Offshore Structures Oil Rigs Offshore Platforms Stationed Platform FPSO Wind Turbines Over bridges
Offshore Structure – Typical Layout Figure : Typical Corrosion rate of steel in offshore condition Atmospheric zone : Above splash zone, continuously exposed to air. Splash zone (0 – 5 m) : The zone alternately in and out of the water because of the tides, wind wave and waves Tidal zone (4 - 7 m) : Section between minimum low tide and maximum high tide. Submerged zone : The region below the tidal zone including sea water, sea bottom and buried mud zone.
Table: Offshore Corrosion rate in term of loss of thickness of steel per year. Zone Thickness loss per year ( microns) Immersion 100-175 Splash 200-400 Atmospheric 75-175
Splash Zone : Difficult To Protect Highly Corrosive Environment : Contributing factors Sea water salinity Dry & Wet spell High Humidity O 2 Concentration. Currently density of waves
Splash Zone – Difficult To Protect Erosion: High & continual wave wind action Temperature Fluctuation : Subzero to 35 – 40 ° C Abrasion : Drill pipes and coatings, boat landing etc.
COATING SELECTION FOR OFFSHORE STRUCTURE Resistant towards Offshore Corrosive Environment ( The main environmental factors that affect the coating property are temperature extremes and thermal cycling, relative humidity, wet/dry cycling, PH extremes, Ultra Violet exposure, marine organism etc) Compatible With Substrate and Surface Preparation Compatible With Cathodic Protection Compliance With Regulatory Requirements (a coating system must not have any chemicals or pigment in its formulation that is banned to be used in offshore.) Cost
Splash Zone Any coating used must be quite rugged and also quite resistant to aggressive environment. Since the part is exposed to dry and wet cycle, partially coated surface can be exposed to sea water imparting high level of chlorides and wetness to the intermediate coat. Coating system therefore can be that which can be preferably applied in a single coat for higher thickness and should have low curing time so that it cures fully before the wet spell attacks the member.
Surface tolerant epoxies with thickness of around 400 microns. Glass flake reinforced polyesters of around 750-1000 microns Glass flake reinforced epoxy with total DFT of 800-1000 microns Ultra-high build epoxies with total DFT of 2000-3000 microns Thermal spray metallic coatings Bituminus wrappings from which the wrapping material usually is glass fibre. Befrore wrapping the steel is coated with a coaltar of bituminus primer.
Glass Flake Polyester Coatings Isopthalic Based Polyester Coating 100% Solventless System Can be applied at 90% RH Applied on Sa2½ Blasted Surface Applied by Airless Spray for 800 um in one single coat. High Curing time. Both Surface preparation and application of coating can be finished in Low tide to High tide duration.
Advantage of this system Good tough & highly corrosion resistant. Can be applied in single coat to a thickness more than 800-1000 m. Cures in less than 20 minutes in normal temperature of 30 o C. Can be coated in 90% RH Has impact and abrasion resistance Has UV and weathering resistance
Seashied CLEANING The area to be protected must be cleaned and be free from: Marine growth, Loosely adhering coating, Rust, Tight rust laminates This may be achieved by using: Hand tools such as wire brushes, scrapers, etc Air or hydraulically driven tools High pressure water jetting Wet abrasive blast cleaning PRIMING THE SURFACE All areas of exposed steel or concrete pile should be examined after cleaning. If the steel surface is pitted and the pits are more than 2mm in depth the surface should be primed with Prempaste S105. Application can be achieved by gloved hand or by roller for larger areas.
Before After
Performance of Jacketed Seashield After 21/2 year After 6 years After 3 years
Protective coating System for Submerged Zone Coating and Cathodic Protection. Initially for such a system coal tar epoxy was applied on a Sa21/2 prepared surface up to DFT of 400 m It has now been changed to epoxy system.
Coating system must have the tendency to displace the water from surface and adhere to it. One of the viable solution in maintenance coating is to apply amine adduct epoxy system with DFT of around 600 microns in two coats using good roller brush after removal of all marine growth and blasting the surface to get a minimum profile of 50- 75 microns. However, still underwater system are not giving desired service life and hence further development is required to achieve better properties when applied underwater.
Epoxy Diamine reaction Epoxy adhesion: Strong polar bond formation with surface in contact. Dry Surface: Polar bond displaces air Under water: Polar bond displaces water from the surface Hydrophobic hardeners preferred: Phenalkamines and Polyamides. Solventless (100% solids coatings) : Underwater curing No water miscible components No air or solvents required for curing process
Running Underwater Curing Products Product Alocit 28.15 Epoxy Euronavy Chemco RA Scubapox Chugoku coating ES323 500 1715 Manufacturer Alocit Systems Euronavy ChemCO Scubapox Chugoku Marine Paints Colour Grey, White, white Grey, Yellow Grey Blue, Grey, black Black Mix Ratio 5:1 5:1 4:1 1:1 50:50:3 Coverage (250 1.35 m 2 6.5 m 2 5.7-6.3 m 2 6.66 m 2 0.60 l/m 2 mils) Curing Touch dry – 4 Touch Dry – Touch dry -4 hard dry-15 Hard dry - 7.5 Schedule hours, 24 hours hrs hours- hours (32 0 C) Full cure – 7 days Full cure – 7 days Application Airless Spray, Power Roller, Airless Spray Brush , Spatula , Method Brush, Roller Brush Trowel, Trowel Spatula DFT 220 microns 200 microns Min. 250 300 -600 600 microns application per coat microns microns thickness
WHY TO MODIFY CURING AGENTS? Curing agents are modified for a number of reasons. Some of these are: • To lower viscosity, • To increase compatibility with the resins, • To increase the rate of cure, • To get desirable pot life • To minimize migration to the surface • To avoid or minimize formation of carbamates or bicarbonates (blushing), • To increase toughness or plasticity. For this amines are modified as : • Amine adducts with epoxies • Ketimines • Mannich bases etc
UNDERWATER COATING Specification Key Performance Paramete rs Underwater curing Surface tolerance properties Diver applying coating underwater Environmental friendly Edge retention Fill surface irregularities Edge retention
MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES Diesel Tank below Helideck – Prior to Painting Diesel Tank below Helideck – After Painting
MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES Main deck to Cellar deck ladder – Prior to Painting Main deck to Cellar deck ladder – After Painting
MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES Underside Cellar deck – Prior to Painting Underside Cellar deck – After Painting
MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES Conductors from Cellar deck to Spider deck – Prior to Painting Conductors from Cellar deck to Spider deck – After Painting
MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES Spider deck / Splash Zone / MSL Zone – Prior to Painting Spider deck / Splash zone / MSL zone – After Painting
MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES Unmanned Platform – After Painting Helideck Underside – After Painting
MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES Group Headers – Prior to Painting Group Headers – After Painting
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