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On On Affor Affordable dable Blood Blood Pressure Pressure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Indo Indo-US US Grand Challenge Grand Challenge Initiat Initiative ive On On Affor Affordable dable Blood Blood Pressure Pressure Measurement Techn Measurement Technologies ologies A Joint Initi Joint Initiativ ative e Bet

  1. Indo Indo-US US Grand Challenge Grand Challenge Initiat Initiative ive On On Affor Affordable dable Blood Blood Pressure Pressure Measurement Techn Measurement Technologies ologies A Joint Initi Joint Initiativ ative e Bet Between ween SE SERB RB (I (India) ndia) and NIBIB and NIBIB (US (USA) A)

  2. ion Hyp Hyper erte tens nsion • Leading Cause of Mortality • A Silent Killer  Heart  Brain  Eyes  Kidneys

  3. Bur Burde den n of Car of Cardiov diovas ascu cular lar Disea Disease se • USA  600,000 Deaths due to Heart Disease (Every Year)  348,000 Hypertension as Primary or Contributing Cause • India  25% Deaths due to Heart Disease  Twice as much as the Next Category (10% - Reciprocity Disease)

  4. Bac Backg kgro roun und • Grand Challenges Meeting  New Delhi (2011)  NIBIB / DBT • Hypertension seen as a Real Opportunity for Technological Intervention  Emphasis on Underserved Population • Joint Statement by DST and NIBIB  January, 2013  Mumbai

  5. ers Defining Defining Para Paramet meter • Low Cost • Simple and Easy to Use • Robustness • Reliability • Free of Maintenance • No Need for Clinical Expertise • Integration with Data Logging Devices for Recording and Feedbacks

  6. Br Broa oad d Premise Premises • Minimal Interaction Devices for Personal Usage in Home Environment • High Throughput Systems for Quick Measurement and Recording of a Large Population

  7. Ent Entire ire R&D R&D Value Value Cha Chain in • Good Fundamental Science • Proof of Concept • Prototype Development • Scale up and Commercialization

  8. Implemen Implementa tation tion Met Metho hodo dology logy • Separate and Parallel but Fully Coordinated Programmes in India and USA Funded by SERB and NIBIB, respectively • Joint Annual Meetings between Grantees on both sides to Develop Collaborative Studies beginning Second Year • Joint Funding Opportunity beginning Third Year generally available but not strictly restricted to Original Grantees • New Individuals / Groups can join on need basis to augment Intellectual Resources and Compliment Original Groups

  9. Gen Gener eral al Appr Approa oach ch • Institutional Consortiums  Academic Institutions  Research Laboratories  NGOs  Industry • Interdisciplinary Expertise  Scientists  Engineers  Medical Professionals  Product Designers • Individual Projects  Bright – Smart Ideas  Viability of Scaling up Later  Integration with other Major Initiatives to Impart Enhanced Value Addition to Final Deliverables

  10. Res Resou ourc rce e Allocat Allocation ion • Programme Duration  Five Years • Monetary Allocation  NIBIB - USD 2 million per year  SERB - INR Rs.10 crore per year

  11. Thank You Thank You


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