on going development of heavy duty vehicle ghg fuel

On-Going Development of Heavy-Duty Vehicle GHG / Fuel Economy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

On-Going Development of Heavy-Duty Vehicle GHG / Fuel Economy Standards Rachel Muncrief October 10, 2012 Resources for the Future 1616 P Street NW, Washington DC Geographic Scope: Top Vehicle Markets Top eleven major global vehicle

  1. On-Going Development of Heavy-Duty Vehicle GHG / Fuel Economy Standards Rachel Muncrief October 10, 2012 Resources for the Future 1616 P Street NW, Washington DC

  2. Geographic Scope: Top Vehicle Markets � Top eleven major global vehicle markets – Most have auto efficiency standards – Some working on truck standards Slide 2 Source: Ward’s Automotive

  3. Technology Potential in US Trucks � National Academy of Sciences Report (March 2010) – Found 35 – 50% improvement achievable in 2015-2020 timeframe National Academy of Sciences (2010) FIGURE S-1 Comparison of 2015-2020 New Vehicle Potential Fuel Savings Technology for Seven Vehicle Types: Tractor Trailer (TT), Class 3-6 Box (Box), Class 3-6 Bucket (Bucket), Class 8 Refuse (Refuse), Transit Bus (Bus), Motor Coach (Coach), and Class 2b Pickups and Vans (2b). Also, for each vehicle class, the fuel consumption benefit of the Slide 3 combined technology packages is calculated as follows: % FCpackage = 1 – (1 - %FCtech 1)(1 - %FCtech2)(1 - %FCtech N) where %FCtech x is the percent benefit of an individual technology. SOURCE: TIAX (2009) ES-4.

  4. Compliance Example: Class 8 Tractor � Technologies to go from baseline to compliance tractor Example high-roof sleeper cab: 94 � 72 gCO 2 /ton-mile from 2010 to 2017 – 100 MY 2010 baseline: 94 g/ton-mile 95 7 90 23% Reduc on ton-mile 85 7 1 80 / 2 CO2 g 75 5 0.3 MY 2017 target: 72 g/ton-mile 70 7 65 60 Base Engine Aero (Bin Drive res Steer res Idle Weight Speed (MY2010) III) reduc on reduc on limiter (60 mph) Slide 4 Based on US EPA / NHTSA 2014-2018 heavy duty vehicle regulatory assessment

  5. Technology Potential – Globally � Different technologies have different value in different conditions – Approximate differences, compared to value in US context Technology US* Basis for Reduction Japan China EU Advanced 11-15L diesel with bottoming Engine 20% More cycle Improved SmartWay tractor + three Aerodynamics 11.5% Less Less Less aerodynamic trailers Tires and 11% Improved WBS on tractor + three trailers More Less Wheels Hybrid/Idle 10% Mild parallel hybrid with idle reduction More Less Reduction Transmission 7% AMT, reduced driveline friction Management and 60 mph speed limit; predictive cruise control 6% Less Less Less Coaching/Spe with telematics; driver training ed limits Weight 1.25% Material substitution—2,500 lb. More * These are based on NAS tractor-trailer Class 8 for US context; reductions are approximate, and are Slide 5 not additive

  6. Global HDV Potential – CO 2 Reduction � Early heavy-duty standards (Japan, US, China, etc) slow the emissions rise – Far greater potential exists to increase truck efficiency over the long-term 7.0 Japan, Canada, EU Adopted US 2014-2018 HDV Heavy duty vehicle GHG emissions China Phase I HDV 6.0 China Phase II HDV Mexico 2015-2018 HDV 5.0 Vehicle Potential (3.5% APR) Global HDV Emissions (Gt CO2e/year) 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 - 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Based on ICCT Roadmap project Slide 6

  7. Big Issues for 2020+ Regulation � Test procedures: – Simulation vs testing? Separate engine standards? – Do we need full vehicle testing? � How to incorporate all major technologies in regulations – Transmission technologies – Hybrid technology – Incorporate tires, aerodynamics – Inclusion of trailers � Global alignment: – Merge different counties’ test procedures over time? Slide 7

  8. Efficiencies Captured in Standard � Efficiencies captured different in standards – Governments, industry interested in possible alignment Japan U.S. China EU Through separate Yes Yes Yes Engine engine standards Optional; by Yes Yes Transmission Somewhat demonstration outside of standard protocol By demonstration - - Yes Hybridization outside of standard protocol Aerodynamic drag, Aerodynamic drag, No Yes Yes but not rolling rolling resistance resistance Slide 8 Based on work by ACEEE Therese Langer

  9. Full vehicle testing? � Full chassis dynamometer testing – – Allows ability test any vehicle configuration – Would allow for incorporation of advanced transmission, hybrids � Disadvantages: – Capital and operating expense – Coastdown testing requirement Source: research.psu.edu 9 * From recent ICCT SAE paper #2012-01-1986

  10. Capturing Aerodynamics, Trailers Standard Trailer � Testing of standard vs. optimized trailer * – Aerodynamic drag differs with speed • 40% of on-road resistance at 50 km/hr • 70% of on-road resistance at 88 km/hr – Optimized trailer benefits: Optimized Trailer • Constant speed: 4% aero improvement – 1% fuel consumption/CO 2 decrease (highway) • Coastdown test: 9% aero improvement – ICCT work ongoing on trailers • How to best incorporate aerodynamic improvement? • Include trailers? Future? Slide 10 * Based on work by TU Graz

  11. Heavy Duty Regulation Alignment � Motivation: – Facilitate compliance, reduce costs for global industry – Expedite emissions reductions by increasing the market size � Elements – Metrics – Segmentation of vehicles – Test cycles – Test protocol – Stringency – Data and research Slide 11

  12. Market Barriers – Research � Many efficiency technologies are highly cost-effective – Have net societal benefit (energy savings > up-front cost) – Less than zero cost per ton CO 2 reduced � Why are these technologies not being deployed? � Barriers include (*): – More focused on operational driver training – Low technology awareness by fleets – OEMs not offering technologies fully – High costs or high perceived costs of technology – Low and/or uncertain expected technology benefits (e.g., trailer technology) – Does not fit with operation � Related ICCT Work – China industry survey (ongoing) – Workshop in Europe (Oct 2012) – US market barriers study (Jan 2013) Slide 12 * Based on CE-Delft “Market Barriers to Increased Efficiency in the European On-road Freight Sector”

  13. Summary � HDV GHG / fuel economy standards are a critically important area of regulatory development for the US and globally. � The search for continually improving upon regulatory design (metric, cycle, test method, etc) will continue for the next 5 to ten years at least. � Important questions remain: – Expand compliance options to full vehicle and trailer – Simulation Modeling v. Chassis Dyno – Hybrid technology development and incorporation – Opportunities for global alignment of programs Slide 13

  14. Extra Slides Slide 14

  15. Cost Effectiveness of Technologies For Long Haul Segment Use* 55% 22% 92% 11% 9% 33% 83% 83% 10% 45% 0% *Results from 2012 EU Market Barriers Survey **Marginal abatement cost range using MACH model, 12 different scenarios Slide 15 Variables = Discount Rate, Vehicle Lifetime, Fuel Cost

  16. Test Procedure Summary key differences from US Feature U.S. Japan China EU CARB Transient Cycle and Mission-based cycles (may Test Cycles 55-mph and 65-mph cruise Road grade WTVC (China adjusted) include road grade, cycles. altitude, stops) Transient 5%, 55-mph cruise 9% and 65-mph Transient 90% Road (rural) 10% No weighting necessary for Cycle Weighting cruise 86% for sleeper cab Highway10% Highways 90% mission-based cycles. tractor trucks. Test Payload 19 tons Similar Double Similar Engine fuel consumption map generated from Chassis test required for Simulation based on actual Test Method Simulation engine dynamometer baseline. Simulation or vehicle values testing, enter into chassis for improved model simulation No separate engine No separate engine No separate engine Engine vs Full Engine certification for fuel certification for fuel certification for fuel certification for fuel Vehicle consumption separately consumption consumption consumption Manufacturer testing to Manufacturer testing to Manufacturer testing to Aerodynamic drag determine C d (coastdown determine C d (coastdown Standard value determine C d (constant (C d ) preferred) or standard preferred) speed test preferred) value Rolling Resistance Manufacturer testing to Standard values from tire (C rr ) determine C rr for the steer Standard value labels None and drive tire Slide 16

  17. Test Procedures – Comparison Pro Con Comments Represents “actual” vehicle performance over a given drive Expensive; test cycle(s) may cycle; technology advances Can be chassis, Vehicle testing not reflect full range of automatically captured in results; track, or road testing operation allows for compliance/enforcement testing. Does not capture aerodynamics Chassis Limited space requirements or rolling resistance. Captures aerodynamics and Truck/Road Limited repeatability rolling resistance Need extensive and continual Less expensive; testing over updating to capture technology multiple cycles as easy as testing Vehicle simulation advances and ensure over a single cycle; results are consistency with real-world replicable performance Can be check list Interactions of components not (SmartWay) or Least expensive; most direct reflected; variations in based on Component-based incentive to improve component performance over different component efficiency cycles may not be accounted performance for (engine standards) Slide 17


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