kwazulu natal

KwaZulu-Natal By 2035 KwaZulu-Natal will be a prosperous Province - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

KwaZulu-Natal By 2035 KwaZulu-Natal will be a prosperous Province with a healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway to Africa and the World. Presentation to Provincial Treasury Guideline Workshop:

  1. KwaZulu-Natal By 2035 KwaZulu-Natal will be a prosperous Province with a healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway to Africa and the World. Presentation to Provincial Treasury Guideline Workshop: “KZN PROVINCIAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY AND PLAN – ARE WE GETTING THERE” 07 June 2018 1 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  2. OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION 1. KZN in Context; 2. The KZN PGDS/P as Master Plan for KZN; 3. Progress towards Vision 2035; 4. Catalytic Projects; 5. KZN Citizen Satisfaction Survey 2018. One Province – One Plan – One Future 2 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  3. 1. KZN IN CONTEXT 3 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  4. KWAZULU-NATAL POPULATION KZN POPULATION 2002 /2006/2011/ 2016 (‘000) 2002 2006 2011 2016 10807 10237 9715 9326 Source: Stats SA Latest population projections by Stats SA: • KZN Population 11 074 800 in 2017; • Represents 19.6% of SA population 4 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  5. KWAZULU-NATAL POPULATION KZN population affected by outward migration 5 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  6. POPULATION OF TOP FOUR PROVINCES K Z N 16000 13543 14000 10807 12000 10000 6731 6362 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Gauteng KZN EC WC 6 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  7. NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS IN KZN GROWTH OF HOUSEHOLDS FROM 2002 – 2016 IN KZN (‘000) 3000 2831 2428 2500 2101 1902 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2002 2006 2011 2016 7 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  8. SOURCES OF INCOME KZN, EC,WC AND GAUTENG Sources of income, 2016 Stats SA (%) 90 76.7 80 74.8 70 62.7 59.1 60 53.9 51.6 50 39 40 31.7 30 23.7 23.7 17.1 17.0 17.0 20 12.3 12.3 11.5 11.8 9.9 9.6 6.7 10 0 KZN GP EC WC Salary Grants Income from a business Remittance Pension EC & KZN have highest no of people who are dependent on the state grants 8 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  9. TRADE AND INVESTMENT OUTLOOK FOR RSA At the time of drafting the first version of the PGDS in 2011, the forecast was for the South African economy to grow between 5% GOAL and 6% 9 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  10. 2. THE KZN PGDS/P AS MASTER PLAN FOR KZN NOW FOCUSSING ON VISION 2035 10 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  11. REMAIN ALIGNED WITH CLEAR LINE OF SIGHT SDGs SDGs WARD BASED PLANS 11 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway to Africa and the World”

  12. PGDS 2016 STRATEGIC GOALS INCLUS LUSIV IVE 1 ECONOMIC IC GROWTH 2 HUMAN RESOURCE CE DEVELOPMENT KwaZulu-Natal will HUMAN AND 3 be a prosperous COMMUNIT ITY Province with a DEVELOPMENT healthy, secure 31 4 STRATEG TEGIC IC and skilled INFRASTR STRUCT UCTUR URE population, living in dignity and 5 ENVIR IRONMENTAL TAL harmony, acting STRATEGIC SUSTAIN INABILI ILITY TY as a gateway to OBJECTIVES Africa and the 6 GOVERNANCE CE AND World POLICY CY 7 SPATIAL IAL EQUITY TY 12 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  13. 2016 PGDS STRATEGIC GOALS and OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC No STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2016 GOAL 1.1 Develop and promote the agricultural potential of KZN 1.2 Enhance sectoral development through trade investment and business retention 1 1.3 Enhance spatial economic development INCLUSIVE 1.4 Improve the efficiency, innovation and variety of government-led ECONOMIC job creation programmes GROWTH 1.5 Promote SMME and entrepreneurial development 1.6 Enhance the Knowledge Economy 2.1 Improve early childhood development, primary and 2 secondary education HUMAN 2.2 Support skills development to economic growth RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 2.3 Enhance youth and adult skills development and life-long learning 3.1 Eradicate poverty and improve social welfare services 3.2 Enhance health of communities and citizens 3 3.3 Safeguard and enhance sustainable livelihoods and food security HUMAN AND 3.4 Promote sustainable human settlements COMMUNITY 3.5 Enhance safety and security DEVELOPMENT 3.6 Advance social cohesion and social capital 3.7 Promote youth, gender and disability advocacy and the advancement of women 13 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  14. 2016 PGDS STRATEGIC GOALS and OBJECTIVES STRATEGIC GOAL No STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2016 4.1 Development of seaports and airports 4.2 Develop road and rail networks 4 4.3 Develop ICT infrastructure STRATEGIC 4.4 Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all INFRASTRUCTURE 4.5 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all 4.6 Enhance KZN waste management capacity 5 5.1 Enhance resilience of ecosystem services ENVIRONMENTAL 5.2 Expand the application of green technologies SUSTAINABILITY 5.3 Adapt and respond climate change 6.1 Strengthen policy, strategy coordination and IGR 6 6.2 Build government capacity GOVERNANCE AND 6.3 Eradicate fraud and corruption POLICY 6.4 Promote participative, facilitative and accountable governance 7.1 Enhance the resilience of new and existing cities, towns and rural nodes, 7 ensuring equitable access to resources, social and economic opportunities SPATIAL EQUITY Ensure integrated land management use across the Province, ensuring 7.2 equitable access to goods and services, attracting social and financial investment 14 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  15. PROVINCIAL SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK IT IS NOT ONLY ABOUT WHAT, BUT ALSO ABOUT WHERE 15 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”


  17. KZN SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK 17 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  18. Focus on growing the Focus on areas of providing highest access to growth services in potential the areas of and highest leverage social need. private sector investment. 18 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  19. KZN NODES 19 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  20. 3. PROGRESS TOWARDS VISION 2035 INDICATORS, TARGETS, INTERVENTIONS AND CURRENT PERFORMANCE 20 “ KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”

  21. STATUS PER GOAL GOAL 1 INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH GOAL 21 “KZN as a prosperous Province with healthy, secure and skilled population, living in dignity and harmony, acting as a gateway between Africa and the World”


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