City 80 Modal Shift -40% 70 Fuel Switch Renewable 60 Energy 50 Lifestyle 2030 年 1990 年 2000 年 1.Both supply & demand measures necessary to reduce CO 2 emission by 40% 2.Substantial contribution of modal shift as well as compact city

  19. Reduction Contribution by Demand Measures (Case A) Formulation of Compact City 21% - Halve trip distances Others High Eff. Ind. Furnace 15% Fuel Efficient Automobile 6% 6% 12% 7% Cut of Idling High Eff. Motor Building Insulation Electricity Large contribution by -Compact City -Fuel Efficient Automobile -High Efficient Motor

  20. Reduction Contribution by Demand Measures (Case B) Compact City - Halve Trip Distances 16% Modal Shift Others 15% - Truck → Rail/Ship - Auto. → Rail/Bicycle 9% 6% 8% 7% High Eff. Ind. Furnace Solar Energy Fuel Efficient High Efficient Motor Automobile Strengthening measures in all sectors + Compact City & Modal Shift in transport sector 15%

  21. Reductions by Sectors 1000t-CO 2 7000 -40% (%) compared to BaU case 6000 5000 -55% 4000 3000 Reduction in Case A -74% 2000 -70% Further Reduction in Case B 1000 0 Ind. Res. Com. Trans. Large Reduction Rates in Residential/Commercial Sectors

  22. Conclusion Propose some low-carbon societies aiming at Sustainable Shiga -30% low-carbon society image -Formulation of compact city (halve trip distances) -Promotion of Technological Innovation -Solar panel introduction to 50% of newly-built houses -40% low-carbon society image - Formulation of compact city (halve trip distances) - Modal shifts to rails and bicycles - Maximum progress of technological innovation - Solar panel introduction to 100% of newly-built houses


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