off chain

Off-chain Tejaswi Nadahalli ETH Zurich Distributed Computing Group - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Off-chain Tejaswi Nadahalli ETH Zurich Distributed Computing Group ETH Zurich Distributed Computing Layer-1 Blockchains have low throughput Bitcoin ~ 7 tps Ethereum ~ 15 tps Off-chain Hubs

  1. Off-chain Tejaswi Nadahalli ETH Zurich – Distributed Computing Group – ETH Zurich – Distributed Computing –

  2. Layer-1 Blockchains have low throughput Bitcoin ~ 7 tps Ethereum ~ 15 tps

  3. Off-chain Hubs Channels Layer 1.5 Layer 2 Layer 2 State Channels ZK Rollups Nocust Plasma Lightning Network Optimistic Rollups

  4. Layer-2: Payment channels • Bitcoin - constrained smart contracts Payment Channels (and Networks) • Duplex Micropayment Channels (ETH contribution) • Lightning Channels • Eltoo Channels (ETH alumni)

  5. Lighting Network ~3000 nodes, ~30000 channels, ~843 BTC

  6. Lighting Network in Production • BOLT - a specification for the Lightning Network ( • Implementations – LND (golang) – C-Lightning (C) – Eclair (Scala)

  7. Bitcoin Primitives • UTXO - Unspent Transaction Output • Cryptographic Hash Function • Timelocks Hashed Timelocked Contracts

  8. Alice ⇒ Carol • Alice open a channel to any other node, say Bob. • Carol gives Alice an invoice • Alice pays Carol through Bob and the Network stick figures: XKCD

  9. Chained Payments H(s) (hash of a secret) H(s) H(s) H(s) HTLC s s HTLC stick figures: XKCD

  10. Lightning Channels

  11. Lightning Channels Bitcoin Transactions - 010000000111744 … ..b0488ac00000000 • Opening/Funding Transaction • Commitment Transaction(s) • Bilateral Closure • Delivery • Revocable Delivery • Breach Remedy

  12. Lightning Channels (the good) • (Once) Opening/Funding Transaction ($$$$) • (Many) Commitment Transaction(s) ($) • (Once) Bilateral Closure ($$$$) • Delivery • Revocable Delivery • Breach Remedy

  13. Lightning Channels (the bad) • (Once) Opening/Funding Transaction ($$$$) • (Many) Commitment Transaction(s) + Unilateral Closure ($) ($$$$) • Bilateral Closure • (Once) Delivery ($$$$) • (Once) Revocable Delivery ($$$$) • Breach Remedy

  14. Lightning Channels (the ugly) • (Once) Opening/Funding Transaction • (Many) Commitment Transaction(s) + Cheating transaction ($) ($$$$) • Bilateral Closure • (Once) Delivery ($$$$) • Revocable Delivery • (Once) Breach Remedy ($$$$)

  15. Lightning Channel UTXO_a UTXO controlled by Alice UTXO_a UTXO_b topen topen Opening Transaction UTXO_ab UTXO_ab UTXO controlled by Alice and Bob Commitment Transaction broadcastable ctx_a ctx_b ctx_a by Alice (a+t) (b+t) (a+t) Alice UTXO controlled by Alice and a timelock Bob OR OR OR OR Bob with a secret (b+s b ) (a+s a ) (b+s b ) UTXO_b UTXO_a

  16. Lightning Channel Bilateral Closure UTXO_a UTXO_b UTXO_ab topen closure UTXO_ab UTXO_a UTXO_b ctx_a ctx_b (a+t) (b+t) OR OR (b+s b ) (a+s a ) UTXO_b UTXO_a

  17. Lightning Channel Unilateral Closure UTXO_a UTXO_b UTXO_ab topen ctx_a current (a+t) UTXO_ab OR UTXO_b (b+s b ) after time “t” ctx_a ctx_b sweep_a (a+t) (b+t) OR OR UTXO_a (b+s b ) (a+s a ) UTXO_b UTXO_a

  18. Lightning Channel Cheating Closure UTXO_a UTXO_b UTXO_ab topen ctx_a previous (a+t) UTXO_ab OR UTXO_b (b+s b ) after time “t” ctx_a ctx_b sweep_a (a+t) (b+t) OR OR UTXO_a (b+s b ) (a+s a ) UTXO_b UTXO_a

  19. Lightning Channel Justice Transaction UTXO_a UTXO_b UTXO_ab topen ctx_a previous (a+t) UTXO_ab OR UTXO_b (b+s b ) ctx_a ctx_b s b + sweep_b (a+t) (b+t) OR OR UTXO_b (b+s b ) (a+s a ) UTXO_b UTXO_a

  20. Code # To remote node with revocation key OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(SHA256(revocationpubkey))> OP_EQUAL OP_IF OP_CHECKSIG OP_ELSE <remote_htlcpubkey> OP_SWAP OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUAL OP_NOTIF # To local node via HTLC-timeout transaction (timelocked). OP_DROP 2 OP_SWAP <local_htlcpubkey> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG OP_ELSE # To remote node with secret. OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(payment_hash)> OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG OP_ENDIF OP_ENDIF

  21. Offline … Watchtower

  22. Watchtower Open Close stick figures: XKCD

  23. Justice Kit (a+t) ctx_a previous OR (b+s b ) b’s mirror s b + sweep_b UTXO_b ctx_a_TXID_suffix AES-128 eJTX ctx_a_TXID_prefix ( 🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓 )

  24. Watchtower 🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓 e3b0c44298... 🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓 6e340b9cff... 🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓 96a296d224... 🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓 709e80c884... 🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓 df3f619804... 🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓🔓 8855508aad... ... ... ... ... ... ...

  25. How much does it cost? (Size of Encrypted Blob + Size of Key) (350 + 32) X Number of Updates (1M) X Number of Channels (30000) = 11 TB (always online server, watching the blockchain)

  26. Observations Cheater has to store cheating CTX(s) Every CTX has a corresponding JTX CTX has to be published on the blockchain Store the corresponding JTX inside this CTX?

  27. Can we store JTX inside CTX? UTXO_ab ctx_a previous (a+t) (a+t) OR UTXO_b OR (b+s b ) (b+s b ) s b + sweep_b b s b + sweep_b UTXO_b UTXO_b OP_RETURN

  28. TXID UTXO_ab ctx_a previous (a+t) (a+t) OR UTXO_b OR (b+s b ) (b+s b ) double - SHA256 b s b + sweep_b UTXO_b TXID OP_RETURN

  29. TXID makes it self-referential UTXO_ab ctx_a previous (a+t) (a+t) OR UTXO_b OR (b+s b ) (b+s b ) double - SHA256 b s b + sweep_b UTXO_b TXID OP_RETURN

  30. Outpost

  31. Outpost UTXO_a UTXO_b topen UTXO_ab ctx 1 _a UTXO_ab (balance) b’s mirror UTXO_b UTXO_ab ( ε )

  32. Outpost Justice Transaction UTXO_a UTXO_b UTXO_ab topen (balance_a) UTXO_ab jtx_b ctx 1 _a UTXO_b UTXO_ab (balance_a) b’s mirror UTXO_b UTXO_ab ( ε )

  33. Outpost Encrypted Justice Transaction UTXO_a UTXO_b UTXO_ab topen (balance_a) UTXO_ab b’s mirror jtx_b UTXO_b ctx 1 _a UTXO_ab (balance_a) AES-128 b’s mirror UTXO_b eJTX UTXO_ab ( ε )

  34. Outpost Auxiliary Transaction UTXO_ab UTXO_a UTXO_b ( ε ) topen aux_ctx_a UTXO_ab UTXO_ab ( ε ) ctx 1 _a UTXO_ab OP_RETURN (balance_a) eJTX b’s mirror UTXO_b eJTX UTXO_ab ( ε )

  35. Outpost Commitment Transaction-2 UTXO UTXO_ab UTXO_a UTXO_b after time “t” ( ε ) (balance_a) topen UTXO_ab ctx 2 _a UTXO_ab ( ε ) ctx 1 _a aux_ctx_a UTXO_a UTXO_ab (balance_a) UTXO_ab ( ε ) b’s mirror UTXO_b OP_RETURN UTXO_ab eJTX ( ε )

  36. The money slide Classic Lightning Per channel, with N updates 30k channels, 1M updates Known Channel N·size(ejtx) + 1·size(txid) 10.00 TB Unknown Channel N·size(ejtx) + N·size(txid)) 11.45 TB Outpost Known Channel size(key) + size(txid) 1.44 MB (WTF) Unknown Channel N·size(key) + N·size(txid) 1.44 TB Note: size(key) << size(ejtx) i.e. 16 << 350

  37. Outpost keeps Lightning’s key features Unilateral closure: broadcaster has to wait ● ○ Not cheating ○ Cheating Exchange revocation keys vs. AES-128 decryption keys ●

  38. Limitations OP_RETURN limited to 80 bytes. ● IsStandard ಠ _ ಠ ○ ○ Split aux_ctx into 2; P2SH Data-hash across them Bloat ● ○ Not on the blockchain (happy case) ○ On the blockchain, 3 txns vs 1 txn But ● ○ No changes to Bitcoin, whatsoever.

  39. Off-chain Hubs Channels Layer 1.5 Layer 2 Layer 2 State Channels (network limit) Nocust Plasma ZK Rollups (network (Network (2000) Lightning limit) limit) Network (network limit) Optimistic Rollups (500)


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