The National Academy's Approach to The National Academy's Approach to Medium and Heavy Duty Truck Fuel Medium and Heavy Duty Truck Fuel Consumption Consumption Presented to “Focus for the Future” Automotive Research Conferences by John Woodrooffe July 13, 2010
Essential Aspects of Truck Transport Essential Aspects of Truck Transport � Large trucks exist to do work and to do it efficiently. Their worth and function are tied directly to work performance in exchange for money – there is a large incentive to be efficient. � Freight tasks vary, as do the weight, shape and density of cargo transported, therefore vehicle efficiency varies for a given cargo and vehicle design. Slide 2
Essential Aspects of Truck Transport Essential Aspects of Truck Transport � The nature of freight transport can be volume limited or mass limited. Transport efficiency for volume limited freight task is evaluated differently than mass limited freight task. � A specific vehicle with a low fuel consumption does not necessarily have good fuel efficiency. In the context of this study: � Fuel consumption references fuel used to move a vehicle. � Fuel efficiency refers to the fuel used to accomplish a specific freight or work task. Slide 3
Slide 4 Complexity of the total vehicle Complexity of the total vehicle
Complexity of the total vehicle Complexity of the total vehicle All bus types Plus many more Plus many more truck options trailer options Slide 5
OECD Study - - Moving Freight with Better Trucks Moving Freight with Better Trucks OECD Study Improving Safety, Productivity and Sustainability Improving Safety, Productivity and Sustainability � 40 heavy vehicles representing 10 participating countries were examined � The study focused on Class 8 highway transport vehicles Note: In the U.S. class 8 vehicles consume 59% of all fuel used by commercial vehicles Vehicle Classification � Workhorse – common “go anywhere” vehicle � High capacity – up to 57 tons � Very high capacity – up to 77 tons greater than 98 ft Slide 6
Cargo Volume (m 3 ) Cargo Mass (Ton) 100.000 150.000 200.000 250.000 50.000 0.000 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 0.00 Australia 1 Australia 1 South South Africa 1 South South Africa 2 Belgium 1 Belgium 1 Denmark 1 Denmark 1 Denmark 2 Denmark 2 Workhorse Denmark 3 Denmark 3 Workhorse Europe 1 Europe 1 Europe 2 Europe 2 Europe 3 Europe 3 Europe 4 Europe 4 UK 1 UK 1 UK 2 UK 2 UK 3 UK 3 Canada 1 Cargo Volume Canada 1 Canada 2 Canada 2 Mexico 1 Cargo Mass Mexico 1 Mexico 2 Mexico 2 Mexico 3 Vehicle Mexico 3 United Vehicle United States 1 United United States 2 United United States 3 Australia 2 Australia 2 South South Africa 3 South High capacity High capacity South Africa 4 Belgium 2 Belgium 2 Denmark 4 Denmark 4 Denmark 5 Denmark 5 Germany 1 Germany 1 Netherlands Netherlands 1 Netherlands Netherlands 2 Very high capacity Netherlands Very high capacity Netherlands 3 Canada 3 Canada 3 United United States 4 United United States 5 Australia 3 Canada 4 Australia 3 Slide 7 Mexico 4 Canada 4 United Mexico 4 United United States 6 United States 7
Energy efficiency: cargo mass volume Energy efficiency: cargo mass volume ( Cargo mass x cargo volume x distance / energy ( Cargo mass x cargo volume x distance / energy consumed) consumed) Cargo Mass Volume by Energy Consumption 3000 Very high capacity cargo m 3 ton km/kWh 2500 High capacity 2000 Workhorse 1500 1000 500 0 MX3-vhc MX1-w MX2-w AU1-w ZA1-w ZA2-w BE1-w DK1-w DK2-w DK3-w EU1-w EU2-w EU3-w EU4-w UK1-w UK2-w UK3-w CA1-w CA2-w US1-w US2-w US3-w ZA3-hc ZA4-hc AU3-vhc CA4-vhc US6-vhc US7-vhc AU2-hc BE2-hc DK4-hc DK5-hc DE1-hc NL1-hc NL2-hc NL3-hc CA3-hc US4-hc US5-hc Vehicle Slide 8
cargo-tonne km /kg CO 2 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 0.00 5.00 AU1-w ZA1-w ZA2-w BE1-w DK1-w Workhorse DK2-w DK3-w EU1-w EU2-w EU3-w EU4-w CO 2 CO UK1-w Cargo Mass by CO 2 Emissions UK2-w UK3-w 2 emissions CA1-w emissions CA2-w MX1-w MX2-w Vehicle US1-w US2-w US3-w AU2-hc ZA3-hc High capacity ZA4-hc BE2-hc DK4-hc DK5-hc DE1-hc NL1-hc NL2-hc NL3-hc Very high capacity CA3-hc US4-hc US5-hc AU3-vhc CA4-vhc MX3-vhc Slide 9 US6-vhc US7-vhc
National Academies Medium and National Academies Medium and Heavy vehicle Fuel Consumption Heavy vehicle Fuel Consumption Committee Committee Technologies and Approaches to Reducing the Fuel Consumption of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles Slide 10
Study Components Study Components � Vehicle fundamentals, fuel consumption, and emissions � Review of current regulatory approaches for trucks and cars � Powertrain technologies for reducing load- specific fuel consumption � Vehicle technologies for reducing load- specific fuel consumption Slide 11
Study Components (continued) Study Components (continued) � Costs and benefits of integrating fuel consumption reduction technology into medium- and heavy-duty vehicles � Alternative approaches to reducing fuel consumption in medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles � Approaches to fuel economy and regulations Slide 12
Slide 13 Classification of the fleet Classification of the fleet
Slide 14 Energy balance at cruise Energy balance at cruise
Slide 15 Fuel Reduction Strategies Fuel Reduction Strategies
Slide 16 – 2020 Potential Fuel Saving 2020 Potential Fuel Saving 2015 – 2015
Metrics for fuel consumption Metrics for fuel consumption Guiding principles for metrics � Metrics should incentivize subcomponent and total vehicle development � Metrics should relate to the transport task or vehicle vocation � Metrics should encourage energy conservation for a given task Slide 17
Metrics for fuel consumption Metrics for fuel consumption Guiding principles for metrics (con’t) � Metric should be based on energy or fuel consumption – i.e. equivalent diesel gal/cargo ton-mile � Fuel type used will likely change over time � energy density varies with fuel type 18 Slide 18
Cube vs vs Mass Mass Cube 50/50 50/50 80,000 lbs 97,000 lbs Identical trailer volume Vehicle “A” Vehicle “B” Cargo capacity 48,000 lbs Cargo capacity 61,000 lbs Best suited for cargo Best suited for cargo weights weights 48,000 lbs or less greater than 48,000 lbs If the “mass” metric were applied, vehicle B would always outperform vehicle A – mass metrics (gal/ton mile) promote heavier vehicles Need a volume-based metric (gal/cargo ft 3 -mile) for low density freight vehicles that accounts for the value of cargo volume 19 Slide 19
Methods for certification and Methods for certification and compliance compliance � “Direct regulation” of fuel consumption is complicated and very challenging - (must avoid unintended consequences) � “Indirect methods” – fuel tax, speed limiters, liberalized size and weight It’s all about “transport efficiency” All of these options can contribute 20 Slide 20
Component method Component method Power unit governed by performance Distinct Energy System consuming Final stage integration elements manufacturer and analysis Power train Point of final Base vehicle Aerodynamics regulation assembly Tires Final fuel Optimized performance Standard integration evaluation performance evaluation 21 Slide 21
Presidential Memorandum Regarding Presidential Memorandum Regarding Fuel Efficiency Standards Fuel Efficiency Standards � Issued May 21, 2010 � requests EPA and NHTSA to begin work on a joint rulemaking under the Clean Air Act (CAA) and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 � Establish fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions standards for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles � beginning with model year 2014 � Final rule to be completed by July 30, 2011 Slide 22
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