offshore wind energy emerging legal challenges

Offshore Wind Energy: Emerging Legal Challenges Navigating Legal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Presenting a live 90 minute webinar with interactive Q&A Offshore Wind Energy: Emerging Legal Challenges Navigating Legal Requirements, Obtaining New Government Funding, and Lessons From Successful UK Wind Projects TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2011

  1. Presenting a live 90 ‐ minute webinar with interactive Q&A Offshore Wind Energy: Emerging Legal Challenges Navigating Legal Requirements, Obtaining New Government Funding, and Lessons From Successful UK Wind Projects TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2011 1pm Eastern | 12pm Central | 11am Mountain | 10am Pacific T d Today’s faculty features: ’ f l f Chris Hart, Offshore Wind Manager, United States Department of Energy , Washington, D.C. Kimberly Diamond, Counsel, Lowenstein Sandler , New Y ork Maria S carlett, Irish S ea Zone Development Manager, Centrica Renewable Energy Chris Elkinton, S enior Engineer, Garrad Hassan America , Portland, Ore. The audio portion of the conference may be accessed via the telephone or by using your computer's speakers. Please refer to the instructions emailed to registrants for additional information. If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-926-7926 ext. 10 .

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  5. Offshore Wind Christopher G. Hart, PhD, MBA Offshore Wind Manager R Research and Development h d D l t Wind and Water Power Program October 19, 2011 5 | Program Name or Ancillary Text

  6. Laying the Groundwork for an Emerging Industry • The National Strategy is a roadmap of our efforts a roadmap of our efforts and how DOE and DOI plan to advance a plan to advance a nascent offshore wind industry • DOE’s 2011 funded research is integral to securing a renewable energy future in the US f h 6 | Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

  7. DOE Offshore Wind History 2010 RFI receives 113 responses June Large ‐ Scale Offshore Wind Power in the United States “Creating an Offshore Wind Energy Industry in the US” Sept seminar series in Boston, Cleveland, and DC DOE and DOI jointly announce A National DOE and DOI jointly announce A National 2011 2011 Offshore Wind Strategy and three FOAs Feb “Rising Tide” US ‐ UK Symposium March Statement of Intent with the Province of Ontario June July DOE reviews FOA applications Sept DOE awards $50.5M for FOAs Oct DOE hosts FOA Recipient Kickoff Meeting 7 | Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

  8. DOE is a National Leader • Inform citizens and decision makers • Convene leaders and facilitate national and international information exchange • Support innovation partnerships to research, develop, demonstrate, and deploy unique technology solutions to offshore wind’s most challenging problems offshore wind s most challenging problems “DOE as a non regulatory agency is in a unique position to provide DOE, as a non-regulatory agency, is in a unique position to provide national leadership through collaborative partnerships with other federal agencies, the states, academia, and industry.” - National Offshore Wind Strategy National Offshore Wind Strategy 8 | Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

  9. Offshore Wind Innovation and Demonstration 54 GW at 7 c/kWh by 2030 10 GW at 10 c/kWh by 2020 /k h b Reduce Promote Responsible Cost of Energy gy Deployment p y Demonstrate Develop Remove Next Generation Innovative Market Barriers Technology Technology Technologies Technologies 9 | Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

  10. Funding Aligned with National Strategy Close data gaps Next Tension Leg Platform Demonstration needed for Generation efficient permitting; efficient permitting; Deep Water develop cost- Wind/Wave Hybrid Floating Platform competitive O&M Platform Prototype Launch strategies; g Designs g transmission and Demonstration interconnection Modeling and Data Analysis Support Modeling planning Data Collection D t C ll ti and Analysis $15.5M $ 10 | Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

  11. Funding Aligned with National Strategy Close data gaps Market and Economic Analysis Remove needed for Market efficient permitting; efficient permitting; Environmental Risk Reduction Barriers develop cost- competitive O&M Siting and strategies; g Permitting Permitting Manufacturing and Supply Chain Development Manufacturing and Supply Chain Development transmission and Infrastructure interconnection Resource planning Transmission Planning and Interconnection Studies Planning Planning Optimized Infrastructure and Operations $16 5M $16.5M Resource Characterization and Design Conditions 22 Awards 3 Years 3 Years Impact on Electronic Equipment Impact on Electronic Equipment 11 | Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

  12. MB 6.1 National MB 2.2 Innovative Offshore Resource and Avian and Bat Design Data Campaign Monitoring Technologies MB 6 2 Resource and MB 6.2 Resource and Design Conditions Measurement and Modeling MB 5.3 Market Barrier M k t B i Installation, Operation and Removal Projects Maintenance Strategies St ateg es MB 2.1 Mid ‐ Atlantic Ecological MB 4.2 Utility Baseline Studies & Modeling Interconnection & MB 7.0 Impact on Electronic Integration Case Studies Equipment in the Marine Environment MB 5.2 Optimized MB 4.1 National Vessels Assessment Off h Offshore Wind Grid Wi d G id Integration Study MB 5.1 MB 3.0 Manufacturing and Supply MB 3.0 Manufacturing and Supply Optimized Ports Optimized Ports MB 1.1 Annual Chain Development Assessment Market Assessment

  13. Funding Aligned with National Strategy Develop modeling Modeling and Analysis Design Tools Develop tools, optimized system designs, and y Innovative g , components Technologies Innovative System Design Studies necessary for long- Computational term R&D to reduce Tools Tools cost of offshore wind cost of offshore wind energy Turbine Design Innovative Component Development Marine Systems Engineering Engineering $26 5M $26.5M 19 Awards 5 Y 5 Years 13 | Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

  14. TD 1.1 Floating platform dynamics model TD 1.4 Coupled wind/wave simulation Technology gy models TD 3.0 TD 3.0 Advanced Development TD 1.5 Offshore rotors and wind plant array control systems simulation Projects j models TD 1.2 Surface ice impact models TD 1.3 mooring and anchoring dynamics TD 2.0 Offshore System Designs models

  15. Hubs of Expertise: A National Investment 15 | Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

  16. DOE’s RDD&D Portfolio The Sum is Greater than its Parts Commitment to National Strategy Efficient Research Investments Synergies Discovered Opportunities Executed A National Mobilization of Resources to Accelerate the Industry y 16 | Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

  17. Industry in Action Plant the seed with funding awards awards Facilitate research synergies Build hubs of expertise Capitalize on lessons learned in Europe Empower economic revitalization 54 GW by 2030 y 17 | Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

  18. Thank you Christopher G. Hart Offshore Wind Manager Offshore Wind Manager Wind and Water Power Program 18 | Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

  19. European Update and Lessons for the US Offshore wind m arket Offshore wind m arket M A R I A S C A R L E T T 8 N O V E M B E R , 2 0 11


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