Offshore Wind Energy – The Installation Challenge Prof. Dr. Martin Skiba Director Wind Energy Offshore RWE Innogy GmbH Nomura Offshore Wind Seminar London, 22 January 2010
Which steps have to be taken to construct an offshore windfarm? Example of Rhyl Flats offshore wind farm 2002: Jun - Sept 2007, May - Jul 2008: Aug - Nov 2008: Apr - Oct 2009: Apr - Oct 2008: Met Mast Scour Protection Installation of Export Turbine Installation (preparing seabed foundations Cable Laying Installation for installation) Inter array cable laying RWE Innogy | Nomura Offshore Wind Seminar 22 January 2010 PAGE 2
Getting to the point: What are the major challenges in offshore installation? 1. Ensuring health & safety of workforce 2. Construction process is exposed to demanding weather conditions 3. All key components have to be installed in large numbers in deep water and high altitude… 4. …and carry a substantial individual weight 5. Availability and design of installation vessels crucial, but currently do not meet market requirements RWE Innogy | Nomura Offshore Wind Seminar 22 January 2010 PAGE 3
Challenge Health & Safety: Safety of paramount importance for success Major offshore incidents in UK (RIDDOR reportable) 1) Offshore installation works combine three extremely challenging types of work: > work at sea > work at great heights > heavy lifting works RWE Innogy approach: > Strict health and safety procedures > Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) group of professionals looking after RWE Innogy staff and our subcontractors > Head of HSE with 35 years of offshore experience 1) Source: Offshore injury, ill health and incident statistics 2007/2008, Health & Safety Executive Hazardous Installations Directorate Offshore Division, UK RWE Innogy | Nomura Offshore Wind Seminar 22 January 2010 PAGE 4
Challenge Weather: Weather changes carry significant financial risk exposure Average days with good weather 1 > Winter months offer a significantly lower number of 30 days with adequate conditions and seriously impede 25 installation works 20 > This makes installation works extremely time critical 15 > Bad weather can significantly 10 delay the entire project 5 > Delays do not only result in 0 increased installation costs, l y r but also in foregone revenues y y h y e t r r r i s e e e r l e r r c a n u p u a a b b b b r M u J A o u u a g m m m J from power generation M u n r t b e c e e a A O e t v c J p o e F e D N S 1 12 hours installation windows per month at 1.5 m significant wave height and maximum wind speed of 10 m/s, statistical values for German North Sea RWE Innogy | Nomura Offshore Wind Seminar 22 January 2010 PAGE 5
Challenge Component Weight: Deepwater installations require giant component dimensions Gravity Foundations Monopiles weight: ca. 2,500 t height: ca. 60 m material: concrete turbines: 5/6 MW Jackets weight: ca. 1,000 t weight: ca. 250 t plus height: transition piece ca. 180 t ca. 60 m height: ca. 30 m material: material: steel steel turbine: 3.6 MW turbines: 5/6 MW RWE Innogy | Nomura Offshore Wind Seminar 22 January 2010 PAGE 6
Challenge Component Weight: Turbines are getting larger and heavier > The REpower 5M Facts: • weight: - nacelle: 320 t - rotor: 130 t • hub height: 100 m • rotor diameter: 126 m Rotor diameter Hub height 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2008 Nominal capacity 30 kW 80 kW 250 kW 600 kW 1,500 kW 3,000 kW 6,000 kW Rotor diameter 15 m 20 m 30 m 46 m 70 m 90 m 126 m Hub height 30 m 40 m 50 m 78 m 100 m 105 m 135 m Source: Bundesverband Windenergie, BTM Consult – World Market Update 2008 (March 2009). RWE Innogy | Nomura Offshore Wind Seminar 22 January 2010 PAGE 7
Challenge Component Logistics: Large number of turbines and foundations RWE Innogy project pipeline: RWE Innogy’s Offshore Wind Projects � 0.76 GW installed by 2013 Inch Cape � Project pipeline of 9.7 GW (pro rata) and Dogger Bank 6.4 GW (accounting view) as of Triton Knoll December 2009, incl. UK Round 3 � Critical mass reached to contemplate Nordsee Ost North Hoyle alternative logistic supply strategy Innogy Nordsee 1 Gwynt y Môr Example Gwynt y Môr: 576 MW capacity, 160 turbines Rhyl Flats Tromp Binnen Bristol Channel Thornton Bank Greater Gabbard Projects in operation or under construction Projects consented or in development RWE Innogy | Nomura Offshore Wind Seminar 22 January 2010 PAGE 8
Challenge Installation Vessels: 1) Availability of vessels is extremely limited Operating Company A2Sea MPI Siemens Smit Jack Up Barge BV Vessel name Sea Worker Sea Jack Resolution Titan 2 Lisa JB114/JB115 Vessel dimensions 55 x 32 m 91 x 33 m 130 x 38 m 54 x 34 m 73 x 40 m 55 x 32 m Max. turbine size (Crane) 3.6 MW 5-6 MW 3.6 MW 3.6 MW 3.6 MW <5.0 MW Max. depth (Jack up system) 40 m 35 m 35 m >40 m 33 m 40 m Dong Dong Centrica A2Sea – Sea Worker Smit – Lisa Jack-Up Barge BV – JB114 A2Sea – Sea Jack MPI – Resolution Siemens – Titan 2 Market after A2Sea deal: > A2Sea, the company with the most expertise, assets and manpower, is no longer available. It built 60% of operational offshore wind farms, and was bought by DONG > 40% of market assets are no longer available RWE Innogy | Nomura Offshore Wind Seminar 22 January 2010 PAGE 9
Challenge Installation Vessels: 2) Design of existing vessels does not meet offshore needs 50 m Future Offshore 45 m Wind Farms 40 m Dong RWE Innogy Existing 35 m Offshore Centrica Dong Water depth Wind Farms 30 m 25 m 20 m 15 m 10 m 5 m m 0.0 MW 1.0 MW 2.0 MW 3.0 MW 4.0 MW 5.0 MW 6.0 MW Turbine size Maximum conditions for current installation vessels Offshore wind projects (online or under construction) RWE Offshore wind projects (online or under construction) Planned RWE Offshore wind projects RWE Innogy | Nomura Offshore Wind Seminar 22 January 2010 PAGE 10
Our approach: In the end it comes down to perfect project organisation, logistics and own vessels Seabreeze Programme: > Construction of 2 self propelled Jack-Up vessels > Specially designed for turbines in the 5 to 6 MW class… > and deepwater environment: possibility to be used in water depth > 45 meters (using leg extensions) > Less exposed to weather conditions RWE Innogy | Nomura Offshore Wind Seminar 22 January 2010 PAGE 11
Back-up RWE Innogy | Nomura Offshore Wind Seminar 22 January 2010 PAGE 12
Focus on wind, hydro and biomass while also supporting new technologies RWE Innogy Overview > Established in February 2008 > Bundling renewables activities and competencies across RWE Group – Focus on capacity growth in commercially mature renewable technologies, i.e. wind, biomass and hydro – Research & Development and Venture Capital to drive the development of emerging technologies, e.g. solar, geothermal, marine > European focus > Asset portfolio of 2.1 GW capacity in operation and 0.5 GW under construction mainly located in United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Italy and France (Accounting view + PPA as at Q3 2009) > Project pipeline of 18.9 GW capacity of wind, hydro and biomass (Accounting view + PPA as at Q3 2009) Business Wind Onshore Wind Offshore Hydro Biomass New Applications Area Focus and Key technology for Key technology for Run-of-river projects Development of biomass Driving innovative Strategy capacity growth capacity growth and storage plants plants renewable technologies towards commercial Focus on organic growth Organic growth strategy Development of hydro Regional focus on RWE stage through Venture leveraging strong power projects core markets and Focus markets include Capital and R&D and position in UK Central- and South- Germany, UK, Spain, Focus areas are South- proving large scale Eastern Europe Italy, Netherlands, Focus markets include Eastern Europe and commercial feasibility by France and Central- and UK, Germany and Turkey operating demonstration South-Eastern Europe Netherlands plants RWE Innogy | Nomura Offshore Wind Seminar 22 January 2010 PAGE 13
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