of the kwazulu natal provincial growth and development


PROGRESS REPORT WITH IMPLEMENTATION OF THE KWAZULU-NATAL PROVINCIAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Are we getting there? GOAL Presentation to PwC Stakeholder Breakfast 06 July 2018 Status as on 31 March 2018, assessed against 2020 targets

  1. PROGRESS REPORT WITH IMPLEMENTATION OF THE KWAZULU-NATAL PROVINCIAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Are we getting there? GOAL Presentation to PwC Stakeholder Breakfast 06 July 2018 Status as on 31 March 2018, assessed against 2020 targets set in the 2018 PGDP

  2. PGDS 2016 A RESPONSE TO ADJUST THE GROWTH PATH OF KWAZULU-NATAL, BASED ON THE CURRENT SITUATION ALIGNMENT TO NDP AND MTSF 2 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  3. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK AND ORGANISATIONS 3 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  4. THE KZN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY Goal STRATEGIC GOALS Indicators and INCLUS LUSIV IVE ECONOMIC IC 1 Strategic GROWTH Objective KwaZulu-Natal HUMAN RESOURCE E Indicators 2 will be a DEVELOPMENT prosperous Province with a Each with 5 HUMAN AND 3 healthy, secure COMMUNIT ITY year Targets 31 and skilled DEVELOPMENT population, living in dignity and Progress 4 STRATEG TEGIC IC harmony, acting INFRASTR STRUCT UCTUR URE reported to as a gateway to Africa and the Lekgotla STRATEGIC ENVIR IRONMENTAL TAL 5 World OBJECTIVES Bi Annually, SUSTAIN INABILI ILITY TY to Executive GOVERNANCE CE 6 Council AND POLICY CY Clusters Quarterly 7 SPATIAL IAL EQUITY TY 4 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  5. 2016 PGDS STRATEGIC GOALS and OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC GOAL No STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2016 1.1 Develop and promote the agricultural potential of KZN 1.2 Enhance sectoral development through trade investment and business retention 1 INCLUSIVE 1.3 Enhance spatial economic development ECONOMIC 1.4 Improve the efficiency, innovation and variety of government-led GROWTH job creation programmes 1.5 Promote SMME and entrepreneurial development 1.6 Enhance the Knowledge Economy 2 2.1 Improve early childhood development, primary and secondary education HUMAN 2.2 Support skills development to economic growth RESOURCE 2.3 Enhance youth and adult skills development and life-long learning DEVELOPMENT 3.1 Eradicate poverty and improve social welfare services 3.2 Enhance health of communities and citizens 3 3.3 Safeguard and enhance sustainable livelihoods and food security HUMAN AND 3.4 Promote sustainable human settlements COMMUNITY 3.5 Enhance safety and security DEVELOPMENT 3.6 Advance social cohesion and social capital 3.7 Promote youth, gender and disability advocacy and the advancement of women 5 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  6. 2016 PGDS STRATEGIC GOALS and OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC GOAL No STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2016 4.1 Development of seaports and airports 4.2 Develop road and rail networks 4 4.3 Develop ICT infrastructure STRATEGIC 4.4 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all INFRASTRUCTURE 4.5 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all 4.6 Enhance KZN waste management capacity 5 5.1 Enhance resilience of ecosystem services ENVIRONMENTAL 5.2 Expand the application of green technologies SUSTAINABILITY 5.3 Adapt and respond climate change 6.1 Strengthen policy, strategy coordination and IGR 6 6.2 Build government capacity GOVERNANCE AND 6.3 Eradicate fraud and corruption POLICY 6.4 Promote participative, facilitative and accountable governance 7.1 Enhance the resilience of new and existing cities, towns and rural nodes, 7 ensuring equitable access to resources, social and economic opportunities SPATIAL EQUITY Ensure integrated land management use across the Province, ensuring 7.2 equitable access to goods and services, attracting social and financial investment 6 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  7. Cascading from Vision to Project Vision 2035 7 PGDS Goals with Goal Indicators 31 Strategic Objectives with Objective Indicators and targets for 2020/25/30/35 Interventions to drive the indicators and achieve the targets Catalytic Projects supporting objectives, goals and vision at scale List of Catalytic Projects updated Quarterly and Progress Reports submitted to Provincial Cabinet Clusters 7 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  8. ALIGNMENT OF PLANS A RESPONSE TO ADJUST THE GROWTH PATH OF KWAZULU-NATAL, BASED ON THE CURRENT SITUATION ALIGNMENT TO NDP AND MTSF 8 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  9. REMAIN ALIGNED WITH CLEAR LINE OF SIGHT Global National Provincial Local Continental WARD BASED PLANS African Sustainable Metro NDP MTSF PGDS PGDP IDPs Development Union GDP/ Goals Agenda 2063 DGDP 20 year 5 year 20 Year 20 Year 20 Year 5Year Year >20 Year 1/5 Year vision, targets, 5 year annual reviews review Provincial Departments 1 1 Year Year 5Year Annual Strategic Performance Plan Plan 9 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  10. Directing Operational Plans and Performance Agreements National Development Plan & MTSF Provincial Development Plan Direct Line of Sight Departmental 5 Year Strategic Plan Departmental APP Departmental Operational Plan Procurement Performance Plan Agreement 10 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  11. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK : ACTION WORK GROUPS 31 Strategic • Objectives assigned Dept4 Municipality to 18 PGDP Action Work Groups (AWG); Dept 3 Business Each AWG has a • dedicated convenor Dept 2 Labour and an Inter- departmental AWG support team; Dept 1 NGO’s All Executive Council • Clusters have a revised Agenda with AWG Progress Reports as a Integrated Action and standing item; Service Delivery 11 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  12. PGDP REPORTING FRAMEWORK PROVINCIAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL ESID SPCHD G&A JCPS CLUSTER CLUSTER CLUSTER CLUSTER AWG 9 AWG 1 AWG 2 AWG 6 AWG 17 AWG 3 AWG 4 AWG 7 AWG 18 AWG 5 AWG 12 AWG 8 AWG 13 AWG 14 AWG 10 AWG 15 AWG 16 AWG 11 12 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  13. www.kznppc.gov.za 13 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  14. MEASURING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVINCIAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PGDP) Progress reported on Goal Indicators A performance dashboard has been used to gauge and Strategic performance based on the 2015 baseline and Objective Indicators progress towards the 2020 PGDP Targets and achievement LIKELY reported by Action DOUBTFUL Work Groups up to UNLIKELY December 2017 This report is not measuring and reporting on programmes and interventions by a single Department but is a measurement of the collective contribution of government and non-government partners working together. 1 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World” 4

  15. STATUS PER GOAL AND KEY OBSERVATIONS 15 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  16. STATUS PER GOAL GOAL 1 INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH GOAL 16 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  17. Goal 1 : Inclusive Economic Growth August Baseline Baseline Targets Current GOAL INDICATORS 2017 vs 2010 2015 2020 Status Feb 2018 Total output value of all sectors 1%: R 514 163m within the provincial economy R433 846m R489 208m 3%: R567 126m R498 006 (Constant, 2010 R Value) 6%: R654 670 m Total employment in all sectors L: 2 640 000 within the provincial economy 2 340 000 2 497 000 M: 2 713 000 2 536 000 Growth Scenarios H: 2 810 000 Low=1%, Medium=3%, High=6% GDP per capita within the provincial L: R 46 091 economy R28 110 R44 512 R44 626 M: R 48 290 Growth Scenarios H: R 50 954 Low=1%; Medium=3%; High=6% Narrow = Narrow = Annual unemployment rate 24.0% 20% (Narrow) (Narrow) (narrow) for KZN 19.65 21.47 Broad = Broad = 41.0% Annual unemployment rate (broad) 38 %( Broad) for KZN 36.62 39.14 (Broad) 17 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”


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