open problems

Open Problems Workshop on Graph Drawing and Graph Algorithms 2013 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Open Problems Workshop on Graph Drawing and Graph Algorithms 2013 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Coin-graph Recognition Q. What are the graphs that come up by touching coins?

  1. Open Problems Workshop on Graph Drawing and Graph Algorithms 2013 Department of Computer Science and Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

  2. Coin-graph Recognition Q. What are the graphs that come up by touching coins? Q. Can we recognize coin graphs in polynomial time? Q. Is there any nontrivial sufficient condition on a planar graph to be a coin graph? Known wn Result: Every planar graph can be represented as a contact graph of circles ( Koebe’s A graph of n vertices is a touching unit circle graph or coin graph if it Theorem). can be produced by n non-overlapping circles in contact, where each circle represents a node and each pairwise contact represents an edge. Workshop on Graph Drawing and Graph Algorithms 2013, Dept. of CSE, BUET

  3. Polyline Grid Drawing Q. Does every outerplanar graph admit a polyline grid drawing in O( n log n ) area with at most two bends per edge? Known wn Result: a b a b c c Every outerplanar graph admits a polyline grid e drawing in O( n log n ) e d d f area with at most f three bends per Outerplanar graph Polyline grid drawing edge. Workshop on Graph Drawing and Graph Algorithms 2013, Dept. of CSE, BUET

  4. Minimum Segment Drawing Q. Is the problem solvable in polynomial time if the input graphs are plane 3-trees, even when the maximum degree is bounded by a fixed constant? Known wn Results: a a b  NP-hard in b general.  Polynomial time d solvable for series d c c e parallel graphs with e maximum degree 3 and 3-connected Minimum segment drawing Plane 3-tree cubic graphs. Workshop on Graph Drawing and Graph Algorithms 2013, Dept. of CSE, BUET

  5. Point-set Embedding Q. Given a tree of n vertices and a set of n points in general position, is it possible to decide in polynomial time whether the tree admits a point set embedding such that all the leaves can be joined in order with straight line segments to form a cycle? a h h g g c b h c p c p b b g f i i d a d a d f f n e i o n j o n j e e j o k k m l p m l m l k Tree T Point set P Point set embedding of T on P Consequence: nce: Polynomial time decision algorithm for point-set embedding of Halin Graphs. Workshop on Graph Drawing and Graph Algorithms 2013, Dept. of CSE, BUET

  6. Straight-line Grid Drawing Q. Characterize the planar graphs that admit a straight-line grid drawing Γ s.t for every pair of vertices ( u , v ) in G , a shortest path between u and v in G is also a shortest path in Γ . Known wn Result: Partial results come from unit edge length graph drawing. Straight-line grid drawing Unit edge length graph Workshop on Graph Drawing and Graph Algorithms 2013, Dept. of CSE, BUET

  7. Graph Representation (Touching Triangle Representation) Q. Given a planar graph, is it possible to decide whether it admits a straight-line drawing in polynomial time s.t all facial polygons are drawn as triangles? Known wn Result: Necessary and sufficient conditions for 3-connected plane graphs (but no polynomial-time algorithm is known to verify these A straight-line drawing of a planar graph, with all conditions.) facial polygons drawn as triangles Workshop on Graph Drawing and Graph Algorithms 2013, Dept. of CSE, BUET


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